We recently reported in this column that limited information on
Fairbanks-Morse engines might be available from Mr. Ken Watson at
this company. Since that time, Mr. Watson has been deluged with
letters and phone calls. We are informed that although
Fairbanks-Morse Division feels that it is their responsibility to
provide service information, inquiries should be directed to:
Advertising Department, Fairbanks-Morse Division, 701 Lawton
Avenue, Beloit, Wisconsin 53511
Kindly mail your inquiries to the Advertising Department rather
than phoning them-the company will attempt to help, but a constant
deluge of phone calls upsets the daily routine. We feel confident
that the company will be of help whenever possible, but let’s
not get over zealous about this and as the saying goes, ‘kill
the goose that lays the golden egg!’
Curiously, we received several letters this past month from
readers who have helped their fellow collectors with information
etc. as a result of this column. The common complaint of these
letters seemed to be that these people had spent time digging out
material, getting it photocopied, paying the postage, etc. but
never heard a word from the people looking for the information. Now
even ye olde Reflector will have to admit to this at times, but at
least we now try to thank contributors individually or collectively
through the Reflections column for helping the cause. Even this
might take on the sound of the village parson-boys, this just
ain’t right! It seems to me that the vintage tractor and engine
fraternity has gained a reputation for courtesy and helpfulness. If
someone can help out with a problem, at least drop a note thanking
them for their help, and if they have sent you a lot of photocopy
material or photos, give some thought to sending back some
‘folding green’ to take up the slack. After all, you might
need help again someday, but if others in our fraternity think thee
to be a deadbeat or an ingrate, help might stand awaiting from some
The Reflector recently noted that we serve as custodian for the
Stover production records, and have a limited number of parts
drawings for some of the Stover engines. We’ve heard from a lot
of collectors regarding Stover engines, and it looks like time to
clear up a couple of points. First of all, we do not have any parts
for Stover or anything else for sale. Secondly, we have put
together a list of photocopies that are available, and will send it
out with your SASE. Thirdly, after publishing the Webster magneto
listing recently, we have been besieged with requests for further
information and parts on Webster. We do not have any parts for
Webster magnetos. Kindly check with various GEM advertisers if you
need parts of any kind. We might also add that the Reflections
column is not intended to replace the regular Classified Section,
so letters to this column advertising specifically for parts will
have that portion edited out. We simply feel it is unfair to the
paying advertisers.
Modelmakers take note, a listing of various model suppliers is
included in this issue, and we have had a great many letters this
month from readers who would like to try their hand at model
22/4/1 Q. What is the correct color for a Brown
wall engine, s/n 3220, as pictured on page 67 of American Gas
Engines? Also what is the correct color and striping for a Bulldog
6 HP engine, s/n 22703? Geo. A. Can, 775 N. Homer Rd., Midland, MI
A. We believe the Brown wall is a deep blue,
comparable to DuPont Dulux 93-032. We also believe the Bulldog
(presumably by Bates & Edmonds) to be maroon, comparable to
DuPont Dulux 93-143-H.
22/4/2Robert Dessert, 11809-100th Ave NE, Apt.
B-103, Kirkland, WA 98034 sends a photo of his Stickney
‘Harvard’ engine and would like to hear from another owner
regarding color scheme and to get the measurements for some missing
parts. It has s/n 1218.
22/4/3 Q. I’m new to restoring engines, and
have two under way. One is a 2-cylinder LeRoi, s/n 41502 and a
Hercules 5 HP, s/n 286073,. Would like any information on these,
and year built if possible. Also, the Hercules carries the
designation 5FKW as the listed horsepower on the nameplate. What
does the FKW designate? James P. Paquette, 60 A High Street,
Uxbridge, MA 01569.
A. LeRoi was bought out some years back by
Climax Engine Co., but we’re not sure who bought out Climax, so
we don’t know if the lineage can still be traced. Hercules
instruction manuals etc. are available from several GEM
advertisers. The FKW on the Hercules probably designates the
original buyer, since these engines were apparently sold by various
companies under their own trade name.
22/4/4 Q. I am looking for information on the
Worthington 1 ?HP engine shown in the photo given below. It appears
to be complete and in very good condition. If anyone can direct me
to material on this engine it would be appreciated. Fred Henley,
4409 Maple Ave., Dallas, TX 75219.
22/4/5a Q. See the photo given below of my
Westing house light plant, Type E, Model 31, 32 volts, 750 watts,
1250 rpm, built 1928. What was the original paint color? Boyce
McNorton, 422 N.W. 62nd, Topeka, KS 66617.
22/4/5b Q. Can anyone identify this engine?
(see photo) It has a 3? inch bore, a diamond-shaped hole in the
water hopper, rotary governor weights, vertical main bearing caps,
and a small shield at the back. Would also like to hear from
someone with an engine like this as this engine is missing some
parts. Mike Otterby, 817 Fine, S. Sioux City, NE 68776.
22/4/6 Q. Can anyone supply the year built and
proper paint color for a Minneapolis tractor, Type B, 17-30, s/n
6851. David Sullens, KR4, Box 345, Salem, IL 62881.
A. We can’t give you the exact shade of
gray for the Minneapolis, nor do we have serial number lists for
them. Ironically, we have serial lists for the Minneapolis steam
engines, but for some reason have never been privy to this data for
the tractors.
22/4/7 Q. Can anyone identify this engine? (See
photo given below). Bore is about 31/8 x 4
inch stroke. Only number cast on the engine is 2641, cast in the
block, just below the head. Also need the correct color for a J.
Thompson engine, 4 HP, #2641. Earl Bower, 1617 Douglas, Bellingham,
WA 98225.
22/4/8 Q. Would like more information on a
potato planter called ‘Little Red Devil’, #9, Alvaredo,
California on a brass plate. Would appreciate hearing from anyone
who can tell me more about it. Kathy Benassini, 6814 Amador Valley
Blvd., Dublin, CA 94568.
A. We checked through a number of Farm
Implement New Buyer’s Guides but found no reference at all to
this machine.
22/4/9 Q. Can anyone tell me the proper finish
for the Wico AH magneto housing as used on the IHC Type LA engine?
Mel Jameson, 2550 Silvercreek Dr., Franklin Park, IL 60131.
A. So far as we know the cast aluminum housing
was offered either with its natural finish, or painted black.
22/4/10 Q. J. S. Crawford, 8 Bruce Lane, Box
3531 Wenham, MA 01984 sends us a photo of his 3 HP Wonder engine
built fry Wonder Mfg. Co., Syracuse, NY. Mr. Crawford’s
research shows this company operating between 1907 and 1918. Owners
of Wonder engines might want to contact Mr. Crawford for further
information. Mr. Crawford also inquires how to set connecting rod
bearings when cold so that they will still be in adjustment when up
to operating temperature.
A. We can’t see this being much of a
problem if the bearing was set up right in the first place. On
small, oldstyle engines, we set up the connecting rod bearing so
there is just barely a drag between pin and bearing. After running
the engine a few minutes (and using plenty of lubricant) check to
see if there is any heating. If there is add a thin shim on each
side, and if not then run the engine awhile and check again. Since
the crankpin and bearing should heat up equally, or nearly so, we
can see no reason why the clearance should change appreciably at
any time.
22/4/11 Q. In a 1949 issue of ‘The Bulb
Horn’ antique car magazine a reference is made to Pierce Engine
Co., Racine, Wisconsin as a ‘manufacturer of gas engines and
motor launches.’ Do you have any information on this company or
its products. It is listed as a manufacturer from 1886 until it
merged with Mitcheli Motor Car Co. in 1903. Any photos, names of
officers, etc. would be appreciated. Ray E. Hoffman, Rt 1, Box 8,
Blanchard, Iowa 51630.
A. A photo of a Pierce engine and a brief
accompanying description appears on page 394 of American Gas
Engines. Beyond that we have no other data on this company.
22/4/12 Q. I have a Fairbanks-Morse 6 HP
engine, also a 3 HP Fairbanks-Morse. Just got started collecting
engines, so need to find more information on them, and also need to
know how to free the pistons. Also have a Cushman 8 HP, 2-cylinder,
and need dimensions etc. on the cooling tank. One other item, on
one of the engines, the needle valve is twisted off flush with the
outside. How do I get it out? Mark E. Nedrow, Box 644, Salem, WA
A. Over the past couple of years we’ve
entertained various ideas for freeing stuck pistons, but our
personal preference is heating the jacket and cooling the piston
all at the same time. Heating the jacket good and hot is often
enough to let the piston go, but ornery cases need some ice or even
some dry ice dropped down inside the piston after the jacket is
heated up. The shrinking of the piston and the expansion of the
heated cylinder seems to work quite well. But remember, when
putting a cylinder in a press, place a steel slug nearly the size
of the piston head directly on top of the piston head before
commencing any pressing. Failure to do so will likely produce a
large unwanted hole right through the piston head! Removing a
twisted off needle valve is tricky work at best, and probably will
require some careful drilling to get it out, after which the hole
can be cleaned up with a tap and a new needle made.
22/4/13 Q. Would like more information on a 20
x 32 inch pea and bean thresher built by J. L. Owens Co. of
Minneapolis, Minn. , Need to know proper paint color, striping,
etc. Also need information on a Pitts sweep power similar to the
one built by J. I. Case and as pictured in Clymer’s steam
engine album. Need to locate a similar machine for measurements, as
I wish to restore mine. Will also be glad to hear from anyone
having literature on Pitts equipment. James Reimschissel, RFD 2,
Box 359, Spanish Fork, UT 84660.
A. We believe the Owens machine is red, about
the color of red barn paint, with white striping and lettering. We
have no data at all on the Buffalo-Pitts powers.
22/4/14 Q. Can anyone identify this engine?
(See photo given below). It is similar to the Monarch engine shown
on page 312 of American Gas Engines. The cylinders and heads are
cast in one piece, and the intake and exhaust valves are cam
operated with screw plugs in the cylinder heads for access to the
valves. Also it has an Eisemann magneto, gear driven from the
camshaft. Louis Barnes, 4865 N. Bearsdale Rd., Decatur, IL
A. We’re not so sure this isn’t a
Monarch, but have no additional material to back this up.
22/4/15 Q. An photo given below shows an engine
we have acquired. It is a 2-cycle, 2 x 2? inch bore and stroke.
Flywheel is 9 inches diameter and engine is about 13 inches high.
There is no tag on the engine. It is of headless design; the intake
and exhaust manifold are one casting, and made of brass. What is
the make and age of this engine, and what was the original ignition
system? Bruce C. Siedentopf, 1659 Somerset Ave., Dighton, MA
22/4/16 Q. Can we enlist the aid of anyone in
identifying an engine here at the Ontario Agricultural Museum? The
brass plate says: R. A. Lister & Co. (Canada), 6 hp @ 375 rpm,
Ser. # 2284 Toronto Canada CANUCK Type ‘A’ June
As you can see from the photo, this is not the usual Lister
engine, but is a heavily built kerosene engine with a Webster
magneto. American Gas Engines suggests there was a connection
between Stover Mfg. and Lister, but we are also told of a
connection between Lister and Brownwall Mfg. Co. The magneto
bracket A303K126 was issued to Manitoba Engines Ltd of Brandon,
Manitoba. Armed with this information we began researching for
Manitoba Engines in Brandon, and although we could not find a
company by that name, a curious coincidence popped up-the only
engine manufacturer in Brandon in the 1920’s was Canadian
Stover Gas Engine Co.! Can you help? Peter M. Ledwith, Curator of
Collections, Ontario Agricultural Museum, Box 38, Milton, Ontario
L9T 2Y3 Canada.
A. We think that ‘Canuck’ is the clue
here. The listings compiled several years ago by the late Ruben
Michelson show that this title was used on engines built by
Brownwall Engine Company at Lansing, Michigan. That might explain
the Brownwall-Lister connection. However, the engine in your photo
looks not at all like the Brownwall on page 67 of American Gas
Engines. We are inclined to believe it was built by the Manitoba
people, as is borne out by the ignitor bracket number. On
rechecking our records, no one else got this bracket number, so
that seems to nail things down a bit. However, despite frequent
attempts, we have come up with little on Manitoba, not even enough
to warrant a file folder in our research files. Hopefully, someone
can help fill in the blank spaces, but it is our present opinion
that the engine is a Manitoba, even though it may have been built
in the Brandon shops of Canadian Stover.
22/4/17 Q. My Stover CT-4 engine won’t pull
fuel from the main tank to the carburetor. It runs fine on the
starting bowl on the carb, but when the main needle is opened it
will not draw. It will pull some if the choke is closed and then
reopened, but only for 30 seconds or so. Richard B. Blake Jr., 189
Newington Road, West Hartford, CT 06110.
A. First, let’s assume everything else is
OK on the engine, since it runs on the starting needle. That
narrows things down a lot. Is the check valve at the bottom of the
fuel line working properly? Some of these have a tiny coil spring
over the check ball to insure its closing each time, although we
doubt you need it. If the check ball or seat are corroded, leakage
will allow the loss of fuel back to the tank. Is the fuel line in
any way obstructed or kinked? Is the passage open through the
needle valve body, or is the tip of the valve partially obstructed.
All these things can cause the problems you are experiencing, and
chances are that one or more of these difficulties is the root of
the problem. If everything seems to boil down to the check valve,
try putting on a different one- they are available from GEM
22/4/18 Q. Stan Cross, RR 1, Lamar, NE 69035
sends some photos (see below). The first is of a 1944
McCormick-Deering with hopper extension belted to a McCormick
milking machine vacuum pump. The cream separator is an Economy
King. Photo 18b shows an engine with a square hopper and bolted-on
top cover. It has traces of red color, 3 ? x 4 inch bore and
stroke. Faint letters on side of hopper possibly say Dairy Maid.
Who made this engine? Photo 18c illustrates an engine pictured in a
1984 issue of GEM for identification, but no positive ID so far.
What is it? Photo 18d is of a Delco Light Power Stand. Is it a
generator, or is it a motor, what voltage, and how does it work?
Any replies will be appreciated.
22/4/19 Q. I have an Alpha-DeLaval 2-cylinder
engine and vacuum pump. The serial number is VE224436, Type D 600,
3.6 HP. Stamped on the block is 8-28-36. Can anyone provide
information on this engine? Gordon S. Braislin Jr., Jericho Road,
Sherman, CT 06784.
A. The engine is actually a Stover DV-2 and it
was built in 1936. Further information can be obtained from the
Reflector; see an ad in this issue showing the various Stover
photocopies available, together with prices for same.
22/4/20Syl Henry, 1027 Harding Street,
Janesville, WI 53545 sends a photo of his 1? HP Drednaut engine
built by Madison Gasoline Engine Co., Madison, Wisconsin. Mr. Henry
notes that this company is not included in American Gasoline
Engines, but it is however to be found on page 299 of that
22/4/21Cort Strobel, Gibson Rt. 618, Big
Timber, MT 59011 would like to correspond with an owner of an IHC
Titan Jr. 1 HP engine to get the dimensions for some missing parts.
Also needed is the proper blue color for a 3 HP Alamo engine and
the correct shade of red for a 1? HP Lindsay Bros.
22/4/22 Q. Joe W. Morris, 112 Irwin Road,
Powell, TN 37849 would like to determine the age of a New Way Model
A engine, s/n 1560, 3-3? HP, 4 ? x6inch bore and stroke.
A. At present we don’t know of a way to get
an exact time determination on the Model A New Way engines.
22/4/23Kevan Stafhe, 602 Sawyer St., Lead, SD
57754 writes that he has so far received a lot of information from
other Mietz & Weiss owners on his engine (see photo). However,
this engine, s/n 185, 2? HP size, is of the hit-and-miss variety,
and so far he has not heard from anyone having an M & W
hit-and-miss engine of this size. Any correspondence would be
22/4/24 Q. I have a Superior 5 HP engine, s/n
5004. This engine is push rod, tank cooled, which is a very rare
model. Is there someone out there who can tell me what the original
ignition system and carburetor were like? I pumped a 1400 ft. oil
well over 15 years with this engine and rigged an ignition system
and natural gas carb, but would like to get it back to original. R.
H. Stein, Box 319, Pemberville, Ohio 43450.