22/4/25 Q. I have a Fairbanks-Morse ‘Z’
engine, s/n 266742. Would like to know the year of it; also the
wrist pin came loose and scored the cylinder about 3/32 of an inch.
How can this be fixed? Also need information on a Briggs &
Stratton FH’ engine, s/n 30041. Marcel Corriveau, L15 C15, RR
2, Corbeil, Ontario PoH 1K0 Canada.
A. The Fairbanks-Morse engine is likely a 1917
model. With the cylinder scored this deeply by the wrist pin, it
will probably be necessary to have it bored out and sleeved.
We’ve heard all kinds of patent remedies for fixing bad
cylinders, but so far we have found nothing to replace lost metal
that will stay there for any length of time.
22/4/26 Q. Can anyone identify this log saw and
engine? It says ‘Climax’ on the side, but has no other
identification. Steve Stratman, 1133V2 School St., Pueblo, CO
A. A check of various implement directories
shows Globe Company, Sheboygan, Wisconsin as a manufacturer of
‘Wood Sawing Machines’ under the Climax tradename.
22/4/27 Q. Does anyone have information on the
Quadpull tractor built at Antigo, Wisconsin. It is pictured on page
35 of Encyclopedia of American Farm Tractors. I personally knew the
inventor, D. S. Stewart who only lived a few miles away. Adin
Reynolds, Anima, WI 54408.
A. Beyond what was offered in the above book,
we have found no further information on this tractor.
22/4/28 Q. What is the proper paint color for
IHC LA engines? Robert Callaway, 425 So. 42nd, Lincoln, NE
A. So far as we know, ordinary IH Red,
available at most paint stores.
22/4/29 Q. What is the year built for a
Massey-Harris Challenger Model C-H, s/n 130972. Also what is the
original paint color scheme, and who built the engine? John Wagner,
27191 Mekus Rd., RR 3, Defiance, OH 43512.
A. It would appear that this is a 1936 model.
We do not have a matching color number. The 1936 Cooperative Red
Book shows this tractor to have the company’s own engine.
22/4/30 Q. See the picture given below of our 4
HP Cushman engine with cooling tank and original cast iron truck.
Would like to have the proper color of engine and truck, plus we
need to know if it has any striping, also the color of the tank.
Also curious as to the rarity of this engine, as we do not see many
like it at shows. Charles E. Riley, 5670 Delisle & Fourman
Road, Arcanum, OH 45304.
A. We have DuPont Dulux 93-62713-H listed as a
comparable color of green for the Cushman vertical, although we are
not sure of the color for the cast iron trucks. We also have one of
these unrestored, and the trucks appear to be black. The cooling
tank was left unfinished, just natural galvanized steel. Cushman
verticals had no pin striping. The Cushman vertical is not
particularly rare, although the cast iron trucks like you have are
rather hard to find.
22/4/31 Q. I am seeking information on the
ignition system for an Associated’ ‘Jerry Boy”
hand car engine. This engine is exactly like the other air-cooled
Associated models, but was designed to be reversible by virtue of a
moveable cam lobe. How was the ignitor ‘reversed?’ A
‘normal’ Associated ignitor will not work. This is the only
‘Jerry Boy’ I have seen. Would be glad to hear from anyone
with one of these engines. Fritz Ackerman, Box 305, Bellville, OH
A. We’ve never seen a ‘Jerry Boy’
hand car engine, but fail to understand why the ignitor setup would
change, regardless of which way the crankshaft runs. The push rod
simply moves back and forth, regardless of the crankshaft, and
inanimate thing that it is, it cannot tell the difference. We may
stand corrected on this, but we can see no reason for changes to
the ignitor just because of reversing the crankshaft rotation.
Presumably the cam is symmetrical, that is, it has the same lift
during the same period of rotation, regardless of direction.
22/4/32 Q. Can anyone supply information on a
Love 6-cylinder tractor with a Chrysler motor. It was built in Eau
Claire, Michigan. Waiter Buttel, 1683 Montague Road’, Leaf
River, IL 61047.
A. We have nothing on file except for the usual
specifications from the tractor directories. Perhaps one of our
readers might photocopy some original Love tractor literature,
assuming that some still exists.
22/4/33 Q. We recently acquired a 3 HP vertical
air cooled Myrick’s Eclipse engine, s/n 640, 400 rpm. (See
photo) It is very similar to the engine on page 322 of American Gas
Engines. The engine is spark plug ignition, yet there is no way to
set the timing. Was this engine originally hot tube, and possibly
converted? Would like to hear from someone familiar with this
engine so we can restore it. Stan Matlowski, RD 1, Box 199, Hemlock
Creek, PA 18621.
A. We have nothing at all on this engine, but
hopefully some of our readers will respond to the call for
22/4/34 Q. Don Macmillan, Whiterig,
Etchilhampton, Devizes, Wilts., SN10 3JY England comments on the
Waterloo Boy colors seen on the front cover of the December, 1986
GEM: If one assumes that the colours are fairly accurate, could one
deduce from this the correct colour scheme for Waterloo Boy
tractors pre-John Deere’s takeover in March, 1918? I have long
wanted accurate information on this subject.
A. The Reflector has never been able to pin
this down, although it seems that Waterloo Gas Engine Co. might
themselves have changed from red to green about 1914. In fact, this
company must have had a problem deciding on color, since the
Reflector’s own engine of 1893 vintage from Waterloo Gasoline
Traction Engine Company was a dark green color. At some point, we
know not when, they changed to red. This in itself is curious,
since Galloway and Associated engines, both built in Waterloo were
also red. One would think that Waterloo Gas Engine would have opted
for almost anything but red! We suspect the only way to firmly
establish this will be when enough people holding enough different
Waterloo Boy catalogs can get together and make this
22/4/35 Q. Would like to correspond with anyone
having a Fairbanks-Morse Type ‘N’ 20 HP, throttle governed
engine. My question is to the purpose of the enclosed canister with
what appears to be a weight that is attached to a butterfly on the
mixer intake on the bottom side of the head. Rich Krumm, 13075 West
Watson Road, Sunset Hills, MO 63127.
A. We suspect you are referring to the governor
dashpot, located there to prevent floating of the throttle valve.
Dashpots usually contain some lightweight oil, and this operates
similar to an automotive shock absorber by keeping the governor
from overreacting. Fairbanks-Morse ‘Z’ engines use a flat
spring on the governor body itself, and simply tightening a set
screw places more tension on the spring, retarding the governor
22/4/36 Q. See the photo of my first engine, an
Orr & Sembower, 4 HP vertical, s/n 1818, made in Reading, Pa.
Local collectors say it is a rare engine, but I need help, since it
was partially disassembled when I got it, and how the carburetor
works is my major question. Any replies will be appreciated. Ron
Brennan, 35655 Palomares Road, Castro Valley, CA 94552.
22/4/37Mr. Arnold Sayer, 106, South Road, Kirby
Stephen, Cumbria, England sends a photo of a rare 1923 Hobbs engine
made by Frome Engineering, Frome, Somerset, England. It uses a
Webster magneto, although we wish Mr. Sayer would forward the
bracket number so it can be added to the list.
22/4/38 Q. Can anyone identify this engine? AH
castings have a ‘U’ prefix, and it uses a Wico EK magneto.
A brass plate on the water reservoir states: W. E. Fennel Co.
Pumping Machinery Boston, Ma.
Any information will be appreciated. George Banas, 631
AlpineDrive, South-bridge, MA 01550.
22/4/39 Q. Mr. J. C. Heyer, Skiff Farm,
Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, Sussex, RH14 ODD England has a
large collection of IH tractors, but has problems locating a
4-spoke steering wheel for his W-30, and has no success in his
country of finding anything. He would like to hear from anyone who
might be able to provide information on his problem.
22/4/40 Q. Norval Morgareidge, 58018 Fisher
Lane, St. Helens, OR 97051 would like to have the proper color for
an Alamo Blue Line engine, and whether decals were used on both
A. As noted above, we do not have a matching
color as yet for the Alamo Blue Line engines, but we assume that
decals are placed on both sides of the engine.
22/4/41 Q. What is the proper color
andpinstriping for a 2 HP Jaeger engine, and what is the
approximate age? Rick Plies, 8100 S. Cherrywood Drive, Lincoln, NE
A. We keep adding paint colors, and published
what we had a while back. However, we keep getting more of them,
but do not have anything on Jaeger yet. We don’t know of any
way to definitely establish age on these engines.
22/4/42 Q. I am new to antique engines, and
find myself confused about hit-and-miss governing, volume
governing, low tension magnetos, and the like. Can you recommend
any booklet that will help? David P. Rhine, 1124 Park Dr., Palmyra,
PA 17078.
A. We especially recommend Gas Engine Guide
available from this magazine. It is a reprint of a book published
many years ago.
22/4/43 Q. The decal sets for the
McCormick-Deering 10-20 tractors that are available are for the
1926 to 1939 models, but those built 1923-1925 take different
decals, especially on the fenders. Does anyone make the proper
decals for these earlier models, and what are the proper decals to
use? Bill Tremel, RD 2, Church Road, Eighty/our, PA 15330.
A. We’re aware of the difference in the
decals, but don’t know of anyone making the earlier style.
However, we would assume that since most of the others are the
same, except that is on the fenders, perhaps one of our GEM
advertisers might take up the challenge.
22/4/44 Q. Ed L. Swanson, 67 Dora Pines Ave.,
Mt. Dora, FL 32757 needs the proper paint color for a Friend
sprayer engine, and for a pre-1924 ‘Novo engine.
A. The Novo is comparable to DuPont Dulux
93-77161 green, but we do not have a matching number for the Friend
22/4/45 Ray Twillman, Route 1, Box 204,
Marthasville, MO 63357 asks whether anyone can put a name to the
lawnmower in an below photo, also its approximate age.
22/4/46 Q. I collect International and
McCormick engines. I’m presently restoring a 1917 International
under-strike, and would like to hear from anyone who has one of
these in 1? HP or larger. Also would like to hear from anyone who
has one of these in 1? HP or larger. Also would like some
information on a magnet charger, whether to build or buy one. What
year is an Economy 5 HP with a Webster magneto, s/n 232241, and
what is the proper paint color for an Alamo Blue Line engine, 2 HP.
Chuck Urban Jr., 269?Elm St., Deerfield, MI 49238.
A. By under-strike we assume you mean the early
Type M IHC engines with a single pushrod, rather than the more
common variety using a separate pushrod for the exhaust valve plus
the second one for the ignitor. It’s certainly possible to
build a magnet charger, but good used ones like Allen or Weidenhoff
show up occasionally at swap meets or engine shows. Our
recollection is that most magnet chargers are in the range of 1,800
ampere-turns, ranging up to 3,000 ampere-turns. If someone has all
the formulae worked out for a magnet charger, we’ll try to
include it in a future column.
22/4/47 Q. I have a Galloway 2? HP engine, s/n
25332. The engine is missing the piston (41/8
x 5 bore and stroke). The cylinder and igniter look like the Boss
of the Farm 1?HP model shown on page 198 of American Gas Engines.
Did they take this block and increase the bore to produce the extra
? HP? What is the color and year built for this engine? George N.
Whiston, 508 N. Range St., Oblong, IL 62449.
A. Your 2? HP model is of about 1916 vintage.
It was built along the same basic lines as the 1? Boss of the Farm
model, but was a distinctly different model. Galloway recommended
the Webster magneto, but it was at an extra cost of $7 for this
engine, over and above the $45.75 cash price. We have DuPont Dulux
93-066-H red listed as the matching paint color.
22/4/48 Q. Can anyone identify the engine in
these photos? It appears to be about 3 HP, and we believe it is a
Worthington, but cannot identify it for sure. Some castings numbers
are: Head, BH41; Hopper, B34; Base, B22; Rocker Arm, A629. I am
also curious about the Emerson-Brantingham ‘C’ engine
listed in the Webster Magneto listing published recently, as I have
never seen or heard of a Model C before. John J. Levora, 62660 CR
380, Bangor, MI 49013.
A. We strongly believe this engine to be a
Worthington, but await further confirmation from our readers. Mr.
Levora has also been researching the connection between the engines
of J. E. Plunket Jr. and a virtually identical style built by J. D.
Wallace. After further research, we’ll be hearing more about
this, and we look forward to it.
22/4/49 Q. Can anyone tell us more about the
log saw in this photo? It was called the ‘Little Woodsman’
and built by Merrill & Barnwell, Eureka, California. Would like
to hear from anyone who can give me some of the history on this
company. There is no number or date on the engine. Leeds Chesshir,
P.O. Box 3992, W. Sedona, AZ 86340.
A. The files are bare on this one!
22/4/50 Q. Don R. Petersen, 800 East Center
Street, Visalia, CA 93277 would like to correspond with anyone
knowing the proper color for a Sheffield engine, or with anyone
having an engine like their Class H, Size 25, 225 rpm, 56 x 4
flywheels, built by Sheffield Gas Power Co., Kansas City,
22/4/51 Q. What is the proper color for a
Christensen 5 HP, Model FF engine? Also, being new at antique
engines, what is the difference between cold and hot spark plugs?
Vinny Cavaliere, 41 Hammertown Road, Monroe, CT 06468.
A. We believe the Christensen is a deep green
corresponding to Ditzler 43839, and with yellow striping. The
extent to which a spark plug is ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ is
determined primarily by the length insulation exposed to combustion
gases. The shorter the exposed insulation area, the cooler the
plug, and the longer this insulation, the hotter the plug. Constant
operation at full throttle will probably require a ‘colder’
plug, that is, one with a shorter insulator. Slow speed engines, or
engines not under a load will likely require a ‘hotter’
plug to minimize fouling. Regardless of make, the shorter the path
of heat conduction from the insulator to the plug body, the colder
the plug, and of course, the longer this path, the hotter the plug.
Vintage engines operating at slow speed and no load, in other
words, show conditions, often require a hotter plug than would
normally be used.
22/4/52 Q. Andy L. Neufeld, 1808 Duke Lane,
Visalia, CA 93277 needs the ignition- light combination for a 1929
International 6-speed Special Truck, also would like to hear from
parts sources for these trucks.
A. While some of the GEM readers might have the
information you desire, a paper oriented to this hobby specifically
might be of help. Heming’s Motor News, available at newsstands
is one such example.
22/4/53 Q. I have been collecting old cream
separators, and now have 133 different models. 1 am putting
together an alphabetical list of models and companies for a start,
but would appreciate hearing from anyone with old cream separators
or with information on the companies. Paul Detloff D.V.M., Route 3,
Box 189, Arcadia, WI 54612.
A. Dr. Detloff also sends along a newsletter
from their cream separator collectors organization. If interested
along these lines, kindly contact Dr. Detloff.
22/4/54 Dale Nickerson, 8670 Glasgow Road,
Cassadaga, NY 14718 sends along a photo of his Rumsey 5 HP engine
built at Ripley, NY between 1902 and 1906. Dale also has an
interest in old direct-current generators, and last fall purchased
a Keystone bi-polar generator made in Erie, Pennsylvania. He would
appreciate hearing from anyone having information on old D.C.
generators, or any data on the Keystone generator.
22/4/55 Q. Bud Brautlecht, 5 Merion Terrace,
Collingswood, NJ 08108 would like to correspond with anyone on an
Emerson-Brantingham 2 HP engine, and on a Bates & Edmonds
Bulldog engine sold by Fairbanks-Morse.
A. Note that Fairbanks Company were sales
agents for the Bull Dog engine, NOT Fairbanks-Morse Co. These were
two entirely different companies.
22/4/56 Q. Who made the 6 HP air-cooled engine
used on the late Ottawa log saws? Any information will be
appreciated. Frederick W. Adams, Rte. 285, RFD 1, Taberg, NY
A. We thought we had some information on this
machine, but in the absence of same, we call on our readers for
22/4/57 Andy Gortsema, Box 223, Fairfield, WA
99012 sends along a photo of his Ellis engine, and would like to
know the proper color for the 25 HP Superior pumping engine like
used in the oil fields.
22/4/58 J. L. Brautlecht Jr., 5 Merion Ter.,
Collingswood, NJ 08108 would like to hear from people who repair
magnetos, especially Fairbanks-Morse Type J and Type R.
22/4/59 Q. I recently found a small tractor
called the Suburbanite, s/n N55662, built by American Farm
Machinery Co., Minneapolis, MN. The tractor is exactly like the one
pictured in the Jan-Feb 1983 GEM, page 15. Would like to hear from
anyone with information on this tractor, paint color, service
information, and approximate age. Luke Anderson, Box 54,
Dillonvale, OH 43917.
A. We have some literature on this company, but
not on this specific model.
22/4/60 Thanks to Mr. Charles H. Spurgeon, 2500
West 42nd St., Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 we have a copy of the
December, 1986 Indiana Magazine of History. This issue contains an
excellent article entitled, ‘The Diesel Came to Indiana in the
Horse-and-Buggy Days.’ The article delves into the early days
of Cummins Engine Company, Hercules Engine Company, and briefly
discusses the Hercules connection with Sears-Roebuck. We believe
additional copies might be available at a very reasonable cost, and
if interested we suggest contacting: Editor, Indiana Magazine of
History, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405.
22/4/61 Q. What is the proper color for a Witte
2 HP engine, and what is the best spark plug type to use. It has a
Wico EK magneto. Howard E. Machlan, 1538 Emery St., Longmont, CO
A. We suggest DuPont Dulux 93-5800 green
enamel. Try any plug that will fit, and if it fouls quickly, then
move up to a higher heat range on the plug.
22/4/62 Q. I have an Ottawa 4 HP log saw, s/n
TE7360. Can anyone tell me the year built, also proper color and
trim? Wilson W. Risenburg, 611 W. Stevenson St., Gibsonburg, OH
Novo KU, 3×4 engine ignition
For these engines using Bosch Type S 3-40 magnetos, the Model A
Ford points and condenser are almost identical, made by Echlin for
NAPA, points no. CS-30 and condenser no. FA-5. Drill out the rivet
holding the points together and run a wire from the condenser clamp
to the points and then re-rivet the points together. Also cut the
tab off the bottom of the condenser to clear the magnet. Luke
Anderson, Box 54, Dillonvale, OH 43917.
Webster Magneto Brackets
We have a Quincy 6 HP engine built in Chambersburg,
Pennsylvania. It uses a 303K44 bracket, not listed with the Webster
index. Richard Brassard, 100 Sherburne Ave., Tyngsboro, MA
22/2/40 Leader tractor This tractor was painted
in a wine-/burgundy red. Don Siefker, 705 W. Annie Drive, Muncie,
IN 47303.
22/2/13 Economy engine The 1926 Sears-Roebuck
catalog shows the Model ‘N’, but I have seen no other
reference to this small and different Hercules-built Economy
engine. Lee W. Pedersen, 78 Taft Avenue, Lynbrook, NY 11563. Mr.
Pedersen also comments regarding:
22/2/21 Coldwell lawn mower. This one looks
like a Coldwell built in Newberg, New York. Most all the one and
two-cylinder Coldwell’s I know of were sold on lawn mowers
built in Newberg.
22/1/15 LeRoi engine In reply to Dave Banas, I
have a LeRoi 1-cylinder engine, s/n 40629 purchased in 1962 when it
came from an orchard sprayer. Wrote the company and this letter was
forwarded to Climax Engine Mfg. Co., Clinton, Iowa who replied in
1963. I have the service parts book and manual which I could copy
for the cost of copying. Information may still be available from
the company. Darrell Sheridan, 9730 State Road, Nunica, MI
Note: Climax became a division of Waukesha Motor Co. in
Waukesha Motor Corporation merged into Bangor Punta Corporation
in 1968.
Letter of Thanks
Andrew Anderson, 735 Mayview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94303 wishes to
thank everyone who helped identify an unknown engine illustrated a
while back.
A-C tractor, Dec. 1986 GEM
On page 33 of this issue is a late model A-C Model E. Could be a
20-35 or a 25-45. The French & Hyatt wheels came at least 1/3
to ? way through the production (1918-29, some say it was produced
into the 30’s). A. C. was producing the A model when they
bought out Rumely, and discontinued the Rumely 6, that engine was
produced 30-31 (the Rumely 6). The 18-30 and 20-35 was painted
green color thru 1925. Also on 21/12/22, question. Most steering
wheels on all early tractors are alike enough so one can hardly
tell the difference. You may have to bush or ream the bore. I have
repaired many steering wheels with body filler. I paint them, and
it’s hard to tell any difference. Andrew L. Michels, 302 W.
Highland Ave., Plentywood, MT 59254.
22/1/7 engine The engine is a Lauson. Generator
is a 6 volt Delco. Sold in radio department at Sears, used to
charge battery radios, last sold in 1934 or thereabouts. Charles C.
Lynde, Box 3, Churchton, MD 20733.
22/2/15 engine This appears to be a ‘Racine
Sattley’. The Webster bracket should be a 303M9. Next
22/2/16The engine pictured is indeed from
either a ‘Service Cycle’ or ‘Simplex’ motor bike.
The gear on the crankshaft is for the kick starter. Also we
22/2/10I believe this engine is a Stewart
‘Little Wonder’ though not identical to the engines
pictured on pages 96-97 of American Gas Engines.
These three preceding replies were sent in by Dick Hamp, 1772
Conrad Avenue, San Jose, CA 95124.
22/1/7 Battery Charger Generator Jesse
Livingston, Route 2, Box 118, Troy, TN 38260 sends us a large
packet of photocopy data regarding this recent query. The engine
was made by Continental Motors, Detroit and Muskegon, Michigan, and
the Delco generator at Rochester, New York. Sold by Montgomery Ward
under their ‘Airline’ name; Sears-Roebuck ‘Tiny
Tim’; Western Auto ‘Wizard Light Plant’; and possibly
also marketed as a Delco unit. Colors were: Delco, blue; Wizard,
red; plus some were jade green, and others light brown/olive color.
Voltage was 6 or 12, 15-30 amps, depending on voltage, 200 watts.
Intended as a light plant/battery charger. Last produced in the
early 1940’s.
22/2/22 Economy garden tractor Gary Manning,
9031 N. 3rd Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85021 writes that the Economy garden
tractor was built by: Engineering Products Co. Box 1510, Waukesha,
Wisconsin Att: Alice Zimmerman, Sales Dept.
Economy owners might consider writing to the company, as they
can determine the year made, and may also be able to help with
service information.
22/1/20 Simplicity engines Several letters came
in on this query, including one from Andrew Anderson, who posed the
question. Mr. Anderson noted that he had received 16 replies, and
wished to publicly thank everyone who helped out. The engine
apparently is a Simplicity built by Turner Mfg. Co.
22/1/17 American Marc Diesel Engine Several
replies came in on this one, including some photocopies and
history. C. Lyle Cummins Jr., 2690 Overlook Drive, Lake Oswego, OR
97034 suggests writing:
Publications Dept., SAE 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA
Ask for a photocopy of their paper ‘The Development of
American Marc Opposed-Piston Two-Cycle Engines’ by Adolf
Luerken, Technical Director of American Marc. The Preprint Paper
No. is 259B. The paper gives a little background of American Marc,
founded in 1955 as American Manufacture & Research Co.
The author of the paper is Adolf Luerken, Project
Specialist-Design, Engineering Dept., McCulloch Corporation, 5401
Beethoven St., Los Angeles, CA 90066. He may also be of help.
We’ve had lots of activity here over the past month, and
even have a slight backlog of helpful ideas that will be coming
soon. Meanwhile, we present herewith a listing of various model
castings that we have heard about. If any of you have casting kits
and are not listed here, it’s not because we wish to slight
you-just send in the information and we’ll take care of it
right away! Several people offering castings sent us a list of what
they have, a couple of them even sent us a complete set of
One important point here-we keep harping about safety, and here
it is again. These scale models represent designs that did not
incorporate safety features to any degree. This fact has to be
known and accepted by anyone using or displaying these units,
especially to the general public. To put it succinctly and
directly, how would you feel if you watched some little kid stick a
finger between the gears of an old engine, model or full size,
knowing that that person would be maimed for the rest of their
life? Chilling thought isn’t it?
Another point-we know nothing about these various castings-some
have drawings with them, some might have rough sketches, some might
have nothing at all. Therefore, let the buyer beware-know what you
are buying ahead of time.
Since we received so many letters this past month, and several
lists of model makers, we take the liberty of thanking, all of you
collectively for your assistance.
Cole’s Power Models Box 788, Ventura, CA 93001 | DeBolt Machine Co. 607 S. Camp Mead Rd. Linthicum, MD 21090 | Witte headless | |
Power Model Supply 12872 White Rock Des Peres, MO 63131 | |||
George C. Scott Outlook, Montana 59252 | Fairbanks-Morse ‘N’ & IHC Mogul | ||
John Burns Engineering 510 West Jefferson New Carlisle, OH | ? scale Reid hot tube gas engine, castings and drawings | 77 Products 17119 So. Harvard Blvd. Gardena, CA 90247 | 1 / 4-32 Spark Plugs |
7 Mts. Machine Shop Sand Mt. Rd., Rt. 1 Spring Mills, PA | ? scale New Holland | Norbert H. Keeley 901 Mulberry St. Perrysburg, OH 43551 | Fairbanks-Morse Eclipse |
Paul R. Breisch 187 W. Ridge Pike Royersford, PA 19468 | Associated, Olds, New Holland; castings, drawings | Bob Manske 205 E. Madison Yates Center, KS 66783 | Model Oil Well Gearbox Castings |
Richard Daoust 129 South Ines Ave. Waukesha, Wl 53186 | Monitor pump jack | Meyer’s Model Engine Works 15929 Five Point Road Perrysburg, | Steam & Ericsson hot air engines |
Arnold L. Teague 195 Bridge St. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 | Aermotor pump jack engine | Bolland Machine Co. 1746 Higgins Road Warsaw, NY 14569 | skew gears for model sideshaft engines |
Joe M. Tochtrop 2028 McAllister St. San Francisco, CA 94118 | Economy | Saturated Steam Box 380123, Miami, FL 33238 | |
Brad Eisner 14 Avon St. Leominster, MA 01453 | Ericsson hot air engine | ||
Brad E. Smith 7574 S. 74th St. Franklin, Wl 53132 | Upright Maytag | ||
Harold Depenbusch 309 S. Delaware Columbus, KS 66725 | freelance, no castings required | ||
Ted Young 105 Turnron Place EastPeoria, IL61611 | Freelance | ||
Amro Ltd. 121 Lincolnway West New Oxford, PA 17350 | |||
Edward J. Chick 5210W. 6th St. Winona, MN 55987 | Fuller & Johnson |
Again, our thanks to everyone who sent us names of model makers
with castings, and a special thanks to those who took the time,
effort, and expense to forward drawings and photographs of their
models. Hopefully, some of you will favor us with more photos and
information on your model projects in the coming months. Meanwhile,
all of you expert or aspiring model makers can get busy and write
to those of interest, but we suggest you send along a stamp or two
for return postage.