A few weeks ago we visited the huge engine swap meet at Waukee,
Iowa. This event, annually sponsored by Central Hawkeye Gas Engine
& Tractor Association, draws thousands of visitors from all
over the United States and Canada. Our observation is that the club
enjoyed a tremendous success this year, and on top of that, the
weather cooperated! Literally hundreds of collectors brought
engines, tractors, parts, and what have you to sell or trade, and
apparently with reasonably good success.
In visiting with various collectors, we believe some market
trends are evident due to the erratic national economy. We are told
that engine prices are remaining firm to strong on the Eastern
seaboard, and likewise on the West Coast. However, there appears to
be some definite buyer resistance, particularly in the Midwest.
Presumably this is due in large part to the battered farm economy.
Vintage tractors, except for the very rare models, have dropped in
price over the past couple of years, with the same holding true for
stationary engines. Despite this lull in activity, enthusiasm
remains high for our hobby.
The Reflector has concluded that the past few years have seen
greater interest by collectors in doing a first class restoration
job than in simply acquiring engines. Some years ago, a coat of
paint was about all that was necessary. Now we see a lot of
restored engines that have been completely rebuilt, sandblasted,
and finished to perfection. Our hobby is relatively young, yet it
has advanced immensely over the past few years.
Keep the paint colors coming in. We soon will have enough to
warrant some sort of compilation, even though it will still be
lacking much of the needed data.
20/6/1 Q Can anyone identify this engine? C. H.
Chase, RFD, Box 51, Concord, VT 05824.
A. There is little doubt in our mind that this
is a variety built at Waterloo, Iowa. The rounded top on the water
hopper would indicate to us that it might possibly be a Sandow as
advertised by Sandy McManus Inc. of Waterloo. Several engines had
this same general design, and they all appear to have come from the
factories of Waterloo Gasoline Engine Company. See American
Gasoline Engines Since 1872 for further details. Mr. Chase
also notes that fishing villages along the Nova Scotia coast used
block cork on their nets per 20/3/12.
20/6/2 Q From Phillips Equipment Company, Box
7, Boyce, LA 71409 comes a request for the supplier of main bearing
inserts for a Fairbanks-Morse3 HP, ModelZ$2 engine. These are
inserts and not the ‘poured in place’ bearings generally
used. Also, what is the proper paint number for these engines.
A. We haven’t heard of this bearing design
on the 3 HP Model Z engines before, so perhaps one of our readers
or suppliers might be of help. Our records indicate that DuPont
Dulux No. 93-72001 green is comparable to the original color.
20/6/3 Q We have a 2 HP Empire engine, S/N
103721. Would like information on this engine, and the proper
color. Roger Hansen, Box 109, Kanawha, IA 50477
A. Our records indicate that the Empire was
sold by Empire Cream Separator Company, Bloomfield, New York. There
are indications however, that the actual manufacturing was done by
Alamo Manufacturing Company, Hillsdale, Michigan. Perhaps one of
our readers might have the proper color for these engines.
20/6/4 Walter ‘Doc’ Schrage, 1219 Lawn
Avenue, New Haven, IN 46774 writes that he can supply serial number
information on various IHC engines. Schrage also notes that his 1
HP Gray engine was painted a pale green color with black
20/6/5 Q We have a ‘header’
engine by Field Force Pump Company, Elmira, New York, 4 HP, S/N
1803. Is this the same engine and company as Leader Iron Works as
shown on page 281 of American Gas Engines? What can you tell me
about Field Force Pump Company? Frank Pickering, 128 Navy Avenue,
Atco, NJ 08004.
A. So far as we know these were two distinctly
different companies. We recently acquired some data on Field Force
Pump Company, but must confess that during the past few months, we
have received so many letters for the Reflections column
that we can’t locate the material at this writing. We can say
that Field was an old company which started out manufacturing
various spraying equipment for orchards and the like. Their engines
were designed primarily for use with their power spraying
20/6/6 Q Since your publication of American Gas
Engines have you acquired further information on the following
companies: Globe Engine Company, Racine, Wisconsin; Chas. Ross
Engine Company, Brooklyn, New York; and the Jencick engine built at
Port Chester, New York, Dan Thomas Jr., Box 283, New Boston, NH
A. We are sorry to report ‘no’ on all
three counts.
20/6/7 Q We have an IHC Mogul engine, 4 HP
model, S/N EZ1068. We would like to know date of manufacture, paint
color, and striping. Allan Alden, 2205 Blaine Circle S.E., Renton,
WA 98055.
A. Per GEM, June, 1985 issue, page 3 your
engine is a 1915 model. The comparable color is DuPont Dulux
93-29609-H Olive Green. The striping is a chrome yellow color.
20/6/8 Q. We recently acquired a cement mixer
built by Leach Company, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. It is powered by a
Fuller & Johnson 2 cylinder engine, Model AB, S/N 400249. Would
like to know approximate age and correct colors. A.S. Woodlef, RR
1, Box 272, Franklinton, NC 27525-
A. Perhaps using the back door and determining
the age of the engine would help. For this purpose, we suggest you
contact: Verne W. Kindschi, Route 1, Prairie du Sac, WI 53578 for
further information on the Fuller & Johnson engine.
20/6/9 Q Would like to know the correct color
for the New Way engine, and would like to know the trademark design
for same. Also, per a recent issue, the Standard cream separator
engine and the same engine built by Galloway had substantial
differences. The engines sold by Galloway had no tag or serial
number just a ‘diamond’ on the piston rod with
‘Galloway factory’ stamped on it. This piston is a
different diameter, along with a different flywheel. The Standard
uses a magneto, while the ‘look-like’ Galloway uses a
battery and coil. Virginia Kommeyer, Box 153, Lucas, KS 67648
A. The adjacent photographs illustrate the
general color scheme and the New Way trade mark. So far as we can
tell, the base is comparable to DuPont 29609-H Dulux, while the fan
shroud and flywheels are comparable to 93-30420-H Maroon. Striping
is gold, with white daisies painted at the bottom of the base. A
color photograph from a New-Way catalog is reproduced on the back
cover of this issue.
20/6/10 Q I have acquired a log saw of
about 1922 vintage. This saw was belt driven by a 6 HP Economy
engine. It is made on the same order as a drag saw. It has a
28′ flywheel with raised letters ‘Cascade’. The stand
is dark blue, flywheel is either light blue or grey. Possible West
Coast manufactured. Does anyone have any information on this piece.
I will answer all correspondence. Bob Warn-staff, Rt. 2, Box 718,
Oroville, WA 98844.
20/6/11 Donald W. Hagedorn, 1458 S. Carr,
Lakewood, CO 80226 sends us some pix of his Waterloo Boy before
restoration and after the job was completed, (see back cover for
the after version.) He reports that his color match was Ditzler DAR
3384 red or Dupont B8148 acrylic. Mr. Hagedorn also wished to know
the correct color for the late model Sattley sold by Montgomery
A. We believe the red color used on this early
model engine to be closely matched to the original. Likewise, the
original engine used yellow striping. We believe the late model
Sattley used a dark green comparable to DuPont 7498D.
20/6/12 Mr. James A. Cavanaugh, 5905 Jester,
Garland, TX 75042 would like to contact the person who owns the
Ottawa twin-cylinder engine pictured in the Boswell Show article of
GEM, March-April, 1985, page 21.
20/6/13 Andrew Mackey, 26 Mott Place, Rockaway
Boro, NJ 07866 notes that the Reflector forgot to add his name to
the query he had about the Fairbanks-Morse home light plant (See
20/2/52). Subsequently, he wrote to Fairbanks-Morse at Beloit, WI.
They referred him to FMZ Industries at Houston, TX. In turn, this
firm sent a form letter noting that factory parts were no longer
available, nor was any literature available. Mr. Mackey still needs
an owner’s manual and wiring diagram for a 1925 FBM 3 Home
Light plant, 32 volt, 1.5 KW, with a Special Electric Engine.
20/6/14 Mr. Clarence Davis, RR5, Brandon,
Manitoba R7A 5V5 Canada writes: The Rawleigh-Shryer engines were
marketed right here in Brandon by the Canadian Stover Company. A
curious twist of events perhaps Canadian Stover was not owned by
Stover of Freeport, Illinois? I own two of their engines both have
brass plates affixed and engraved: ‘Built for Canadian Stover
Gasoline Engine Co. Brandon, Man. by Rawleigh-Schryer Co. Freeport,
Ill. U.S.A. Can anyone explain this?
A. Although the Reflector has done considerable
research on Stover, this is the first we have heard of this obvious
connection. Some years ago, we also worked closely with the late
Lester L. Roos, Geneseo, Illinois in determining the early Stover
history, but there seemed to be no indication of this
20/6/15 Q We have a Continental Cultor tractor
like that shown in Encyclopedia of American Farm Tractors, page 78.
Would like to know the original colors, lettering, years built,
etc., and would like to correspond with anyone owning one of these
of having any information. Curtis Hartman, Box 265, RD 2, Fair
field, PA 17320.
A. Our information on this tractor came from
the February, 1928 issue of American Thresherman magazine. A
check of the Farm Implement News Buyer’s Guide for 1931
does not list the company nor where parts might be obtained.
20/6/16 Mr. James F. Crews, Star Route, Box 4,
Arbovale, WV 24915 would like to correspond with the owner of the
Tiny Tim Power plant we mentioned on 20/3/4 of the May, 1985 issue.
The Reflector inadvertently forgot to include his name and address.
Our apologies!
20/6/17 Q. What is the proper color for jumbo
Line engines built by Nelson Bros.? What was the trademark design
on the side of the engine? Also, what type of magneto equipment was
used? American Gas Engine suggests that the engine was gray in
color, but others have suggested it to be green, gray, or red. Who
has the correct color? Eugene Lundgrin, 2134 Leland Way, Salina, KS
20/6/18 Q. What is the proper color for the
Bean vertical engine as is illustrated on page 50 American Gasoline
Engines? Harry Kokx, RR 2, Box 336, Hart, MI 49420.
20/6/19 Q. We have a Middleditch engine built
in Detroit, Michigan and need information relative to the color,
horsepower, type and make of carburetor, etc. Wayne Falan, 619 Paw
Paw Ave., Paw Paw, MI 49079.
20/6/20 Q. What is the approximate age, color
scheme, etc. for a Regal two-cylinder engine? It is similar to the
one-cylinder model illustrated on page 414 of American Gas Engines.
The engine has a lot of brass on it, and we would like to know a
good way to clean it. Brian Bass, Rt. 2, Box 388, Henagar, AL
A. While we aren’t sure of the proper
colors for this engine, we suggest starting on the brass with
Brasso or a similar brass cleaner. This will get off a lot of the
tarnish and other stains that have been acquired over the years.
Bronze castings can be nicely cleaned up with a FINE bristled wire
wheel. After this stage, cloth buffing wheels available at many
hardware stores will be of great help. Usually, small sticks of
buffing compound are also available, and the combination works
nicely to bring up a nice finish. Be careful not to push too hard,
especially on thin materials, or lettering, etc. Also, be very
careful in using a buffing wheel. Even a small one can rip the
object out of your hands in an instant. We lay down a couple
thicknesses of old carpeting under the buffer. Should we
accidentally lose an item this way, impact with the floor isn’t
such a problem, and if the piece is small, it is much easier to
20/6/21 Q. Robert Yoder, 1704 Amity Road,
Galloway, OH 43119 needs the proper color and striping for a
Hercules 6 HP Model S engine as illustrated on page 228 of American
Gas Engines.
A. We believe this engine to be a dark green
color, comparable to DuPont 7498. We have seen these engines
striped in red, and some with black, but believe red to be the
proper color for the striping.
20/6/22 Q. Harry Cruchelow, 15035 S.E.
Gladstone St., Portland, OR 97236 inquires whether a 10-20
McCormick-Deering tractor engine will fit the 10-20 Trac-TracTor of
similar vintage. Likewise will any of the tractor accessories fit
this crawler model?, and what was the original color for the
A. We believe that if these two engines are not
exactly alike, they were at least very similar. Probably the best
way to determine this would be to compare the parts book for each,
but an easier way would be to hear from someone who has the answer.
Mr. Cruchelow kindly forwarded an extensive listing of Oliver and
Cletrac production dates which will be published in the near
20//6/23 Mr. Larry Hochstein, Box 155, Wynot,
NE 68792 notes that on page 296 of American Gas Engines,
upper left hand corner, the engine there illustrated is properly an
Elgin. The same engine is illustrated on page 147 by Elgin Wheel
&. Engine Company. Mr. Hochstein also kindly points out our
error in the proper paint color numbers within this volume. On page
386 we noted that the Peerless was a bright maroon comparable to
DuPont 93-2564-H, and again listed this number on page 492 as the
deep green for Stover. In fact, ‘green’ should have been
‘red’ on page 492. Our notation of ‘bright maroon’
regarding the Peerless engine, should have been properly stated as
‘deep red’. A close comparison of the color chip with an
original color illustration gave this matchup. Regarding the
Maytag-Elgin connection previously noted by Mr. Hochstein, the
‘Maytag’ illustrated on page 296 of American Gas
Engines came from an original Maytag catalog. Beyond that, we
have not learned the connection between the two companies.
Q. Stewart Friedrichsen, RR I, Box 233, Huron,
SD 57350 asks the proper color for the Hercules engine, as well as
the McCormick-Deering LA Models.
A. See 20/6/21 above regarding the Hercules
colors. While we don’t know the exact shade of red, we would
suspect that the great majority of LA engines use the standard IHC
red color.