25/12/12 Stover Engine Q. I have three Stover
engines, and am puzzled by the paint scheme. The first one is a KA
model. The flywheels and con rod cover were red, with a black
cylinder head. The push rod, firing mechanism, and gears were
black. The second KA had a green body, red flywheels, con rod, and
splash shield. The head, push rod, firing mechanism, and gears are
green. The CT2 model has a green body, red flywheels, black
cylinder head, push rod, and firing mechanism. Can you tell me what
is the correct color scheme? Samuel Spencer III, 1285-A Lovett Rd.,
Orange Park, FL 32073.
A. As we pointed out at the beginning of this
column, color shades varied from time to time. With Stover (and
others), the entire color scheme varied, not only from year to
year, but oftentimes, from engine to engine. In this particular
instance, we would suggest going with a replacement of the original
color scheme, assuming of course that these engines have not been
repainted to suit someone’s fancy. We have seen Stover engines
with all the variations you mention, plus others not indicated.
Much of the difference apparently depended on the painters and the
mood they were in whenever your engines came off the assembly line.
A footnote though-most of the ‘K’ and ‘CT’ Stover
engines were of the dark and muddy Brewster Green variety, with
some occasional use of black.
25/12/13 Stickney Vertical Q. I am trying to
restore a Harvard engine, built by Stickney. Those familiar with
this engine will see from my sketch that it is somewhat different.
So, if anyone can supply information on the missing parts, this
will really be appreciated. This engine is very interesting in that
it uses five different valves to control fuel, air, and exhaust. In
addition there is a fuel metering valve and another rod-operated
fuel valve, for seven in all. With all this complicated system, I
can hardly wait to see it work. Tim’s Tractor Service, 4010
Buena Vista Drive, Paso Robles, CA 93446.
A. Although we can’t be of any real help on
this one, we urge anyone with any information to contact Tim at the
above address. When it comes to sheer complicated mechanisms, this
one takes the cake, and we too, would like to see it run!
25/12/14 IHC E4A Magneto Q. On my E4A magneto,
the coil is mounted in the armature. Now the goo inside is starting
to leak out and gets between the armature and the magnets. Is there
anything that can be done? Also, I think that DuPont 27625 charcoal
gray is a closer match than the colors listed in the September,
1988 GEM listing. Glenn Terminelli, 162 Snyders Rd., Phillipsburg,
A. The sad fact is that we have never heard of
anything to stop this deterioration of the insulating material. Of
course, it is helped in its exit by the centrifugal force of the
spinning armature. Once this begins, there seems to be little
chance that anything will do except for a new coil. Sealing the
outside merely postpones the inevitable, since the loss of the
insulating compound allows moisture to enter, and soon a percentage
of the coil is shorted out. Fortunately, modern coil making methods
use insulating compounds not subject to this type of deterioration.
Regarding the IHC Gray, see the new listing at the beginning of
this column.
25/12/15 Nelson Bros. Engine Q. See the photo
of a 2 HP Nelson Bros. engine, Model U, s/n 6084. Has anyone
reprinted a manual for this model? Wayne Miller, 2909 Farrington
Rd., Piqua, OH 45356.
A. Not that we know of. If anyone can supply a
photocopy, contact Mr. Miller.
25/12/16 Farmall F-20 Q. I am about to restore
a Farmall F-20 of 1936 vintage. Did this tractor come out on steel,
or rubber, or was there a choice? Also, what is the proper color?
Arthur J. Blackmore, RR 2, El Paso, IL 61738.
A. Rubber tires were available at extra cost.
See the beginning of this column for the paint number.
25/12/17 Waterloo Boy Engine Q. See the photo
of a Waterloo Boy 4 HP engine, sin 17972. What are the original
colors, and does anyone have any literature showing the original
striping scheme? Any help will be appreciated. Thomas W. Parker,
311 Sproul Rd., Kirkwood, PA 17536.
A. Note the paint colors previously in this
issue. If anyone has any literature on the early Waterloo Boy, we
would like to see it too! For some reason, it seems to be very
25/12/18 Wallis Tractor Q. Bob Bemboom, Rt 2,
Box 56, Slater, MO 65349 sends a picture of a small Wallis tractor,
bearing s/n 14116. It cranks to start it on the side, in the belt
pulley. It also has a two-speed transmission. Any information will
be greatly appreciated.
25/12/19 Waterloo Boy Q. Patrick C. Zeller, RR
J, Box 34, Paxico, KS 66526 needs information on the following
Waterloo Boy Engines: 1? HP, need to contact someone to get
dimensions of governor and other parts.
2 HP model, need dimensions of the battery box, and the color
A. Bob also asks about getting springs and
other parts for the engines, along with serial number information.
The good part is that some of our GEM advertisers have springs and
various other replacement parts. The bad news is that there are no
Waterloo Boy serial numbers.
25/12/20 Ideal & Waterloo Boy Q. I have 4?
HP Waterloo Boy and need year built and correct color, also an
Ideal vertical 3? HP. Joseph J. Englert, 3825 Walnut Road,
Walworth, NY 14566.
A. See above in this column regarding the
Waterloo Boy colors. No color match is recorded for the Ideal, and
serial number lists do not exist for either engine.
25/12/21 Avery & Case Q. See the photo of a
Case tractor. The tag reads either M90591DI or A90594DI. What is
the model and age! I would like to correspond with someone who
might have service information on this model. I also have a
Minneapolis-Moline-Avery Model V tractor, s/n 6V688, and would like
to hear from someone, particularly regarding the wiring diagram.
Any help will be appreciated. Jim Bender, RR7, Box 82, Goldsboro,
NC 27530.
A. Although it seems apparent that the Case is
a Model DI, we’re not certain of the year, but would guess it
to have been built in 1955. This is our speculation, since the
usual rules for dating Case tractors do not seem to work in this
situation. The Avery is a 1952 model.
25/12/22 E. R. Thomas Q. See the photo of a
recent acquisition. It was built by E. R. Thomas Co., s/n 1035.
What was this engine used for? It has a muffler and cutout, so I
suspect a motorcycle. It is equipped with a Robert Bosch magneto
(Germany). Any information will be appreciated. Del Englerth, 9750
Valley Hwy., Box 156, Vermontville, Ml 49096.
A. This very possibly was a motorcycle engine,
or could also have been used in a runabout. It seems too early for
a cyclecar. E.R. Thomas Company later became a well known auto
builder with their famous Thomas Flyer. We would suggest this to be
a most unusual and rare engine.
25/12/23 Cushman Cub R-20 Q. My name is Jaxed
Lawler and I am nine years old. I am interested in old machinery
and my father and I are restoring a 3 HP Model R-20 Cushman Cub,
serial no. A-39871. We would like to find out a few things about
the engine. For instance, what year was the engine made, and what
size sparkplug does it use? All information will be appreciated.
Please Write: Jared Lawler, RR 2, Clinton, MO 64735.
A. Would those having information on this
engine please write Jared at the above address.
25/12/24 Stolen Nameplates Q. Do you know of
any way that we can stop the serial number collectors? I think they
are about as low as you can get. They stole the plate off our YT
Moline and stole the plate off our 8-16 Mogul. I see no reason for
them even to remove plates in junkyards because lots of that stuff
gets bought and restored. Louis Miller, 807 Pine, Georgetown, TX
A. Folks, we’ve been hearing of such things
the past couple of years. Now this must be some outside element at
work. Among the thousands of GEM subscribers we have met, we
can’t think of anyone who would do such a dastardly deed! But
then, we hearken back to the old adage about the bad apple in the
barrel. Perhaps some of our show sites will have to tighten night
security. Some shows already are spending a lot of money on
security. The only other alternative we can see is to shame a
thief, and we’re not sure that it’s worth the effort. I
guess vigilance is the only answer we can offer, and if someone is
caught, then let them suffer the full consequences of the law. If
anyone has any suggestions, let us hear from you.
25/12/25 Panzer Tractor Q. I recently purchased
the Copar Panzer tractor shown in the photo, and am having problems
finding any information on it. It uses a Briggs & Stratton 23
engine. Any information will be greatly appreciated. John L.
Newsome, RR 1, Box 487A,Callas,VA22435.
25/12/26 MM-Twin City FTA
Q. I recently acquired this FTA, s/n 46047B,
and would like to know when built, and whether it is an industrial
model. Any information will be appreciated. James H. Orslom, RR 2,
Box 65-1, Yazoo City, MS 39194.
A. Our M-M lists do not show the FTA tractor.
Some of the M-M collectors should have this information. One such
individual is Roger Mohr at Vail, Iowa 51465.
25/12/27 Culver Saw
Q. I need help. Can anyone tell me when and
where this Culver Saw was made? And who made it? The name, Culver,
and a patent date of January 4,1870 are cast in the flywheel. A
later version appears in the No. 5 Genera! Catalog of John Deere
Plow Co., ca. 1912-13 as the ‘Whitman’s Steel Frame Drag
Also, I had the Jacob Price ‘Petaluma’ Hay Press running
this summer. Paul Reno, 3254 Kansas St., Oakland, CA 94602.
25/12/28 Jack-of-all-Trades Q. Can anyone
supply the dimensions of fuel tank and water tank for a FBM 2 HP
Jack-of-All-Trades engine, s/n 59593? Also the year built! T.
Scheltema, 6912 -84th St., Caledonia, MI 49316.
A. Your engine is prior to 1910, but we have no
lists before that time.
25/12/29 Waterloo Boy Q What is the correct
color for a Waterloo Boy engine? Alex Puskas, RD 2, Box 327,
Somerset, NJ 08873.
A. See the paint color list earlier in this
25/12/30 Unidentified Engine Q. I recently
purchased an unidentified engine as shown in the two adjacent
photos. It has a 3? x 4 inch bore and stroke, flywheel casting is
PI 06. Any help in identifying this engine will be appreciated.
Mark G. Sergent, PO Box 21, Walton, WV 25286.
A. Some folks have told Mark that the unusual
belt pulley is not original, but we’re not sure how anyone
would know for sure. In other words, the logical assumption is that
if the pulley isn’t original, then someone must know what is
original, and given that known factor, then someone must know what
make it is. Oh, the convoluted path we take sometimes! We checked
through American Gas Engines, following some hunches, but must
confess that beyond some hunches, we don’t know the make for
sure. Our guess is that the engine was built for some special
purpose. In fact, our first guess was that it might be a C.H. &
E. engine built for use with one of their woodworking outfits.
After looking up what we have on C.H. & E., we don’t
believe it to be one of these.
25/12/31 General Tractor Q. See the photo of a
Cleveland ‘General GG’ tractor built by Cleveland Tractor
Co. It bears s/n 4FA356. Any information at all on this tractor
will be greatly appreciated. Jesse E. Spangler Jr., 6184 Lanman,
Waterford, MI 48329.
A. Are you sure the prefix shouldn’t be 1FA
instead of 4FA? If it is 1FA356, then this tractor was built in
MM ‘Z’ Restoration
In the August 1990 GEM there is a nicely restored MM ‘Z’
tractor. The restoration is great, but I would like to call
attention to page 15. To support a car or tractor on cement blocks
is not good practice and should not be encouraged. A small amount
of money for some 4 x 4’s and bolts is a good investment.
Safety has to be a concern for all of us. Merton H. Wilch,
Tecumseh, KS 66542.
We’ve hollered about safety for years, and the point is well
taken. In our own shop, we sometimes try to cut corners, even when
we know it is wrong when we are doing it. Folks, again we say it,
be careful in what you are doing. Work and play safely.
The Circular Sawmill
Regarding our recent book entitled, The Circular Sawmill, we
received a note from George Varnum, 2 Copeland Ave., LaCrosse,
WI54603. George tells us that Filer & Stowell Company is still
very much in business, and regularly advertise in lumberman’s
journals. Incidentally, Mr. Varnum is an applications engineer who
specializes in sawmill hydraulics.
A Closing Word
Proud grandpa David H. Martin, 5420 Grindstone Hill Rd.,
Chambersburg, PA 17201, sends this picture, saying ‘Grandma
took pictures at Christmas dinner, and someone got this cute idea
to line up the grandchildren-Tristan, Josh, Ashley, and Robbie-on
the toy tractors.’
We have it on good authority that in August 1992 there is going
to be a Grand Reunion of Fuller & Johnson. This show will be
held at Baraboo, Wisconsin, and we suspect will be a world class
exposition of Fuller & Johnson engines and other equipment. The
word is that this is going to be a onetime only show, so here’s
one you might want to be involved with. There will be additional
information in the next few months, but you heard it here
The purpose of the Reflections column is to provide a forum for
the exchange of all useful information among subscribers to GEM.
Inquiries or responses should be addressed to: REFLECTIONS, Gas
Engine Magazine, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, PA 17603.