27/4/23 Walk-Behind Tractors Q. Photo 23A
illustrates a Siemens Model K5 tractor built about 1933. It has a 5
HP two-stroke petrol engine. This is the oldest engine I own…it
was made in Berlin, Germany. Photo 23B illustrates a Bungartz Model
H5, No. 19704, built ca. 1958. It has a Fichtel & Sachs Stamo
280 two-stroke petrol engine with 8 HP. Here it is fitted with a
sicklebar mower, but all sorts of implements can be mounted, like
rotary cultivator, plow, pumps, snow boards ,etc. This machine was
built in Munich, Western Germany. It is one of my 18 different
models of Bungartz. Photo 23C is a stranger in my collection, a
Roof Mower, Model VP-75 with a Wisconsin engine, Model S-7D. In
1985 Teledyne Total Power of Memphis, Tennessee informed me that
the engine had been manufactured in 1966. But in the same year the
Roof Mfg. Co. of Pontiac, Illinois told me that they only used
Briggs & Stratton and Tecumseh engines on their mowers, and
also that my mower must have been manufactured in 1975 or later. Is
there, anyone who can solve both the engine and the date mysteries?
Michiel Hooijberg, Westdijk 12, NL-1463 PA BEEMSTER Netherlands
27/4/24 Champion Seeder Q. I need information
on the seeder in the photo. The seed boxes are red with blue
striping. It has writing on it, but I can’t make it out. It
appears the last word is CHAMPION. Elmer Ivy, RR 20, Box 332,
Bloomington, IN 61701.
27/4/25 Gould, Shapley & Muir Q. I have a G
S & M engine made in Brantford, Ontario. Mine is a 1? HP model,
s/n 10790. However, it is not listed in American Gas Engines. Any
information will be appreciated. Marcus Roosch, 519 So. Valley, New
Ulm, MN 56073.
27/4/26 Minneapolis Crossmotor Q. What is the
correct color scheme for a Minneapolis Crossmotor tractor, Type B,
s/n 8934? I’ve been trying to get the proper scheme, but so
far, without success. Any help will be appreciated. David Kyler,
1595 S. St., Rd 9, Columbia City, IN 46725.
A. We don’t have the scheme either, so if
some collector can provide this information let Mr. Kyler (and us)
know what it is.
27/4/27 Unidentified Engine Q. See the photo of
a marine type engine that so far is unidentified, although the
previous owner thought it was a Temple. It uses a 4 inch bore and
stroke, Kinston carburetor, and has a 14? x 2? inch flywheel.
Overall height is 19? inches. I would like to get a positive
identification, and any other information obtainable on this
engine. John Horvat, 3110 N. Grant, Harrison, MI 48625.
27/4/28 Hocking Valley Q. I have a Hocking
Valley Feed Cutter that is completely restored, and would like to
hear from anyone having one of these machines or having information
on same. John Casey, 18975 Texas Ave., Prior Lake, MN 55372.
27/4/29 An Old Hay Press Q. I acquired the old
hay press shown in the photo, and plan to restore it. Does anyone
know the make? It was bought used in 1926, and the only paint 1 can
find is a green, something like Stover green. All the casting
numbers have a ‘BP’ prefix. Any information will be greatly
appreciated. El-wood Patterson, Box 13, Claremont, SD 57432.
A. If you can be of help on this query, kindly
do so.
27/4/30 A Waterloo Boy? Q. The engine in the
photos is mounted on a cement mixer built by Cement Tile Machinery
Company, Waterloo, Iowa. It looks like an early style Waterloo Boy
engine, but even more like the Knowlton engine on page 265 of
American Gas Engines. The Webster magneto bracket is A303J114A, and
your Notebook lists this bracket for the 14 HP engine from Geo. B.
Miller & Sons, Waterloo, Iowa. Can anyone provide a positive
identification for this engine? Ken Johnson, 25277 Rancho, Apple
Valley, CA 92307.
A. Since George B. Miller had been a prominent
figure in the Waterloo Gasoline Engine Company, prior to the
latter’s buyout by John Deere, it seems logical that his
engines would follow the same general designs as the old Waterloo
Boy. A photo of a Miller engine on page 308 of the above mentioned
title does not yield sufficient detail to make a definite judgement
in this regard, but we would suggest that this is actually a Geo.
B. Miller engine, particularly because of the Webster bracket
number. Even though the Webster listings we have show only the 14
HP model, it is entirely possible that Miller offered other engines
with the Webster magneto. If so, they probably modified the engine
to use the same bracket. However, you note in your letter that one
of the bracket holes has been redrilled to fit the studs in the
cylinder flange, so this theory may also be in error. One thing is
definite…the engine was built in Waterloo, or at the very least,
followed the old Waterloo Boy designs. Beyond that, does anyone
have a definite identification for this engine?
27/4/31 Ottawa TractorGeorge S. Farnham, 2460
Baltimore , Decatur, IL 62521 needs information on an Ottawa
tractor with the following specs: The Ottawa No. MT 4018 HP 8?
Ottawa Mfg. Co. Ottawa, Kansas
This tractor has an IY-69 Continental engine. I’ve been told
it was purchased in 1932. Any information will be greatly
27/4/32 Buckeye Traction DitcherSee the two
photos of a Buckeye traction ditcher owned by the National Museum
of Science & Technology, Ottawa, Ontario. It has a Buckeye
engine of the hit-and-miss type with a 10-inch bore and stroke. The
flywheels are about 4? feet in diameter. It takes four good men,
two on each flywheel, to turn it over. This machine almost needs a
Philadelphia lawyer to operate, with all the cables,
transmissions, clutches, steering, and engine controls. Thanks to
W. G. Zandbelt, Box 162, Vernon, ONT K0A 3J0 Canada for sending us
this information.
27/4/33 Maytag Compressor Q. See the two photos
of a Maytag engine with a diaphragm compressor. The tag reads:
Allstate Compressor, Sears Roebuck Co., Model 333-9235. Any
information will be appreciated. Jerry Nance, 609 S. First St.,
Odessa, MO 64076.
27/4/34 Starting Problems Q. I have a 1?
DeLaval engine as built by John Lauson Co., and illustrated on page
278 of American Gas Engines. It uses a Sumter No. 11 magneto and an
ignitor. I have adjusted the timing and checked the magneto and
ignitor to the best of my ability, but have been unable to start
the engine. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Murray B.
A. Hendren, 1229 Royal Drive, Peterborough, ONT K9H 6R3 Canada.
A. Few things are more frustrating than to work
hours and hours on a restoration, and then be unable to get the
engine started. The older we get, the sooner we get worn out trying
to crank one too! One is to pull out the piston and rod, and with a
mechanic’s flexible mirror, turn the engine over to see if
there is fire at the points. There can be any number of problems
from timing to a worn push rod (allowing the trip finger to squirm
out of its proper position). If the igniter trip is secured to the
side of the cylinder, and is not dependent on the valve pushrod,
then it is possible to remove the head and turn the engine over to
see if it is firing as it should be. This is a tough question to
answer, as there are so many variables. One time we had an engine
that absolutely refused to run. After trying many different things,
we finally took the mixer off once again and almost by accident, we
found the trouble. Some mud dauber wasps had built a small nest way
up in the mixer, and due to its design, this was almost impossible
to see. With a bent piece of wire and the air gun, we finally got
this stuff cleaned out, and voila! the engine ran. Regarding
specifics of your engine and the magneto used, perhaps some other
De-Laval owners have experienced similar problems, and may be of