The October GEM included a substantial listing of engine
manufacturers beginning on page 11. This list, taken from a 1928
issue of the Farm Implement News Buyer’s Guide, is
characteristic of the material we gleaned during our research of
American Gasoline Engines Since 1872. As the Editor of the
Reflections column, we make constant use of the
Buyer’s Guide issues, along with a sizeable collection
of Millard’s Implement Directory. As other materials
become available, GEM will gladly print them in coming issues. We
encourage you to submit your articles even if they are on cassette
tapes, since some of our readers dislike writing an article.
A great many inquiries to the Reflector would be better answered
if there were photographs to accompany them. This will make things
easier for the Reflector, and where possible, we will also include
the photographs within the column.
One more word about photographs we attempt to return them to the
original owners. However, with about three pounds of correspondence
to this column each month, we don’t always succeed as
well as we would like. Please bear with us we have a huge box of
letters on hand, and given a spare day, we will sort through them
for the specific purpose of returning photographs this is one duty
the Reflector hadn’t considered when doing a column! As we
noted in the last issue, be sure to mark your photos ‘Please
return to’ with your name and address on the back.
Several readers have mentioned that they do not understand the
reason for our frequent reference to American Gasoline
Engines within the column. For the benefit of new readers,
this book, released in 1983, was penned by the Reflector, and
contains 584 pages of history and information on many different
engine builders. Other titles to which we also make reference are:
Encyclopedia of American Farm Tractors, 150 Years of
International Harvester, and Nebraska Tractor Tests Since
1920. Since all of these titles are designed as reference
volumes, it seems appropriate to cite such references to our
Q.We have a SERVICE truck to restore and
need information on it such as color, electrical system, and the
like. It is a 1926-28 model with a 4-cylinder Buda engine. These
trucks were made at Wabash, Indiana. Graham Bellman, 14 West Tce.,
Balhannah, 5242, S. A., Australia.
A. All SERVICE trucks through 1928 used a
four-cylinder Buda engine except that the 2 ton Model 61 of 1928
carried a 6-cylinder Buda engine. Another exception is the 1921 -23
Model 15, ton style which used a 4-cylinder Midwest engine. We are
told that a company known as Relay Motors Corporation took over in
late 1926, but beyond that we have no other information. Perhaps
some of our readers might be able to share some help.
Q. We have just purchased our first engine a
Taylor Vacuum, Type C, 2 HP model. Please tell us what you can
about it, including its approximate age, and the proper color.
Michael Tyskiewicz, 1521 S. Norwood Dr., New Berlin, WI 53151.
A. Page 503 of American Gas Engines
briefly describes this engine, but specific data regarding age or
paint color has eluded the Reflector so far.
Q. Often during the cosmetic phase of engine
restoration, some type of filler material is encountered. I have
tried various combinations of resins, putties, and the like. While
they can produce the desired results, the work involved in their
application is almost prohibitive. What was the original process,
and are such materials still available! T. R. Ward Jr., Box 832,
Prestiss, MS 39474.
A. Mr. Ward’s letter suggests that possibly
some sort of dipping or spraying process was used, but research
indicates that usually the filler material was applied either with
a paint brush or a putty knife. Subsequently, it was filled and
sanded to the appropriate finish. This sort of work was very labor
intensive, and was found primarily on very early engines, and/or
those of exceptional quality. So-called competition engines, those
sold primarily on the basis of price, patched up only the very
worst casting defects, leaving the remainder to be covered with a
coat of paint, it appears that one such filler product was
Smooth-On foundry cement. We believe this material might still be
available. The 1981 Thomas Register lists: Smooth-On Inc.,
1000 Valley Road, Gillete, NJ 07933. Ph. (201) 647-5800.
To go further with the process of filling and sanding, we doubt
there is any method whereby the job can be accomplished without a
lot of hours of labor. Having restored a good many engines, the
Reflector has made heavy use of DuPont
‘Spot-‘n’-Glaze’ putty and similar materials. This
can be thinned slightly with lacquer thinner, it dries quickly, and
sands nicely. With this, as with all other resinous materials, we
have the best luck putting it on in thin layers to avoid cracking
later on. Another note some foundries use a spray-on material for a
filler. It requires a special tip for the spray gun however, and
our own results have never been too satisfying.
Q. Norman O. Warren, N. 13012 Mill
Rd., Spokane, WA 99218 would appreciate information on the
following engine: Manitoba Engines Ltd., 1HP, Engine #64X, Speed
500. The Celebrated Manitoba Peerless Line, Brandon, Manitoba.
A. The Index of American Gas Engines lists the
company in operation from 1913 to 1953. Beyond that we have yet to
find a single photograph of this engine. Perhaps Mr. Warren might
favor our readers with further information on this engine, and
likewise, Mr. Warren and the Reflector would like to know more
about the Manitoba line.
Q We have a 2 HP Type AK, Ingeco engine, s/n
4964, and would like to hear from other Ingeco owners. We find that
the dark green color closely matches 1972-73 Dodge pickups, Code
DT-7682, but do not have the striping color. Reed S. Benton, RD 1,
Box 116, Was-saic, NY 12592.
A. We believe these engines used bright yellow
striping. We also have been told that a Wisconsin collector has
made some Ingeco decals but do not have his name. Perhaps someone
might let us know.
Q. We have a very old sludge pump in our
Treatment Plant. It was built by Domestic Engine & Pump
Company, Shippensburg, PA. Catalog Unit: #4SPS; Pump #2987; 75 GPM;
15 TDH; 1350 RPM. We need maintenance literature, along with balls
and diaphragms for this unit. George J. Golden, Borough Engineer,
Borough of Rose Valley, Box 198, Rose Valley, PA 19065.
A. While we refrain from ‘Parts Wanted’
in the Reflections column, we believe that a public entity
wishing to preserve an old engine perhaps deserves special
consideration. If anyone can help Mr. Golden, please do so.
Mr. James Rouse, Route 1, Box 172, Wakefield, MI 49968 has a
Cletrac Model F tractor as illustrated on page 74 of American
Farm Tractors. He would like to correspond with other Model F
Q. We have a Novo engine, Model KU 3×4, s/n
1053. Would like to know the type of carburetor used, also the
magneto. Color information is needed, and we would like to
correspond with someone having one of these engines. Luke Anderson,
Box 54, Dillonvale, OH 43917.
A. The engine is obviously one of the Novo
Roller engines that used Timken bearings for the mains. A rather
poor illustration we have would lead us to believe that an American
Bosch magneto was used probably a ‘ZR4’ series. The
carburetor appears to have been a Novo product, but in its absence,
perhaps another updraft carburetor, such as an old Zenith might do
the job.
Q. What is the proper color for a 1938 Cletrac
tractor? Does anyone make cork floats for Kingston carburetors as
used on a 25-45 Case tractor, or does someone make a metal
replacement float? We see a lot of interest in early farm machinery
except for grass mowers. When was the reciprocating cutter bar
invented? In reply to an earlier question on cleaning brass, I take
table salt and mix vinegar with it to make a thin paste. Rub it on
with a soft cloth, or with a finger for very small items. Edwin H.
Bredemeier, RR 1, Box 13, Steinauer, NE 68441.
A. Can anyone tell us the proper Cletrac color?
Lots of interest in this one, but no answers yet. See earlier
Reflections for various ideas on laminating cork floats
and making them from cork blocks. From all appearances, the 1827
reaper of Patrick Bell, Mid Lioch, Scotland was the first use of
the reciprocating cutter bar. In the U.S., an 1831 patent of
William Manning, Plainfield, New Jersey followed, and this was also
the first reaper to use a divider, or divide board. Subsequent
development included notably contributions by Cyrus Hall McCormick
and Obed Hussey. At first, mowers and reapers were intended as
combination machines, but the 1844 patent of William F. Ketchum,
Buffalo, New York marked the beginning of mowers as a separate
entity from reapers. Improvements such as the hinged bar design of
Lewis Miller followed. Much of this early history is outlined in
150 Years of International Harvester.
John D. Miller III, RR 1, Box 18, Fishersville, VA 22939 would
like to find a reprint instruction manual for a Briggs &
Stratton Fl engine, and would like to know the age of s/n 9674.
Also the proper color for same.
Q. What is the horsepower of a Bull Dog engine
with a 4 x 4 inch bore and stroke? What is the correct color? On
page 48 of American Gas Engines one Bull Dog has a Webster magneto,
and one has Wico ignition. What is the difference between the two?
Would also like to know the correct color for a Faultless engine,
and anything about this manufacturer. J. L. Johnson, 4115 S. 298th
Court, Auburn, WA 98002.
A. While we don’t have specific data on the
Bull Dog, we would suggest this to be about 1 HP. The color appears
to be a deep maroon, comparable to DuPont Dulux 93-143-H. We once
had a Bull Dog 4 HP model, and the original color was
unquestionably maroon. Ignition systems varied from year to year,
and a look at the photos cited above will indicate that the
Wico-equipped version is of the very early style. In fact, some
engines were equipped with several different ignition systems
during their production runs. We have nothing on Faultless.
Frank J. Soden, Anchor Auto Service, Box 16, Wrightstown, PA
18940 is new to the hobby, and has just acquired a Lauson 2 HP,
Type W6 engine. He needs information on this engine, along with
hearing from someone who can pour a new connecting rod bearing.
Q.Mark A. Shulan, 10 St., Rt. 103,
Bluffton, OH 45817 poses the following questions:
1. Are any serial number lists available on Alamo Engine
2. Is there any way to determine the various trade names
under which Alamo engines were sold?
3. Does anyone have any original literature on Flying
Dutchman, Rock Island, Alamo, etc.?
4. Was ‘Blue Line’ also a trade-name for Alamo
5. Is paint color information available on the various trade
names under which the Alamo was sold?
After gathering as much information as possible, we will try
to compile it into an article for GEM.
A. A quick check of the 1931 FIN Buyer’s
Guide indicates that the following trade names were then in use for
the Alamo line: Blue Line, Eagle, Empire, Flying Dutchman, Hoosier,
Lansing, Moline, Rock Island, Royal, Style M, and Victor. There may
be others as well. To answer specifically:
1. None that we know of.
2. Only by a diligent search of various old trade papers
3. We are sure that such items exist, and perhaps some of
our readers will help with your project.
4. ‘Blue Line’ was certainly a series of Alamo
5. Developing the proper paint color scheme for all
the various Alamo models will probably take some extra work, but
should be well worth the effort.
John R. Petrick, 5962 Kaiser Road, Springville, NY 14141 sends
us two photos of a ‘shop mule’ manufactured by W. F. Hebard
Co., Chicago, Illinois. It was built over a Farmall A tractor. The
front axle, steering gear, and drawbar were added by the Hebard
company. The name plate states: Ser. #AL648, Type A14. Can anyone
supply information on this tractor?
Lora & Roger Webster, 13423 Meadow Road, Everett, WA 98204
recently acquired an engine by Ontario Wind Engine &. Pump Co.
Limited product, HP, s/n 9718. American Gas Engines refers
us to a Chapman, but there our information ends. Can anyone give us
any information on this engine?
Fred Browning, Box 479, Route 2, Lebanon, KY 40033 is looking
for information on a Whitt engine built in 1898 at Kansas City,
Q. We would like to have serial number lists on
Stover, Ottawa, Aermotor, Maytag, and Briggs & Stratton
engines. Paul E. Smith, RD 1, Box 81, Richfield, PA 17086.
A. Several years ago the Reflector completed a
history of Stover Engine Works entitled Power in the Past, Volume
3. This book contains a yearly serial number listing for these
engines. So far as the others you mention, we do not know of any
such lists still in existence.
John Slatinsky, Rt. 16, Oak Hill Drive, Green Bay, WI54303 is
looking for information on a Standard hand walking garden tractor.
The number is 409 C 11 202.
John C. Addengast, RR 1, Box 160, Ashton, IA 51232 has a 1914
Samson Sieve-Grip tractor that he wishes to repaint. Can anyone
advise the proper color, or supply any information on this
Robert C. Olson, 1326 Kilarney Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 has
a Fairbanks-Morse ZBA engine for which he needs information on
repairing or replacing the second portion of the carburetor.
Michael Fourez, RR 2, Box 53, Potomac, IL 61865 needs
information on a 3-wheel Silver King, such as correct colors, spare
parts sources, and approximate age. It is s/n 5741.
Q.Do you have any information about
Field-Brundage Company, Jackson, Michigan? What color were their
engines, and how about striping? E. Albert Peterson, 39 Nebo
Street, Med-field, MA 02052.
A.American Gas Engines provides
descriptions of some of the Field line, but our information was,
and still is, very limited on these interesting models. It appears
that the later type W Field engines were marketed by Montgomery
Ward, and in fact, this firm was still listed as supplying repair
parts as late as 1931. The regular Field line had parts available
for some years from Universal Parts Co., Jackson, Michigan. Aside
from the fact that we believe these engines to have been green, we
know little else.
Q. Can anyone tell us about a 1960 Oliver
Olympus 35-horsepower outboard motor? It is Model B3, s/n 305968M,
electric start, built-in generator; and has a 42.35 CID. The engine
is factory new and has never been installed in a boat. Larry D.
Fair field, RT. 5, Box 693, Batesville, AR 72501.
A. Perhaps some of our readers can help out on
this one.
Q. We need information on the Sears Handy Man
2-wheel tractor, sold by Sears, Roebuck & Co. Who built this
unit? Can anyone help on finding a parts source for Sattley
vertical air-cooled engines? Clayton Brimmer, 17430 Yankee Road,
Morley, Ml 49336.
A. Nebraska Tractor Tests Since 1920 lists the
Bradley Handiman under Test No. 732 of 1959. This test indicates
the manufacturer to be David Bradley Mfg. Works, Bradley, Illinois.
Perhaps one of our readers might have specific information on this
Q. Where can we find the serial number for the
early WC Allis-Chalmers with the flat tanks? It also has a
one-gallon gasoline tank mounted under the hood on the right-hand
side. How was the fuel line piped down to the carburetor? Ernst
Ricklefs, Rt. 1, Box 57, Milledgeville, Il 61051.
A. The serial number should be on the rear side
of the differential housing near the oil filler plug. Pehaps an A-C
enthusiast can help on routing the gasoline line.
Richard Kunkel, 505 2nd St., Weatherly, PA 18255 needs the
proper color for a Fairbanks-Morse Jack-of-all-trades engine, 4 HP,
s/n 46677.
Q. We have a John M. Smythe 2 HP engine. It
appears to be red with some yellow striping. What is the proper
color and date built? Ronald O. Payne, RR 2, Canton, IL 61520.
A. The Smythe is another of those products from
a Waterloo, Iowa engine factory. It is undoubtedly red, with fancy
yellow striping. These were built about 1914-1916.
Q. What is the year manufactured for an IHC
Mogul 6 HP, tank-cooled engine, s/n W-24272? Proper color, etc.
Charles Good, 8823 Thixton Lane, Louisville, KY 40229.
A. The listing on page 4 of the June, 1985 GEM
lists ‘W’ prefix engines as being the 1 HP Mogul on skids.
However, using the following serial number indicates the year to be
1918. We do have a question however, on the ‘W’ prefix to
the serial number. The proper color appears to be DuPont 93-29609-H
olive green.
Harry Kotas, K-Service, 403 S. Randall St., Steeleville, IL
62288 has recently sent us some detailed information on the
Podlesak and Webster magnetos. This data also branches out into
some unexpected surprises. As soon as some additional material is
available, we hope to see this extensive research in a GEM article.
At this point, the progress report on the project appears to be
very good!
Q.We would like information on a
Kraker-Jack engine built by Smyth-Despard Co., Utica, New York. Our
engine is 1HP, s/n 118. Fred Schmidt, Jefferson, NY 12093.
A. Except for an illustration on page 473 of
American Gas Engines, we have nothing to offer on this
Q.We need service information on an
American Bosch oscillating magneto as used on a Witte 2 HP engine
prior to Nov. 1923. (Bean Sprayer). Earl ]one, RR 1, Box 144,
Farington, WV 26571.
A. We recall that some American Bosch reprint
literature is available from various GEM advertisers.
Q. Charles A. Miller, Box 125, Wet
Leyden, NY 13489 has recently acquired an Avery Track Runner
tractor, No. 35542, and would like any information on this
A. The Track Runner was tested at Nebraska in
1923 under No. 89.
Weston Link, Ridgeland, WI 54763 has an Ottawa 7 HP, 2-cylinder
engine, s/n TH1172. The magneto is missing, so information is
needed on replacing it.
Gary M. Ledbetter, 2288 Cardston Dr., Columbus, OH 43232 needs
information on a Jaeger engine, 3 HP, No. 5-L, s/n 322379.
Edward Beddal, 28 Northunberland Dr., Easthampton, NJ 08060
writes that their firm specializes in rebuilding engines and other
heavy duty truck parts. They also rebuild antique auto engines,
etc. Since many of these require re-babbitting, they are equipped
to do this work, and suggest to our readers that when they need
such work in their area, to contact a local antique auto
restoration shop to see whether they can handle the job.
H. Rossow, Box 15, Weston, ID 83286 asks whether an engine
collector’s guide is available similar to the automotive guides
which give make, model, condition, price, etc. Also requested is a
source for used tractor tires to fit some of the odd rim sizes on
earlier models.
P. S. Brooke Jr., 830 E. 35th Ave., Spokane, WA 99203 is looking
for information on Tassey inboard and outboard marine engines. They
were made at Alexandria Bay, New York in the 1920’s.
Gary Pflum, 2809 Westminster, St. Charles, MO 63301 needs
information on a two-cycle marine engine built by Crescent Marine
Engine Co., St. Louis, Missouri.
Joel Spalding, 6386 Battle Creek Road SE, Salem, OR 97301 asks
whether anyone reproduces etched and / or anodized nameplates for
early engines.
A. Several GEM advertisers offer these, with
Engine Services Col., Box 4412, Auburn Heights, MI 48057 offering a
substantial line.
Bob Benson, RR 1, Box 71, Burnetts-ville, IN 47926 would like
information on the tractor shown in an adjacent photo. It uses a
Model B Ford engine, has 11.25-24 inch tires, and cast into the
cover over the radiator is the name TRACTOR. No serial number has
been located.
Albert J. Deries, 3 Wood Lane, May-nard, MA 01754 needs
information on an Acadia Gas Marine Engine, s/n 44670, 4 HP.
Q. Did Monarch make a wheel-type tractor that
was forerunner of the 20-35 E Allis-Chalmers? I have one that is
stamped 1922 on one headit has a 5 inch bore and no raised letters
of Allis-Chalmers on top radiator tank. My s/n is 19063 on
transmission case and block no. is 41719.
A. The tractor tested in No. 83 at Nebraska in
1921 was the A-C 180-30 model with a four-cylinder. 4 x 6 inch
engine. It was previously tested as No. 55 of 1920, also with the
18-30 rating. Nebraska Tractor Test Reports indicate that the
‘E’, 20-35 model was not tested until 1928 under No. 151.
This model was also tested with the 4 x 6 inch engine. The
‘E’ 18-30 and 20-35 models are listed in the same series of
serial numbers, but indicates that your No. 19063 on transmission
case would be a 1929 model.
Jim Adkins Jr., 308 S. Kentucky, Independence, MO 64053 is
restoring an F-20 Farmall, s/n 1954. Information is required on
paint color, etc.
A. The serial number indicates this to be a
1932 model. As such, it was painted IH gray.
Bob Mitchell, Kindred, ND 58051 needs information on an Evinrude
outboard motor, s/n N9427. The tag dates it to be a 1924 model.
Will correspond with anyone having information.
In the October issue, regarding the John Deere A production,
this was incorrectly stated by the Reflector. In fact, it should
have been John Deere
G. Production was as follows:
A1934 Beginning s/n 410000
AD (Styled)1937 Beginning s/n
G1938 Beginning s/n 1000
H1939 Beginning s/n 1000
B1935 Beginning s/n 1000
We apologize for the confusion caused by our error in
Hercules engine colors, This one from page 8 of the
October GEM got several comments. First of all, the Reflector
failed to state that this particular Hercules version was a
latecomer that was probably built by Cushman, and as such, its
color is somewhat different from the earlier varieties.
Fairbanks-Morse Eclipse Model, Back in the June issue
we ran a photo of this engine using the Norbert Keeley castings.
Fritz Van Keirsblick, 101 NE 82nd Ter, Kansas City, MO 64118 built
the engine shown in the article, and he writes that there were no
working prints available at the time he built his engine. He also
notes that the best way is to use a regular Eclipse One and stay
with one-half size all the way. Also, the castings were made by:
Norbert H. Keeley, Model Engine Works, 901 Mulberry Street,
Perrysburg, OH 43551.
Case tractor colors, Edwin H. Bredemeier, Steinauer, NE
writes that the color variation was explained to him years ago as
this: In different years, Case contracted with various paint
companies, so the paint varied somewhat from one batch to another,
and at times turned out to be more blue than gray. My 22-40 was
green with red wheels, so was this the same color as the Case steam
Fairbanks-Morse green paint, R. A. Miesch, 8948 Fenton
St., Orlando, FL 32819 writes that the green color was so dark as
to be nearly black. He mixes 5 tablespoons full of Scotty’s
black to pint of their International green.
The Reflector agrees that FBM engines were a very dark
green, almost black, but with a slight hint of blue as well. Now
that should be a dandy to formulate!
United States Motors Marine Engines, In response to his
earlier query, Brad- ford B. Allen, Box 179, Port Hay-wood, VA
23138 writes that these were produced under the trade name U.S.
Falcon. The firm merged with Doman Company in 1928. H. C. Doman had
the trade name ‘Doman’, as did Universal Products Co., all
of Oshkosh, WI. This explains why U. S. and Doman have identical
parts, including head, rocker arms, push rods, and manifold. The
main block is reversed however.
Using battery & coil on magneto igniters
John Miller, 11503 Highway 42, Lot B-l, Ellison Bay, WI 54210
sends this information on how the job is done: ‘To use a
battery and coil with a magneto igniter, which has normally closed
points, can be accomplished by making a cutoff switch on the
exhaust valve rod.’ (See diagram on preceding page).
Lalley Light Plants, Bernard Sanchez, 3217 S. Hempstead
Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006 writes that his is a Model F, 40 volt with
a Berling magneto, and uses a Robbins & Meyers dynamo. He needs
information on the carburetor float and valve, and also wonders if
anyone builds reproduction glass jar batteries.
The Reflector has been asked this question several times
over the past few months. If anyone has information on glass cell
batteries or something that would pass for same, drop us a
T. L. Smith engines, John K. String ham,
Belgrade, MO 63622 writes that he recently acquired a T. L. Smith
engine, but on close examination it was actually a Fuller &
Johnson Standard Type N engine, leading him to believe that T. L.
Smith was some sort of sales organization. Mr. String ham also
needs information on a Fairbanks-Morse Type Y, Style H, 25 HP oil
OilPull colors, Ellis M. Wellman, 13827 Mayfield Road,
RD 1, Chardon, OH 44024 writes that the early models through 1924
match closely with the following: Rustoleum, 1 qt. #7738 Hunter
green + 8 tbsp. #7779 Glass black. Other experts recommend DuPont
Dulux 24166D (1949 Mack Truck Brewster Green). The steel blue color
of the Super Power Oil Pull models closely matches: Rustoleum, 1
qt. #721 National blue + 3 cups #7779 Gloss Black.
Allis-Chalmers serial numbers, On this subject, Bill
Huxley, 46 Loo-mer Road, Chesterton, Newcastle, Staffs., 5T5 7LB
England writes that company records were not maintained as well as
they might have been. Possibly the 175202 quoted could read 178202,
the reason being that the page was blurred. Incidentally, tractors
1-28 were listed for 1933 and the years through to 1948 showed no
Mr. Huxley has pursued the history of Allis-Chalmers, both
here in the U.S., as well as in his native U.K. for many
This closes out another Reflections column. Several letters this
month asked for identification of engines, but without a
photograph, and using only specifications, this is very difficult,
if not impossible. Wherever possible, please include a photo or two
of your engine. That helps a lot, especially if we can publish this
material in the column.