Some time ago we sent an e-mail to the Deutsches Museum at Munich, Germany indicating that we would be taking a tour group to see them in July, and asking for some advance information. Recently, we received a beautiful guide book to the museum, and after reading it over, we were quite impressed. This huge museum houses many large collections. Among them is the power machinery section, and it includes Diesel’s first engine, among many others. An extensive marine section is also there, along with everything imaginable from music to astronomy. For those who have already signed up for our 1998 tour, or who still plan to go, we’re now assured that this stop should be most interesting. We’ll have a whole day in Munich, and needless to say, ye olde Reflector plans to spend a great deal of time in the museum. We know they have one of the world’s largest beer halls in Munich, but we can drink beer in the evening, so the chances are slim we’ll be making that particular stop.
We’re also getting more information on the HMT Show in Holland. As previously noted, this is Europe’s premiere engine and tractor show, and even includes tractor pulls, according to our most recent information. By mid-April we’ll be closing out our signup for the 1998 tour, so if you’ve been procrastinating, contact: C. H. Wendel’s European Tour, Box 257, Amana, IA 52203 or e-mail us at for the itinerary.
Among other things, ye olde Reflector is pounding the keyboard once again, this time for our coming Standard Catalog of Farm Tractors. As things now stand, we’ll be carrying this one into the 1960s and 1970s, depending on the particular company. This first edition will concentrate primarily .on American-made tractors, vis-a-vis the imported models. Even so, the new book will have considerably more information than our Encyclopedia of American Farm Tractors, released in 1979. It seems impossible to us that we finished this book nearly twenty years ago!
Although the midwestern winter (at this writing in early February) has been exceptionally mild, we suppose that we’ll have to get at least one dose of really nasty weather before the coming of spring. For us, the very thought of trying to start an old engine in cold weather stirs no enthusiasm whatever. However, by the time this copy is in your hands in March, it’ll be time to start thinking of such things. Have a happy and safe year going to shows and exhibiting your engines and tractors!
This month, we begin with:
33/4/1 Simplicity Engine Q. See the photo of a 4 HP Simplicity engine, s/n AB7274. It is a throttle-governed kerosene engine. What is the correct color scheme? Any other information on this engine would also be appreciated. Bruce Pederson, 32909 C.R. 1,. St. Cloud, MN 56303.
A. We’ve never listed the Simplicity in our Notebook; although we’re certain it is a dark green, we don’t know the shade. If anyone can supply this information, it would be appreciated.
33/4/2 IHC LA Engine Q. I have an IHC LA engine, s/n LAA43608. Can you tell me the correct color scheme and the year it was built? Edward Zellers, RR 2, Box 480, Mifflin-burg, PA 17844.
A. Your engine was built in 1938. So far as we know, it is entirely red.
33/4/3 Geo. B. Miller Engine Q. I am an engine collector in England with a number of American engines in my collection. One of them is a Faultless made by Geo. B. Miller & Son, Waterloo, Iowa; 5 HP, s/n 9829, hit-and-miss, Webster magneto. I would like to know the proper colors and when it was built. Neville Beaty, 49 Harrison St., Carlisle, Cumbria CA2 4ER, England.
A. We don’t have an exact color match, but a badly deteriorated Miller catalog of about 1930 shows the engine in a deep Brewster Green, similar to that used on the Rumely OilPull, or DuPont 24166.
33/4/4 Bessemer 8 HP Engine Q. I have a Bessemer 8 HP engine and need help in restoring it. The engine is equipped with a hot tube as well as a spark plug. The latter is connected to an Atwater-Kent coil arrangement. I would appreciate any help or information such as printed material or conversation. Collect phone calls will be accepted and all letters will be answered. Ralph Unterzuber, 3132 Bradwill Road, Richmond, VA 232251506. Ph (804)272-5194.
33/4/5 Unidentified Engine Regarding the query of 32/12/25 in the December 1997 GEM, the engine is a Hercules 1-2 HP JI model. Dick Hamp, 1772 Conrad Avenue, San Jose, CA 95124-4501.
33/4/6 Thermoil Engine Q. I have a Thermoil 7 HP engine, s/n T1725. The engine is in nice condition, but I much need an instruction book, as well as the proper color. I will gladly pay for a photocopy of the instructions, and will appreciate any help. Robert Rinehart, Box 67, Kremlin, Montana 59532.
A. Mr. Rinehart sent along a couple of Polaroids, but unfortunately they were too dark to reprint in the column. Any way, the Thermoil is a fine engine, although it requires a bit of know-how to make it run nicely. It’s little different than other Hvid oil engines, and we’ll guarantee that when the compression is up to where it should be that it takes a husky man to crank it over! If you can supply Mr. Rinehart with some needed information, kindly do so.
33/4/7 IHC Type M, 6 H.P. Q. See the photo of a restored 6 HP IHC Type M engine. I’ve been collecting engines for over 30 years, but never saw a Type M with a breather pipe on the carb, as this one. Any information would be appreciated. Fred Cooley, 3053 Baldwin Hwy., Adrian, MI 49221.
A. We would suggest that this is the air strainer elbow as used on the hay press model or the special thresher model. However, our parts books don’t illustrate this specific part.
33/4/8 Cushman Engine InfoJim L. Brown, 7309 Baldwin Ave., Lincoln, NE 68507 sent us a very interesting letter regarding Cushman engines. Mr. Brown has been an avid collector of Cushman engines for some years, and living right in Lincoln, the home of the Cushman, has acquired considerable information on these popular engines. He writes in part:
A reader wrote asking about the correct color for the Cushman Cub engines (33/2/3) Your response was that the color is DuPont 7498 Green. It is difficult to know the correct colors, however, in an earlier issue you indicated that the color was Ditzler 32565 Gray. I have about 13 Cubs in my collection of 52 Cushman engines, and I have found traces of the original color on some of them. Your Ditzler match is indeed very close. I also consulted a fellow Cushman collector who worked for Cushman for about 40 years, and he remembers that they were all gray. There was no pinstriping on these engines.
A. You are correct in that the vast majority of the Cubs were Ditzler 32565 Gray. We believe though, that some of the early ones were the 7498 DuPont Green, having once had an early example that was about this color. (That’s where we came up with the information). Perhaps the company had notions of painting everything the same color as the verticals for a time. We should also add that Mr. Brown has a considerable amount of Cushman literature, so if you have a specific need, contact him, and he will copy it for a reasonable price.
33/4/9 Unidentified Engine Q. I need some help identifying this engine. This is my first restoration, so I would like to put it back as authentic as possible. The ignitor is gone, and a spark plug has been bolted in its place. All parts are cast with a letter Z prefix to the number. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Mark E. Peterson, 3722 W. Main, Rapid City, SD 57702.
33/4/10 Shaw Speedster Q. See the photos of a 1922 Shaw Speedster made in Galesburg, Kansas. It is 2 HP. I am looking for a Shaw engine for this Speedster. Any information would be appreciated. Dick Griffin, 3625 Emery Rd., Adrian, MI 49221.
33/4/11 Standard and Viking Etc.Donald A. Jones, 734 Cedar Lane, Perkasie, PA 18944 writes: Regarding the unidentified engine of 33/1/5, this is an engine off a Viking Twin or a Standard Twin garden tractor
In the February 1998 GEM, 33/2/26, and the Standard Walsh tractor story, the s/n of 500D2746 means it was made in 1950, not in 1929. But it is on steel and has a buzz coil ignition (box behind cylinder) , but a 1929 model would not have steel handle bars.
Also on the Internet, check out the Bungartz & Siemen garden tractors at
33/4/12 Cushman-Massey-Harris Regarding the query of 33/2/6 in the February 1998 GEM, a reader asked how long Massey-Harris sold the Cushman Cub engines. Jim L. Brown, noted above in another Cushman article, comments:
From 1936 to 1952 Massey-Harris sold the Model R Cushman engines. They sold the R-14(2 HP), R-20 (3 HP), and R-30 (4 HP). Cushman quit building the Cub in 1952, although a few were assembled from the parts inventory as late as 1954.
33/4/13 Maynard EngineQ. Can anyone provide information on a Maynard engine sold by the Charles Williams Stores, New York, New York? It has Mach. No. W2783, but no horsepower rating. I would like to know when it was made and the horsepower of the engine. Fred Wells, 262 Short St., Beallsville, PA 15313.
A. This firm began selling gas engines about 1916, continuing for a few years. However, further information is lacking on the Maynard line. Can anyone provide further information?
33/4/14 Bingo 16g Q. See the photo of an unusual device called an industrial blank shooter., using 16 gauge, 2 inch shells. It is both manually and electrically fired. Cast into the frame is ‘Bingo 16g- Pittsburgh, Pa.’ Can anyone tell me anything about this device? Michael E. Schultz, 1650 Schust Road, Saginaw, MI 48604.
33/4/15 Model ExpositionFrom Jerry E. Howell, 3980 Becket Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 we understand that the North American Model Engineering Exposition will be held April 25 & 26 at the Yack Arena, 3131 – 3rd St., Wyandotte, MI. This annual event attracts hundreds of operating hot air, steam and gas models, along with many other models in the marine, automotive, aircraft, military, railroad, machine tool, and construction equipment fields. Those interested should call (313)464-6217 for further information, or e-mail to
Jerry also favored us with a set of drawings for his half scale model of the HP Plunket Jr. gas engine. It is a fabricated model. Those wishing further information may wish to contact him at the above address.
33/4/16 A ResponseWm. Schoen, 11122 Terrace Rd NE, Blaine, MN 55434 writes regarding 33/1/5 in the January 1998 GEM that the engine in question is from a Viking Twin from Allied Motors Corporation of Minneapolis. He also notes that a serial number may be found stamped in the top left of the block, either the top milled part, or on the side. This engine used a Tillotson carburetor.
It is also of interest that a register of the Viking/Standard Twin garden tractors is being compiled by Gerald B. Lombard, 5120 Belcrest Ave., Bakers field, CA 933094705.
Mr. Schoen also sent photocopies of various early Viking specs and literature for which we offer our thanks.
33/4/17 Antique Tiller Q. See the photo of an old garden tiller. It is an M-E, model EC-12, made by Milwaukee Equipment Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I would like to have more information on it, including when it was made, and whether the company is still around. Ron Baer, RR 1, Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 5V3 Canada.
A. This company appears in the late 1940s, but in a short time was apparently out of the rotary tiller business. A 1953 product listing does not give the company name, nor is a parts supplier named for the M-E line.
33/4/18 Clinton Engine Q. See the photos of a small 2 HP Clinton engine, Model No. 100 2112, s/n808098824. On top of the gas tank is stencilled: GEM, 2HORSEPOWER, CAST IRON SLEEVE. Is the GEM on the tank somehow connected to Gas Engine Magazine? The engine presently is equipped with a Tillotson carburetor which appears to be a modification. Can anyone advise regarding the correct carburetor? Any information on this engine would be appreciated. Rob Maulsby, 416 Green Acres Dr NW, Huntsville, AL 35805 2527.
A. No, the GEM engine isn’t in any way connected to the magazine. We have no data on Clinton engines. Can any one be of help?
33/4/19 Pull-Away Tractor Q. See the photos of a Pull-Away tractor made by Capp Brothers, Stockton, California. It has a Briggs & Stratton engine, Model 14R6, Type No. 202 810, s/n 77413. Any information on this tractor, such as the year made, and its uses, would be appreciated. Roy O. Silflow, RR 2, Box 62, Kendrick, ID 83537-9623.
A. We think this was used as a garden tractor. Does anyone have further information?
33/4/20 Hines Tractor Q. See the photo of a Hines tractor with a 16 HP Kohler engine. I can’t find the model number or the serial number. Would like to know more about the tractor, also if any parts, decals, implements, manuals, etc. might be available from someone. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Bud Morrell, 17290 NE 28th St., Williston, FL 32696.
A. We’ve never heard of the Hines before, so we too will be interested to see what turns up!
33/4/21 O&R Engine Q. See the photo of an O & R horsepower engine made in the USA. Its perspective can be gauged relative to the can of South African Castle beer. We would greatly appreciate further information on this company, and perhaps details of their fullrange of engines. Wilfred E. Mole, PO Box 293, Ficksburg 9730, Republic of South Africa.
A. Can anyone be of help on this one?
33/4/22 Help Needed Q. See photos 22A and 22B of an unidentified engine. It has 20-inch flywheels and a Robert Bosch BA1 magneto. I was told it was made in France (it has metric bolts). Any information on this engine would be appreciated.
Photos 22C and 22D illustrate a Caldwell engine with s/n #1. It was patented by Joseph M. Caldwell, Burbank, California under No. 2,332,056 of October 19, 1943. It is a four-cycle, four combustion chamber engine with reciprocating-rotating pistons. The output shaft is driven by cams. The pictured engine is slightly different than the patent drawings but operating on the same principles. If anyone , knows any history concerning this engine, I would appreciate hearing from them. Robert Polk, 603 E. Coronado, Payson, AZ 85541.
33/4/23 Joseph Reid Engine Q. I have a 25 HP Reid engine, s/n 1165, made in Oil City, Pennsylvania, and need to correspond with someone knowledgeable with this type. I would like to know the year built, paint colors, and general operating information. I’m in the dark, and trying to restore it. Russell Farmer, 1231 Banta’s Creek Rd., Eaton, OH 45320.
33/4/24 Gray Engine Q. I have a Gray engine from Gray Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan, It has a 3 x 3 inch bore and stroke; flywheels are 15 5/8 diameter x 1 7/8 wide. Any information on this engine would be greatly appreciated. Thanks too to all the GEM readers who have responded to my earlier queries. Bruce Dixon, 8880 Hartel Road, Grand Ledge, MI 48837.
33/4/25 Trojan Grader Q. See the photos of a tractor-mounted grader with the following nameplate information: Trojan Road Tools, Mfg. By Contractors Machinery Co., Batavia, New York. Machine s/n 1424, Model No. PM1047. Any information on this outfit would be greatly appreciated. L.J. Dowdy, 11561 Hwy 188,Grand Bay, AL365415933.
33/4/26 Bready Cultivator Q. I have a Bready garden tractor made in Solon, Ohio. It has a Briggs & Stratton Model N engine. How many were made, and how many have survived? Does any one have any information on the company or the various tractors they made? Mine was bought in 1948 by an old neighbor. I have no other information on the machine. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I will answer all letters. William Rogers, Box 8C, Independence Lane, Han nacroix, New York 12087.
33/4/27 Steering Wheel Repair Q.Paul H. Burkle, PO Box 1871, Waterloo, IA 50704 needs to get a 13-inch steering wheel restored, and would like to know of someone who can rebuild it. If you can help, contact Paul at the above address.
33/4/28 Unidentified Engine Q. See the three photos of an unidentified engine. 28A shows the head with casting WX18, rocker arm bracket casting WX17, and rocker arm WX16. The mixer is a Powell that screws into the head with 1 inch pipe thread.
Photo 28B shows the water hopper bolted to the cylinder. Note the oiler low down on cylinder. The flywheels are 28 inches with a 2 inch face. Governor weights arte in the left flywheel. The engine was on a concrete mixer, but there were no tags on either the engine or the mixer.
Photo 28C shows the ignitor missing. Trip mechanism is on the push rod. This engine has a 4 x 8 inch bore and stroke with hit-and-miss governing.
Any information on this engine would be greatly appreciated. Ernest T. Werner, 6613 State Route 158, Millstadt, IL 62260-1741.
33/4/29 Bolens Husky Q. I recently located an old lawn and garden tractor stored in a barn. The owner said to take it if I wanted it. It is a Bolens Husky, Type 35AA01, s/n R377. Does anyone have any information on this tractor? John Cline, Box A, Star Route North, Truth or Consequences, NM 87901.
33/4/30 IHC Plow Guide Q. I have a furrow guide [plow guide] for an IHC Mogul tractor. It has never been used. Next summer I plan on mounting it on a Mogul so I can get a good picture. I would like to know when they were last made and what value it might have. Evert H. Bruse, R 1, Box 136, Norcross, MN 562749729.
A. The plow guide was an accessory item, and production likely paralleled that of the Mogul tractor for which it was made. Many tractors offered a plow guide as an accessory. For those unfamiliar with a plow guide, it was a wheeled affair that mounted on the right front axle, with the guide wheel five or six feet ahead of the right front tractor wheel. When plowing, the operator dropped the guide into the previous furrow, and the tractor would then follow the guide from one end of the field to the other, thus relieving the operator of constant steering. We have no idea as to its value.
33/4/31 Lister Diesel Q. I have a Lister Diesel, about 6 or 7 HP, and s/n 04171L 29-13 BS649. I need the address for Lister so I can try to obtain a repair book. Wayne Hart, 8005 Hwy N, Mountain Grove, MO 65711.
A. We would suggest contacting: Lister-Petter Inc., 555 E. 56 Hwy., Olathe, KS 66061
33/4/32 An Active Restorer Q. I have a Hercules 2 E engine, s/n 58226, and would like to know when it was built. I also have a John Deere horse drawn lefthanded plow, no. 876, and would like to know more about it, as well as who might have manufactured a seven-shovel horse drawn cultivator. Any answers would be appreciated.
See photo 32A of some of my Bolens tractors on a trailer. I started collecting small tractors about twenty years ago, and most of them are Bolens. I also have five Power Hoe, two Power Hoe Deluxe, two Versamatic, a four-wheel Versamatic, a Rideamatic, a Wheel Chief, a Unitractor, and a Springfield.
In photo 32b is my Ward’s Twin Row. It was about three miles from home and was pretty easy to restore.
Shettie Fulks, 5205 Winterhill Ct., Tipp City, OH 45371.
33/4/33 Kermath Engine Q. I’m restoring a Kermath four-cylinder marine engine, s/n 8371, 20 HP, made by Kermath Mfg. Co., Detroit, Michigan. It is a 201 ci engine with a 4-inch bore and stroke.
I need to know the original valve settings , what was originally used for the carburetor, and the original magneto. At present it has a Model T Ford carburetor and a Fairbanks-Morse J4A11A magneto. It runs fine on both, but I don’t think they are original. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Brian M. Lynch, RD1, Box 120B, Wellsville, NY 14895.
33/4/34 Hamilton Engine Q. Does anyone own a Hamilton engine? It is a sideshaft. I don’t know of anyone having one of these engines. Charles Shelton, 1108 Emery Ln., Clarksville, IN 47129.
A. This engine first appeared in the late 1890s from Advance Mfg. Company, Hamilton, Ohio. We’ve never heard of a Hamilton among the collectors. Do any still exist?
33/4/35 Information Needed Q. This past year I have picked up four engines for which I need information. One is a F-M ‘Z,’ 2 HP, s/n 834929; another is a Stover CT-1, s/n TA262550; also a Witte 2 HP, s/n 92502J, and a Rock Island 2 HP, s/n A56388. Any help would be appreciated. Alfred G. Brejcha Jr., RR 2, Box 12, Western, NE 68464-9505.
A. The F-M is a 1942 model; they are green, comparable to DuPont 72001; the Stover was made in 1939. The late Stover CT models appear to be close to DuPont GS188. The Witte is a 1932 model; it is DuPont 5204 Forest Green. We have no s/n information on Rock Island, but the color is DuPont 24590 Brown.
33/4/36 Parcel Diesel Q. On the Full Circle program with Michael Palin of December 15, 1997 there was a boat show in South America on an inland lake. It showed this engine that was put in service in 1926. The boat was built in England, then shipped to South America and packed by mules overland to the lake and rebuilt. The engine was a Parcel Diesel. It had four large cylinders, each over five feet tall. How did or does this engine work? Floyd E. Lindahl, 3723 Johnson St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55421.
A. We assume this was a large low-speed diesel, as was used in those days. Its operation would have been quite similar to any other diesel we presume, but we are unfamiliar with the engine, and worst of all, missed a chance to see it on TV!
33/4/37 Racine-Sattley Engines In 33/1/2 of January 1998 a reader asked for the correct color of red for the Racine Sattley engines. My engine, plus another I know of are a faded red, but I don’t know the exact shade. Dick Hamp, 1772 Conrad Avenue, San Jose, CA 95124-4501.
We’ve heard from some others on this subject, and would guess that DuPont RS901 or RS902 would be quite close to the original. Many of the early paint colors faded, especially some of the reds, so it is difficult to get the original shade. Sometimes a bit of clear varnish painted over the old finish will bring it up sufficiently to get a fairly good color match. Also bear in mind, that ‘red’ was pretty much ‘red’ in those days . . . there wasn’t a lot of time spent on color matching as we are wont to do!
33/4/38 Pattin Bros. Engine Q. I recently purchased a Pattin Bros. 15 HP engine with hot tube ignition. The engine number is 2537. I would like to know the year built and the correct color scheme for this engine. Also, I would like to correspond with anyone having one of these engines, regarding its operation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Rob Coyle, 2090 Keokuk St., #71, Hamilton, IL 62341-1200.
A. We have only seen one Pattin Bros. engine and it was painted gray, but we have no idea whether that is correct. Can anyone be of help? We have no information at all on the Pattin engines.
33/4/39 Jumbo Engine Q. The Ashtabula County Antique Engine Club was donated a cement mixer with a Jumbo 2 HP Model U engine having s/n 5452. Can anyone help us date this engine? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Joe Williams, 3121 Creek Road, Kingsville, OH 44048.
33/4/40 Novo Engine Q. I have a Novo engine, s/n DA334075 and would like to have more specs on this engine. I have the shipping information on the engine, but would like to have more specs. George Houston, 7541 – 32nd NW, Seattle, WA 98117.
A. The Reflector now has the shipping cards for the Novo engine, but we have almost nothing in our files regarding the specs of the various models. We wish we could be of more help.
33/4/41 Bolens Tractors Q. I have three different Bolens riding garden tractors. Can these be dated from the model and serial numbers? Is there any other information out there on the Bolens line? Your help would be appreciated. Bruce Cannon, 110 Hill Drive, Route 7, Box 14-3, Amarillo, TX 79118.
A. Is there any s/n data available on the early Bolens garden tractors? We too would like to know!
33/4/42 Case-Osborne Q. See the photo of a Case horse drawn mower from J.I. Case Company. I would like to know the approximate age and the proper color scheme. Also, I recently purchased a No. 10 Vulcan Steel Beam Hill side Plow. It is horse drawn and when reaching one end of the field the modlboard is flipped the other way so the plow always turns the dirt the same way. Any information on this plow would be appreciated. J. R. Cox, 10009 Seminole Rd., Mechanicsville, VA 23116.
A. Emerson-Brantingham bought the Osborne line from IHC in 1919, and in 1928 Case bought out E-B. Thus, your mower has to have been built subsequent to 1928. However, the old Osborne line didn’t stay put for very long because Case came out with a new line of mowers in the 1930s. We have no color schemes for this machine, nor do we have any information on the Vulcan.
33/4/43 Electrical Equipment Q. I have a Leland Alternator by Leland Electric Co., Dayton, Ohio. It is 1800 rpm, 120 volts, and I need information or manuals for it. Another item is an Allen tester of some sort; Type E175, 6 volts DC. I would like to find information on how it works. Lastly, I would like an explanation of how to test an ammeter to determine if it works or not. Doug Miller, 318E 650N, West Lafayette, IN 47906 9795.
A. While it sounds simplistic, the best way is probably to put a load through the meter, and it will either work or it won’t. So far as accuracy is concerned, that’s best determined in a shop setting, and not having test equipment, by comparing it with another meter of known accuracy. Larger meters, such as used in power plants etc., usually have a 5 amp movement, and require the use of a current transformer. In other words, the meter pegs out under a 5 amp load, even though the actual power load could be several hundred, or even several thousand amps. By using the proper current transformer, two small wires can carry the 5 amp load required to peg out the meter. This only works for AC meters, since DC cannot use a transformer. Almost always there will be tiny lettering somewhere around the bottom of the meter that says ‘5 amp movement’ or perhaps something like, ‘use a 30:5 transformer’ or similar information. Putting say, a 20 amp load through a 5 amp meter will smoke it immediately!
33/4/44 West Bend Engine Q. See the photos 44A and 44B of a small engine with the following nameplate information: West Bend Company, Industrial Engine Division, Hartford, Wisconsin, Model: 70007-8, Serial No.: 6418. Any help on this engine would be greatly appreciated.
Also see photos 44C and 44D of an engine with the following nameplate data: Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920) Ltd., Stowmarket, Suffolk Engine Type 75G 14, Model No. 18, S/N 16846
I would like to hear from other owners of this engine. Michael E. Schultz, 1650 Schust Rd., Saginaw, MI 48604.
33/4/45 Information Needed Q. First of all, I would like to find any information on a 6 HP horizontal Canuck engine by R.A. Lister & Company (Canada) Ltd. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I have the optional exhaust whistle that was available for the Case Model L tractor. How was this whistle attached? Did it use a butterfly valve or a slide valve mechanism? Any information would be helpful. Tom Crozier, Box 38, Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y3 Canada.
33/4/46 Rock Island Engine Q. I have a Rock Island 1 HP engine, S/n C111983 (see photo). Can anyone tell me any thing about the engine, including the correct color, when it was sold, etc.? David Ratcliffe, 3341 Southwest Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46241.
A. The Rock Is land engines were brown, similar to DuPont 24590. They were built by Alamo, but no s/n data is known to exist.
33/4/47 Windsor Etc. Q. In their 1917-18 catalog, General Mercantile Co. of Omaha, Nebraska, offered the Windsor engines. Does anyone have any further information on the Windsor line? (See photo 47A).
In photo 47B see the Quinn engine that sold at auction near Sturgis, S.D. last fall. It was made by Fred Quinn, Oliver, Illinois. Does anyone have any further information on this engine? D. Dean Suhr, 3525 E. Hawser St., Tucson, AZ 85739-8898.
A. The Windsor engine was obviously made by Associated, but we’d never heard of this interesting variation be fore.
Regarding the Quinn engine, that’s a new one for us … it isn’t listed in anything we’ve found in over thirty years of searching!
Modelmakers Corner
Building Scale Model Tractors
Recently we received an interesting letter from Don Trout at Precision Engineering, 340 E. Court St., Urbana, OH 43078. He is looking for information about the Allis-Chalmers T-16 4WD tractors. They are looking to de sign a 1/16 scale replica of the T-16 and would like to find one that they could measure and scale for this project. Photos MM-1 through MM-4 depict some of their scale models built to date.
Old Scale Model Tractors
Bill Tushey, 97 Holdsworth Road, Bendigo3550, Victoria, Australia sends along a photo, (MM-5) of a small cast iron 10-20 McCormick and a Little Genius Plow. Bill is curious to know whether these are collector toys and of any value. Also in MM-6 is shown a 10-20 McCormick-Deering of 1923 vintage that Bill once owned.
The original cast iron toys such as the ones in MM-5 certainly are of value, although we have no pricing information on them specifically. If you can be of help, kindly contact Bill at the above address.
Scale Model John Deere A
Don Prescott, 555 E 1200 N, Shelley, ID 83274 sends along two photos (MM7 and MM8) of a project that has taken over three years so far. He reports: The three years spent getting the A this far has been a real learning experience in scaling and drawing, pattern making, molding and casting, machining and fitting everything together. I have gained a great respect for pattern makers. Have you ever looked at a spoked hub and tried to figure out how it was molded? We all know too well that things do not always work right the first time and so it’s back to the shop for a minor adjustment or possibly a whole new part. These setbacks can be quite discouraging but if one looks more closely, it is also the time when you learn the most. Then comes the thrill when you get it all put together and fire it up and are able to see something you built actually running. With this thought, I would encourage anyone with the inkling to try modeling to JUST DO IT!
As can be seen in the photos, the A is not quite finished yet. I still have some minor details to add, one of which is the decals. Does anyone know of a source for scaled down decals?
The Model A shown in the photos has a 0.625 bore and a 0.750 stroke. It runs on a gasoline-mineral oil mix. This small an engine doesn’t have the ‘Pop-pin’ Johnny’ sound because it has to run too fast. The block is cast aluminum with water jacketed steel sleeves. I haven’t got into cutting gears yet, so by stealing some gears and a differential from a kid’s RC car I was able to rig one forward gear and reverse. Ignition is with a model airplane ignition coil with a HALL pick up and distributor. The plugs are #8-32 with Teflon insulators. (You can e-mail Don at: ).
A Closing Word
Sometimes it’s feast, and sometimes it’s famine! The March issue had a very short column, but we’ve more than made up for the shortfall this month! However, we still can’t pass up a chance to close with some engines that certainly come into the ‘rare’ category. Photo 33/4/A is from the Des Moines Gas Engine & Electric Company, Des Moines, Iowa, and is from a 1903 advertisement. At the time the firm was building engines ranging from 3 to 12 horsepower. We’ve never heard of a Des Moines engine still in existence. Does anyone have further information on them?
Photo 33/4/B is of an 1897 Waterloo engine from Waterloo Gasoline Engine Company. Ye olde Reflector has the frame and flywheels for this engine but nothing else! It was in an old grain elevator, and many years ago the engine parts were removed. They then belted an electric motor to one of the flywheels to operate the elevator.
In 33/4/C is another unusual engine, the Caldwell Vapor Cooled, shown here from a 1905 advertisement. It was made in 2, 3, 4, and 6 HP sizes.
One of the most unusual designs we’ve seen is the Davenport Gasoline Engine made by Implement Manufacturing Company, Davenport, Iowa, in 1899. This firm shows up for a short time, and either quit or was merged into another firm. Now wouldn’t this be a nice engine to have in your collection!
While finishing up this month’s column, we were dallying with the Deutsches Museum Guide, and after some work with the calculator, have concluded that it has some thing like 11-12 acres of floor space! We earlier mentioned that they have Diesel’s first engine of 1897, and we also noted in the adjacent machine shop area there’s a ball bearing grinding machine of 1893. We’ve always wondered how that was done, and maybe now we’ll find out! We also hope to have time to visit the Marine Navigation Section. From the Guide Book, we’re convinced that they have some really fascinating displays. Sometime during the day we also hope to visit the Musical Instruments section, and if we’re terribly lucky, maybe we’ll get to see the authentic reproduction of J. S. Bach’s pipe organ. As we’ve said before, we think our 1998 European Tour has the best itinerary of any trip we’ve hosted!
In closing, we feel compelled to comment briefly regarding our tours:
A few folks have criticized our tours because they don’t have enough engines and tractors. Now we’ll allow that some days this happens, especially with our last tour of England and Scotland. There were a few stops on that tour that weren’t of great interest to most of our folks. However, we’ve tried to rectify that problem since that time by providing every possible opportunity to visit various collections and exhibits. Be yond that, we feel that it is also necessary to add a bit of culture to our trips. For instance, next July we will be visiting Salzburg in Austria. Not only is Salzburg a beautiful city, but it is also Mozart country, and what’s even better known, it is The Sound of Music country. We think it would be a shame to pass up a wonderful cultural opportunity like this when our coach is going through Salzburg anyway!
On balance, we try to schedule activities pleasing to everyone on the tour, whether it’s engines and tractors, or the Hummel factory in Germany. We also try to provide all the freedom of movement that we can. For instance, if we’re going out some day to look at an old farm for example, we sometimes have folks who decide to stay back and go shopping or decide to visit some thing else of interest in an area. About the only things that are regimented are being to the coach on time so that we don’t have a late departure, and having the luggage ready when we’re going to move to another city.
All of our tours have been organized through Wade Farm Tours in England, and thus far, they have always given us good value-for-money. Whenever we can, we have used Chenery Travel in England, and will be using them for our 1998 tour. Many of you already know George Chenery, and will agree that they have fine coaches, and do a great job of taking care of us. Finally, our Tour Leader on all the tours has been Ms. Jackie Coggan. Over the years, Jackie has become a good friend to many of us, and no matter where we might look, we’d be hard pressed to find a better Tour Manager. She does a great job of looking after her people every day. Between Jackie, George Chenery, and this writer, we’ve often come up with special little side tours that weren’t on the itinerary. These are the great little things that keep every day interesting and enjoyable. Jackie is fluent in several languages and has traveled extensively in Europe as a Tour Manager, so she knows the ropes, and is a good person to have on hand, leaving the day-to-day worries of managing a tour in her charge.
To all of those who have already signed up, Welcome Aboard! and to those still thinking about it, why not join us for rest, relaxation, beautiful scenery, and of course, lots of engines, tractors, and who knows what else! For the benefit of the ladies, I hear rumors that we might be stopping at one of those German or Austrian crystal glass factories sometime during the tour!