By C. H. Wendel
Published on April 1, 1995
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30/4/20 Electric Tachometer Q. See the photo of
an Allen Electric Tachometer meter made by Simpson Electric Co. h
is probably off some automotive tuneup equipment. With its range of
0-3500 rpm, I thought it would be ideal for checking the rpm of
older tractors and engines. Can anyone tell me what the sending
unit was like? Any information would be appreciated. Joe M.
Tochtrop, 2028 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94118-4422.

30/4/21 Truscott Engine Q. I have a
two-cylinder, four-cycle engine made by Truscott of St. Joseph,
Michigan. I have been told it was made in 1895. The camshaft has
only two lobes on it which operate only the exhaust valves; the
intake valves are automatic. The original igniters are missing, as
well as the mixer. Any information regarding this engine would be
appreciated. Roy Davies, RR 1, Brace-bridge, ONT P1L 1W8

A. The only illustration we have on this style
is shown on page 515 of American Gas Engines, as well as the
adjacent photo. We have found advertising as early as 1903, hut it
is possible that they were active prior to that time.

30/4/22 Hesse Hornet Q. See the photos of a
Hesse Hornet, made by Hesse Corporation, Kansas City, Missouri. It
is a compressor unit built from a Jeep engine, in this instance,
CJ3A, R3-J17117. It runs on two cylinders and pumps air with the
other two cylinders. I would like to know more about this unit,
when it was built, the color, etc. Would also like to hear from
anyone owning one of these units. John W. Thompson, Rt. 8, Box 336,
Live Oak, FL 32060.

30/4/23 Standard Scale & Supply Q. In the
back of the pickup there is a Fairbanks-Morse 6 HP, a 1 HP John
Deere, and a 3 HP engine from Standard Scale & Supply. I cannot
find any information on the latter, and would like to learn more
about this engine. Any help will be appreciated. Patrick M. Kelly,
Rt 2, Box 48, Mt. Carroll, IL 61053.

A. Standard Scale was not an engine builder,
but used other engines, the Novo in particular, on their cement
mixers. Occasionally, a Novo engine will be found having
‘SSS’ cast into the crankcase hand hole plates instead of
the usual ‘Novo.’

30/4/24 Richardson Engine See photos 24A and
24B of the only Richardson engine ever built. It was patented july
22, 1913 by C. W. Richardson, Rugby, Virginia, and eventually was
given to the Grayson Highland State Park and is on display at the
Visitors’ Center, open from spring ’til fall. This park is
located in Grayson County, just off Route 58 in Rugby, Virginia.
This engine was made in 1912, and has a 2 x 3 inch bore and

Also see photos 24C and 24D of an engine from Spotless Company,
Richmond, Virginia. The Spotless engines are identical to those
made by Jacobson Machine Mfg. Co., Warren, Pennsylvania, jimmy D.
Joines, Rt 2, Box 277, Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363.

30/4/25 Minneapolis-Moline RTU Q. I am starting
to restore a Minneapolis-Moline RTU, s/n 00104020, and would like
to know the year built, proper paint colors, and where I can find
decals. I would also like to hear from anyone with information on
wiring and how many were built with hydraulics and three-point
hitch. Any information will be appreciated. Rob Coyle, 1871 Laurel
St., Hamilton, IL 62341.

A. Your tractor was built in 1952. The familiar
Prairie Gold color is comparable to NAPA 90T-3749. Decals are
available from some of the GEM advertisers. It anyone can be of
help on the wiring and other desired information, kindly do so.

30/4/26 J. D. Adams Graders Q. See 26A of an
Adams elevating grader. The Corps of Engineers plate reads, Model
11, Serial 516, 6-17-43, J. D. Adams Mfg. Co. What years was this
grader made? This one was used on the ALCAN highway in World War
Two, which seems late for this model. What is the color of Adams

Photo 26B is a Russell Standard Grader. It was pulled by 12 or
14 horses and pushed by six more. The original colors are red
frame, white lettering, and green blade.

Photo 26C is an Adams wheeled scraper for which I would like to
find more information , and 26D is a Gas Traction Company tractor
owned by Lester Patersen, Lockwood, California. Paul Reno, 3254
Kansas Street, Oakland, CA 94602.

30/4/27 Schramm Engine Q. See the photos of an
engine from Chris D. Schramm & Sons Inc., Size L3, 550 rpm, s/n
30083. It was originally used to run a piston pump on a well. Can
anyone give me any information when it was used, the correct
colors, etc.? I would like to contact anyone having one of these
engines. R. L. DeJager, 785 NE Dogwood Ln, Madras, OR 97741.

A. From the pictures furnished, it’s rather
hard to tell, but we think there is a great similarity to the
Schramm shown on the left side of page 451 in American Gas Engines.
Those who have studied the Schramm line arc undoubtedly better
equipped to give you more information.

30/4/28 New Acquisitions Q. See 28A, B, and C
of an unidentified air cooled engine. Would like to know what the
carburetor should look like, and if there are any of these engines
around. Photo 28D is a four-cylinder Petter diesel. Would like to
correspond with anyone having any information on this engine. All
letters will be answered, and thanks for your help. Bob Hamilton,
RR 1 (Gobies), Princeton, ONT N0J 1V0 Canada.

30/4/29 Alpha and Stover Q. Would anyone have
information on an Alpha 5 HP and a 2 HP made by De-Laval Dairy
Supply Company, serial numbers 22575 and 15509, respectively? Also,
I have a Stover TC2136I7; anything on these engines would be of
help. Alvin S. Ross Sr., 25768 Tidball Lane, Veneta, OR 97487.

A. We have no data on the Alpha engines; the
Stover was made in 1931.

30/4/30 IHC Mogul Question Q. I recently
obtained an IHC Mogul 1 HP engine, s/n W23343 from an owner in
Ontario. The engine was painted dark red, similar to the Titan and
Famous engines. I disassembled the engine and could find no trace
of the usual Olive-green paint. I would like to know if this was
normal practice for export engines, as the paint seems to be the
original. Also, this engine was set up for spark plug ignition. The
operator’s manual shows a spark plug adaptor but it is not
clear how the trip was made that goes to the cam lobe. Can anyone
offer any help on this design? Larry R. Holderman, 2328 W 300 N,
Warsaw, IN 46580.

A. Perhaps there might he others having export
engines who have run into the same situation, and might be able to
shed some light on the matter.

30/4/31 Serial Numbers Wanted Q. I would like
to know the year the following engines were built: Fairbanks-Morse
Z, 1, s/n 475603; Economy 1 S, 355502; Jaeger 3 310688; Stover,
TB239011; Majestic 7 HP, s/n 135608; Deere Type E, 1 HP, 334375;
Little Jumbo Type U, 2 HP, 4983; Hercules XK, 1 HP, s/n 11985;
Fuller & Johnson NB, 2 HP, 99866; Emerson-Branting-ham Type U,
6 HP, 14478; Domestic Engine, 3 HP, s/n 17215; Witte 8 HP, s/n
50379; Witte 1 HP, s/n B41213; and an Ottawa, s/n E6647. Frank
Carr, Rt 2, Box 35, Frametown, WV 26623.

A. The Fairbanks was made in 1920; the Stover
TB in 1935; the Deere in 1935; the Fuller & Johnson in 1926;
the Witte 8 HP in 1920; and the Witte 1 HP in 1927. We have no s/n
data on the other engines listed. Also, in answer to your letter,
the Witte engines did not use decals.

30/4/32 Flying Dutchman Engine Q. I have a 2 HP
Flying Dutchman engine sold by Moline Plow Company, and built by
Alamo; s/n 33764. I would appreciate any information on this
engine, when sold, etc. Mike Tyler, 320 Locust St., Ridgecrest, CA

A. It is finished in a dark maroon, something
like Ditzler 71666. We think Moline sold these engines in the
1916-18 period.

30/4/33 MECO Engine Q. I am restoring a 12 HP
MECO engine, s/n A2630.I have found traces of red paint on the
flywheels, gray on the water hopper, and green on the connecting
rod. I am interested in finding the proper color scheme, and other
information on this engine. Roy Ostafichuk, Box955, FlinFIon, MAN
R8A 1N7 Canada.

A. It appears your engine was sold in 1931.
We’ve not heard from anyone who has restored one to the
original colors. If you’re that person, please step forward and
let us know the color scheme. As noted in 30/4/41 below, we think
it is red, and have offered what we think is an accurate
duplication of same. It’s not likely that any striping was used
on MECO engines.

30/4/34 Jaeger Engine Q. What is the proper
color for a Jaeger engine, when was it made, and where can I obtain
further information? It is s/n 44481, engine #356191, 25
horsepower. Larry M. Moore, 6910 S. Watterson Trail, Louisville, KY

A. Our Notebook lists PPG 13500 or DuPont
5183-DH Blue as comparable colors. Decals are available through GEM

30/4/35 Wisconsin Engines Q. I would like some
information on two types of Wisconsin engines: an AC4, #54370, and
an AC4S, #54204; and an AP41, #542246. Anything you can provide
would be of help. Bill Pursel, 15121 N. CR 700 E, Dunkirk, IN

A. We have no data on these engines. Can anyone
be of help?

30/4/36 Ironhorse Information Needed Q. I have
an Ironhorse, Model X209, s/n 9182. I would like to know when it
was built, and need to contact someone having one of these engines.
I need the kick starter assembly. Glen Davis, 212 S Blaine Ave.,
Bradley, IL 60915.

A. Are there some Ironhorse owners who can

30/4/37 Construction Machine Company Q. I
recently bought a concrete mixer, s/n 49608, made by Construction
Machinery Company, Waterloo, Iowa. The engine is a LeRoi Model 7S,
s/n VBP207. Can anyone tell me when this machine was made or when
the engine was produced? Art Shackman, 307 N. Church St., Newton,
IL 62448.

A. Unfortunately, CMC disposed of all these old
records years ago. If still available, they certainly would be

30/4/38 Bearcat or Tiger Q. Photo 38A is either
a Bear Cat or a Tiger Cat tractor. What engine was used, and what
was the difference between the Bear Cat and the Tiger Cat?

Photo 38B is a Tiger tractor, I think. There are no serial
numbers on it, except on the engine. The latter is a Briggs &
Stratton Model 14 FB, made in 1954. The transmission is a very
small three-speed automotive unit. The original color is green.
What would the model designation be for this tractor? Are Tiger
decals available? Any help would be appreciated. Tommy Coffey, 200
Power Circle, Box C64-2, Hudson, NC 28638.

A. Can anyone be of help?

30/4/39 What Is It? Q. Can someone advise me as
to the use of this heavy metal cart (see photo), and approximately
when it was made? W. F. Henderson, 21600 Finn Rd., Sheridan, OR

30/4/40 Identification Needed  Q. Can
anyone identify the tractor in the photo? It is factory built. What
is the original engine? Emil Leimkuehler, HCR 62, Box 3, Mt.
Sterling, MO 65062.

30/4/41 MECO Engines Q. See the three photos of
my 4 HP MECO engine, s/n A4090. Can you tell me the year made, and
the color? Also would like to know the year built of MECO engines
A1504 and A1866. Fred Kummerfeldt, 55 Calumet Avenue, Oakland, NJ

A. In the order given, the years are 1917,
1929, and 1931. Of course the MECO stands for Manufacturer’s
Engine Company, and these were Witte engines, appearing in the
Witte serial number records. Their random numbering system was at
full tilt on the MECO, with consecutive numbers sometimes being
fifteen years apart! From your photos, and from some other
information, we would guess that PPG 3296 Bright Red (1982 Ford
Truck) would be fairly close. As we’ve noted many times before,
accurate color matches weren’t likely in those days, especially
when the paint went up for bids and the supplier might change from
year to year.

30/4/42 Kohler Light Plant Q. Can anyone
provide the correct color information on a Kohler Electric. Plant,
Model D 25404, 110 volts DC, 1500 watts? Any information will be
appreciated. Erik Vathne, 6241 County Rd 35, Finlayson, MN

A. We don’t have a color listed for Kohler
in the current edition of our Notebook. If anyone can supply it,
please let us know.

30/4/43 Coupparel Engine Q. I was hoping
someone could give me some information on an engine. I mainly would
like to know if you could get electricity for a lead light from it.
It is a Coupparel engine made in Minneapolis. It is on a Sno-Pony
snowmobile made in the early 1960s. I am also curious as to how
many are left in existence. I’m hoping I got lucky and may have
picked up a real gem! The engine has a Coupparel sticker with a
horse above it. It also has a sticker indicating how much oil to
mix with the gas. James Simpson, PO Box 653, Osltemo, MI

30/4/44 IHC LAA and LBA Engines Q. I am
restoring two International 1 2 engines. Could someone give me the
appropriate paint, and the year built? The numbers are LAA 39043
and LBA 106388. John Walker, 2128 E. Fernview

A. We would assume these engines to be in the
usual IHC Red; the years built are 1937 and 1946 respectively.

30/4/45 From Australia Q. See the photos of a
Mode! M International engine. All the numbers given in the book 150
Years of International Harvester have an alpha prefix, but I cannot
find this on my engine. It is fitted with a high tension magneto
and spark plug. Can you provide further information? Fred Schultz,
PO Box 713, Sale, Vic 3850 Australia.

A. First of all, from the photos, we would
believe yours is a 1 HP kerosene model, photo 45A, built in 1919.
It would have an ‘A’ prefix, and this would have likely
been etched on the plate itself, not stamped in. However, the parts
book shows that your engine should have been equipped with an
igniter (30/4/45B) and the IHC Type R magneto in the 1917-23
period. From 1923-33 the American Bosch high tension magneto was
optionally available. The back view (30/4/45C) shows the early
style of the Type M engines, in that the hand hole was changed to a
pressed steel plate attached with four machine screws. The early
ones, like this, used a cast plate with a captive bar and a thumb
screw. According to the parts book, this style was used until

30/4/46 Cushman Inquiry Q. On page 118, upper
left hand corner, of American Gas Engines, is a horizontal engine
like I just recently acquired. I am looking for any possible
information on this one and would be happy to pay for any

It seems that this is one of the more uncommon Cushman models,
and I was pleased to locate it through an ad in GEM. I have a total
of 23 Cushman engines, including a 3 HP Model C on a banjo cart (a
heavy cast-frame outfit, roughly shaped like a banjo), some early
Cushman Cubs with very unusual features, as well as the
Massey-Harris and Sears Farm Master models made by Cushman. The
largest Cushman I have is the 15 HP model.

I also have a lot of original Cushman literature which I am
happy to share with persons restoring Cushman engines. I have also
collected serial numbers on about 500 Cushman engines, which I have
put on my computer. We have some verified dates of purchase, so we
are beginning to be able to approximate the manufacturing dates of
some engines.

I have also taken extensive photos of variations of different
engines, which should be helpful to other collectors. If I can be
of help to other Cushman collectors, I’ll gladly do so. Jim
Brown, 7309 Baldwin Ave., Lincoln, NE 68507.

A. Now there’s the best offer we’ve
seen in a long time. However, please be so kind when sending an
inquiry as to include a self-addressed and stamped envelope (SASE)
and if you’re wanting photocopies, try to include a generous
allowance. In our opinion, two bits (25 cents) a page isn’t any
too much . . . besides the actual cost of owning a copier, which is
becoming astronomical, there’s the cost of paper too. And
don’t forget about the toner. Each bottle of that stuff must
have some gold or platinum in it!

30/4/47 Farmall F-20 Serial Q. The serial
number plate on my F-20 Farmall is corroded and the numbers are
gone. Is there any way to date this tractor? Thomas J. Iglehart,
3844 Jennings Chapel Rd., Woodbine, MD 21797

A. The shop manual says that the number is
stamped on the plate, but it seems to us that it is also stamped on
the top of the engine rail just behind the radiator.

30/4/48 Unidentified Engine Q. I purchased this
two-cylinder opposed engine at an auction (and paid one heck of a
price for it). See photo. There are some things I don’t
understand about it. There are no openings for a combustible
mixture to enter or exhaust gases to exit the cylinders . There
appears to be no way of igniting the mixture. What make is this,
and approximately when was it made? I surely would be appreciative
if someone could give me some information. Dale Nickerson, 8670
Glasgow Road, Cassadaga, NY 14718-9617.

A. Can anyone be of help?

30/4/49 Switching Names An article in the
Lewistown, Pennsylvania, Sentinel of January 3, 1995 refers to an
article of ten years earlier about ‘scratching the green and
yellow paint from a 1985 John Deere skid-steer loader and
you’ll find a Sperry New Holland product underneath.’
Judging from the article, it would appear this might not be an
uncommon practice. The question has been brought up in the past
about one manufacturer’s nameplate on an engine that appears to
have been made by someone else. George Kasdorf Sr., RD 3, Box 251,
Lewistown, PA 17044-9218.

30/4/50 Jaeger Engine Q. I have acquired a 3 HP
Jaeger engine. Does anyone know where I can find an instruction
manual, decals, etc. for this engine? Mark Hunt, 106 Red Rd.,
Albany , GA 31705.

A. Decals are available from some GEM
advertisers. Reference to the proper color has been noted
previously in this issue.

30/4/51 Witte Engines Q. I have three Witte
engines with the following numbers, and would like to know their
age if possible: 2 HP, B22312; 8 HP, sin 80188; 4 HP, s/n 49576.
Dave Rotigel, RD 4, Box 143, Greensburg, PA 15601.

A. In order, the years are 1925, 1928, and

30/4/52 Clutch Pulley Q. See the photos of a
clutch pulley made by Edgemont Machine Company, Dayton, Ohio. It is
No. G7, and has a 12 inch diameter with a 6 inch face. It is
mounted to the flywheel with three bolts. Does anyone know the
engine this might have fit, or know anything about Edgemont Machine
Company? Kaven Isenberg, 5138 Edmonton Road, Tompkinsville,

30/4/53 Cushman Engine Q. See the photo of a
Cushman Model 7C7 engine, 4 HP, s/n 59759. It is equipped with a
Wico EK magneto. I would like to find more information on this
engine. It was stored in an enclosed shed for over 50 years and has
never been run during this time, It was used on a grain elevator in
central California. Any information would be much appreciated. Carl
C. Nielsen, 1701 Albany Avenue, Modesto, CA 95350.

A. See previous commentary above on

30/4/54 Cushman Inquiry Q. I have a Cushman 3
HP R20B Bean Special Cub, sin HA3099. I would like to find more
information, such as age, color, and proper decals. A picture
appears on page 118 of American Gas Engines. I would also like any
information possible on the Majestic Engine Company. Derek Watt,
4429 Hallet St., Rockville, MD 20853.

A. Again, see the Cushman commentary above.

30/4/55 F-M Model A Light Plant Q. See the
photo of a Fairbanks-Morse Model A, 32 volt light plant. I need a
service manual for it, especially the wiring diagram for the
control box. Any help would be appreciated. Merlin Crohn, 891 S
Dagmar Rd., Dagmar, MT 59219.

A. The diagram at 30/4/55 may be of help.

30/4/56 Maytag Mini-Bike See the photos of my
Maytag-powered minibike with a Model 92 washer engine, and a
sidecar made from the tub of a 1936 Maytag washer. It uses a
belt-tightener clutch and friction-type brakes. The frame is
painted fire red, and the Maytag is green, while the sidecar is
painted Maytag gray. While it won’t break any speed records, it
will move two people at better than a fast walk with the sidecar
attached. I also have restored a gasoline Maytag washer, as well as
an electric model of circa 1936. These are restored to nearly
original except for the exhaust hose and muffler, which I’m
still trying to find. Bill Reece, PO Box 444, Ellijay,GA30540.

30/4/57 Superior Engine Q. Our club, The
Western Missouri Antique Tractor & Machinery Association, has
acquired a 30 HP Superior two-cycle engine, s/n B1014- We need
information on setting up the engine, operating data, etc. Any help
will be appreciated. Wilfred Belt, 1303 Butler Dr., Harrison ville,
MO 64701.

30/4/58 McClary Engine Q. Barkerville Historic
Town is currently contemplating the restoration of a 1921 McClary
stationary engine. Can anyone provide some information or guidance
regarding this engine? Brian Fugler, Heritage Properties Branch,
Northern Interior Region, Box 19, Barkerville, BC  V0K 
1B0 Canada.

30/4/59 Mar-Tan Engine Q. See the photo of a
Mar-Tan v-twin, fan cooled engine, s/n 10475. This engine is
mounted on a heavy cast iron base, rope started, and flyball
governed through a Tillotson carburetor. Can anyone provide any
information on this engine, or know of others? Any help will be
appreciated. (This engine was made in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.) James
Prepodnik, 12540 Sethers Rd., Gheen. MN 55771.


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