By Staff
Published on April 1, 1986
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Unfortunately, this photo could not be reproduced in color!
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Unfortunately, this photo could not be reproduced in color!
Unfortunately, this photo could not be reproduced in color!

This month we have a huge amount of correspondence, so under the
usual constraint of space, some letters may be edited to include
the necessary questions, but may not include all of your letter.
GEM and the Reflector greatly appreciate your letters, so please
understand that editing your letter is done only to provide room
for everyone’s correspondence.

Several people wrote in, commenting on a recent letter by Harold
Penny in regard to advertisements. Apparently, many others feel the
same way as Mr. Penny. Wherever possible, kindly include your
prices in your ‘For Sale’ adsour letters indicate that many
people will not respond at all if no price is given.

A number of people have written in about the matter of liability
insurance for their shows. We have no recommendations to make at
all regarding a specific carrier we suggest you contact various
agencies in your area. Given today’s propensity to file a
lawsuit for almost anything, and the large awards in many of these
cases, we would bet that wherever you can get liability insurance,
it will be expensive! In fact, liability insurance premiums have
gotten so far out of hand that many counties and municipalities are
having trouble finding coverage at any price. Another suggestion
you may wish to contact officials of other engine shows to
determine where they have obtained liability coverage. Regardless,
we will not in any way recommend that you put on a show without the
benefit of liability insurance!

Several readers have suggested that we incorporate a
‘Helpful Hint’ of some sort with each issue. This may be of
help, especially to collectors just now joining our fraternity. The
idea sounds so good that we will attempt to do so at the end of
each column forthwith.

GEM readers may also be interested to know that considerable
agitation exists in the Nebraska State Legislature to greatly
modify or possibly eliminate the Tractor Test Laboratory at
Lincoln. A published report in Farm Industry News notes that a bill
sponsored by Republican Senator Rex Haberman is currently before
committee. It calls for immediate closing of the TTL. Haberman
claims the Nebraska Tractor Test Law is outdated, and says the law
handicaps dealers near the Nebaraska boarders, because dealers in
other states can sell machines not tested at the TTL.

Dr. Louis I. Leviticus, Engineer-in-Charge at the Tractor Test
Laboratory (TTL) disagrees. Leviticus notes that most tractor
companies support the TTL, ‘because it does keep everyone

Another bill in the Nebraska Legislature would make the Tractor
Test Laboratory an OECD site. A world wide group, the Organization
of Economic Cooperation &. Devlopment (OECD) tests tractors in
many countries. The U.S. belongs to OECD but has no testing

The Tractor Test Laboratory at Lincoln has gained world-wide
recognition as an independent, unbiased source of information on
tractor horsepower, performance, and comfort. We will keep you
advised of further developments. Now for the first letter:

21/4/1 Q. Bill Huxley, 46 Loomer Road,
Chesterton, New Castle, Staffs., ST5 7LB England asks whether there
would be sufficient interest on the part of GEM readers to have
them send in their specialty so that a directory might be published
including for instance, A-C Collectors, John Deere Collectors,
Oliver specialists, etc. This would be helpful when traveling about
the country, so that one might look up these individuals when
passing through. Mr. Huxley is also interested in knowing how many
countries get GEM every month?

A. In addition to the United States and Canada,
GEM is sent to Australia, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan,
The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Scotland, Sweden and

21/4/2 Q. Glenn D. Meyer, RR 2, Box 104,
Baldwin, WI54002 sends a photo of his Joy 15 HP engine. Several
years ago Mr. Meyer made a similar inquiry about this engine, in
GEM, but got no replies. A recently published list of engines in
GEM noted the Joy Special, but gave no parts supplier. All
inquiries so far have turned up nothing about this engine. We would
greatly appreciate any information at all about the Joy

A. After studying the photograph, we suspect
that the Joy was somehow connected with the Ohio engine. American
Gas Engines, page 354 illustrates several styles of Ohio engines,
and the similarity seems too much for mere coincidence. Possibly
Ohio built the engine and Joy attached their own nameplate. Note in
the photograph that the Joy has the identical carburetor setup as
used by Ohio this one is just too offbeat for anyone else to have
used by coincidence! The Reflector may stand corrected, but our
money says it was built by Ohio.

21/4/3 Q. Can anyone tell us where to get
information on a Cushman Model C engine, 4 HP, s/n 29490? Ours is
incomplete. Roy T. Webb, Salem Rd., RR 2, LaGrange, GA 30240.

A. Cushman engine information should be
available from various suppliers advertising in GEM, and some of
our readers might also be of help.

21/4/4 Q. Any information on a Fruehauf garden
tractor? It has the rear end of the Handiman, but also has a front
end, hood, and the engine is up-front. Was it made by Sears, or did
Fruehauf buy Handiman out and make it from leftover Handiman parts?
Is the Briggs & Stratton Model ZZ engine correct for the
Fruehauf, and what is the correct paint color? Clayton Brimmer,
17430 Yankee Road, Morley, MI 49336.

A. You ask some questions we can’t answer.
The 1957 FIN Buyer’s Guide shows Sears, Roebuck &. Co. as
parts supplier for the Handiman, but neither in this nor in earlier
issues do we see reference to the Fruehauf tractor. We appeal to
our readers!

21/4/5 Q. Can you supply the year built for an
IHC Type M, 1 HP engine, s/n W83448? Also for an IH Model LB
engine, s/n LBA82331. What is the proper color for the IHC Type M?
Tim Ranisate, RR 1, Box 508, Shevlin, MN 56676.

A. The1 Type M is a 1929 model, and the LB was
built in 1944. We believe that Sherwin-Williams #4757 Green is

21/4/6 Q. I have an International 3 HP engine,
s/n B24605. It is not illustrated in 150 Years of International
Harvester. The nameplate is on top of the hopper, but otherwise it
is similar in appearance to the Type M engine. Earl Hertzog, RR 1,
Box 101, Hoxie, KS 67740.

A. Your engine was built in 1920. Until
Harvester got settled with the Federal government over the 1902
merger, nothing was marketed as McCormick-Deering. The McCormick
and Deering lines were separate entities under International’s
corporate umbrella. After settlement, Harvester merged all the
lines together (as they should have been in the first place.)
Details of this complicated corporate setup may be found in 150
Years of International Harvester and other publications.

21/4/7 Q. Tim Roster, Box 14, Tounline Road,
Bayshore, MI 49711 asks the proper color for the Type M
McCormick-Deering and for the Fairbanks-Morse Z engines.

A. See 21/4/5 above regarding the Type M
engines. The Fairbanks-Morse ‘Z’ is closely comparable to
DuPont Dulux 93-72001 green.

21/4/8 Q. Sometime back someone advertised a
service of new spokes and steel wheel rims welded to original hubs
which had been converted to rubber tires. Can anyone tell us who is
providing this service? Jim R. Crownhart, RR 3, Ellsworth, WI

A. Would anyone providing this service kindly
contact Mr. Crownhart and GEM.

21/4/9 Q. We need information, operating
instructions, etc. for Monitor 5 HP horizontal, Type H-J and
Monitor 1 vertical Type VJ. Also would like to know if any serial
number information is available. David W. Creed, RR 1, Box 155,
Joplin, MO 64801.

A. The Reflector has no serial number
information on these engines, but we believe some GEM advertisers
might be able to provide either an instructions or parts book.

21/4/10 Q. John Turick, RR 2, Clubhouse Road,
Lebanon, CT 06249 poses the following questions: 1. Can anyone
supply information on a walk-behind garden tractor built by Sam
Beachy & Son, Salisbury, Pennsylvania. The nameplate reads:
Endless Tread Garden Tractor. Pat 2,529369. s/n 9445. There is no
engine on the frame, so would appreciate any information on the
correct engine as well. 2. What is the proper paint color for an RC
Case tractor, s/n 317942, and when was this tractor built? 3. Where
can I obtain plans, blue prints, or publications about building
working gas or steam tractor models?

A.The Patent Office Gazette for
November 7, 1950 shows the above patent issued to Samuel A. Beachy.
Application was made on March 22, 1945. A line drawing of the
patent indicates undeniably that an ordinary Maytag single-cylinder
horizontal engine was used. Apparently it was modified to the
extent that a handle was attached to the front pedal used for
starting. We suspect your Case RC is a 1935 model, but our serial
number lists are incomplete on Case tractors. We also presume this
model to be ‘Case gray’. This color was available from Case
dealers until recently, and so far we have not been able to get an
accurate match for it. Quite a number of GEM advertisers offer
castings, blue prints, etc. for model building. A few publications
such as Live Steam magazine at Traverse City, Michigan specialize
in model work, although their primary emphasis seems to be on model

21/4/11 Q. I would like to exchange information
with anyone in regard to the New-Way twin cylinder opposed engine,
especially on carburetion and ignition. Rich Howard, Hysham,
Montana 59038.

A. We hope this query gives you some results.
Carburetion on these engine was notoriously poor, especially under
a light load. A single carburetor, centrally located, fed both
cylinders. On the long journey from carburetor to cylinder,
condensation of the fuel yielded mostly wind. Setting the
carburetor for more fuel usually gives one cylinder the whole load
while the other one starves. Precise fuel regulation of this system
we compare to a couple of people staying balanced on a teeter board
all day longit’s mighty hard to do! We certainly don’t wish
to discourage you the New-Way twin double cylinder is a rare bird!
But we do want to assure you that getting one of these running like
Grandpa’s watch is going to be a challenge.

21/4/12 Q. Has anyone come in on the color for
green paint for the Cushman Model R engines? Also are decals
available for this model? We need information on a 2 HP Cushman
Cub. Fallen Millick, 53 Button Mill Rd., RD #4, Malvern, PA

A. Whether it is exactly correct we aren’t
sure, but the Reflector has finished his Cushman vertical engines
in DuPont 93-62713-H green. Several GEM advertisers offer
instructions for the Cushman Cub.

21/4/13 Q. Our Ottawa log saw is painted a
grass green with yellow pinstriping. This is apparently the
original paint job. Were some Ottawa engines red? Were the log saw
engines actually built by Ottawa? We have been told that some
Associated engine parts will interchange. Dennis Shimmin, PO Box A,
Lewellen, NE 69147

A. It appears that Ottawa’s earlier
two-flywheel design was finished in red enamel. Just when the
changeover from red to green took place, we don’t know. It has
always been our understanding that Ottawa built what they sold,
although there is always the possibility that some of the work
might have been farmed out to Associated. As to parts
interchangeability, we won’t even hazard a guess on that one,
but perhaps some of our readers can supply some information in this

21/4/14 A. From Alan Haugh, Haugholm Books,
Brucefield, Ontario N0M 1J0 Canada comes this inquiry: We have an
International Booster engine similar to the one shown on page 132
of 150 Years of International Harvester. Would like to correspond
with someone having one of these, as we need to make some missing
parts. Also have an early 3HP International vertical similar to
that shown on page no of the above, book. Ours has s/n 231. It has
considerable original paint which is a dark red on main body and
outside rim of flywheels, and black on the base. Would like to hear
from anyone on the Booster engine, and from anyone with a lower
serial number than #231.

21/4/15 Q. I have a Monarchi 1 HP natural gas
engine from Royal Engine Co., Saginaw, Michigan. In bench testing
the Webster magneto and igniter plug it gives a large blue spark.
After checking and rechecking all adjustments, it will not run. I
have tried a full range of air and gas mixtures. Any suggestions?
Ervin D. Martin, 7969 Fulton Road, Stelring, OH 44276.

A. To state things simplistically, if there is
compression, fuel, and fire, the engine has to run! Since you have
obviously spent a lot of time on the fuel end, how about taking
another squint at the ignition. Since the Webster looks OK on the
bench, perhaps the pickup isn’t bringing the armature around
far enough. We have already resorted to pulling the cylinder head
or the piston so as to observe the actual happenings. (With the
piston out, you will need a long mirror to view the igniter). Now
by turning the engine over you can see whether sufficient spark is
present to do the job. We have found that Webster oscillators
suffer from many afflicitions, including worn trip fingers, weak
springs, dragging armature, to name a few. We have also learned
that the same symptoms don’t always appear on the bench. The
Reflector is sure that there could be several reasons for your
problems, but our first reaction is to start with the ignition.

21/4/16 Q. I would like information on a Stover
engine, s/n KF199869 such as age, paint color, timing, etc. Nelson
Geistweidt, Star Route, Box 33, Doss, Texas 78618.

A. Your engine was built in late 1928. It is
finished in a very dark brewster green color. Information on timing
and other instructions can be obtained from Power in the Past, Vol.
3: A History of Stover Engine Works. It is available from several
GEM advertisers.

21/4/17 Q. I wonder if someone in engine land
would send me a copy of the owner’s manual for an 8 cycle
engine. Would like to know the opening and closing time of exhaust,
engine timing, and paint color, also info on the igniter. I have a
Coleman dish heater which I wish someone would tell me how to
light. When heated with a Turner torch it works great. Coleman
factory was no help. Dell R. Grupe, 3929 Globe Ave., Culber City,
CA 90230.

A. We assume that by 8-cycle you are referring
to the Aermotor pump jack engine, but since we are unsure of this,
we reserve comment. We have no information on Coleman heaters.

21/4/18 Q. I would like to start a club for the
small air-cooled Nelson engines and would like to hear from anyone
having one of these, extra parts, serial numbers, etc. Also would
like to do the same thing with International Famous, LA, LB, etc.
We found that the IHC blue color mentioned in a recent column
matches Magic MS110 Royal Blue. It is available here locally, and
we could get it for anyone needing some. Ben J. Kinsinger, RD 1,
Meyersdale, PA 15552.

21/4/19 Q. Can anyone help with pictures,
literature, or information to help restore a Pony garden tractor
built by Pony Tractor Co., Lincoln, Nebraska between 1953 and 1962?
Jack Harrell, Box 142, Roanoke, IN 46783.

A. Since we can find no reference to this
company in the Tractor Field Book, we assume that it enjoyed only a
limited production. Perhaps one of our readers can help.

21/4/20 Q. Paul D. Miller, 332 Edgewood Dr.,
Denham Springs, LA 70726 is looking for information on a small
cotton gin made by Eagle Cotton Gin Co., Bridge-water, Mass. The
gin is about 3 feet long, about 18 inches wide, and about 24 inches
tall with several gears and a wood-slat conveyor belt. Any help
will be appreciated.

A. Any answers on this one will have to come
from somebody else the Reflector has never laid eyes on a cotton
gin! Surely some of our readers can provide some information.

21/4/21 Q. I have a Christensen 2 HP engine
(see photos). It is a Type B, not the sideshaft model. The engine
is in bad shape and missing several parts, so we would like to hear
from anyone having one of these engines, or having some literature
on them. After finding out what I need for parts then I can
advertise for them. Clifford Whiting, RR 2, Sycamore IL 60178.

A. The Reflector has always thought there was a
great similarity with this engine and the small Rockford engines
built at Rockford, Illinois. In fact, we are not at all sure that
it isn’t virtually the same engine. The small Independent
Harvester Co. sideshaft model was built by Rockford, and the
Christensen Model B sure has a lot of similarity, so this may be
another approach.

21/4/22 Q. I am restoring a Bean Orchard
Sprayer, and would like to know the paint color for the Novo engine
which powers the pump. Jim Dowgin, Box 257, Dayton, NJ 08810.

A. We believe the Novo to correspond closely
with DuPont 93-77161 green.

21/4/23 Q. Can anyone tell me more about our
New Way engine (see photos). The nameplate is missing. Also would
like to know if new decals for the fan shroud are available. Jim
Coe, 119 Joshua, Henderson, NV 89015.

A. We would guess your engine to be a Model 30,
3 HP size. In addition, New-Way used a ‘K-‘ prefix for
battery equipment, ‘L’ for battery and magneto, and
‘M’ for Bosch magneto equipment. These engines were very
popular up to about 1918 many companies sold them, including some
branches of John Deere Plow Compnay. We are unaware of anyone
offering New Way engine decals at this time.

21/4/24 Q. I have a Farmall Regular tractor
that doesn’t have the nameplate on the tool box, so I don’t
know when it was made. Is there any place else on the tractor where
I can find the serial number? Garnettl Krumm, nooo Highway C,
HillsbomM MO 63050.

A. We thought we could find the! answer in a
Farmall Regular Parts I Book, but it states ‘Serial number on I
tag on tool box.’ Surely it must be stamped some place on the
tractor. If I anyone can tell us, let Mr. Krumm I and the Reflector
know about it, I please.

21/4/25 Q. What are the proper colors fen a I
McCormick-Deering No. 8 Little Genius I plow? Brandt J. Groen, 1601
N.W. Ella AVe., Willmar, MN 56201.

A. We cannot locate a color scheme! for the No.
8 Little Genius, but do have a color illustration of the somewhat
older Little Chief model. It used an all-red frame with olive green
wheels. However, if memory is correct, the Little Genius used a
combination of red and blue.

21/4/26 Q. Last year we acquired a small
yardsize tractor. The tag is missing, but on the cast iron grill is
‘Bantam.’ We would like to know who built this tractor,
along with any other information about it. For those restoring
Challenge engines, we find DuPont Centari 7498A to be the correct
shade of green. Challenge also used white, yellow and gold for
striping, but gold matches the striping around the original decal.
Dan Sauter, 508 Bernadette Ln., Batavia, IL 60510.

A. The Reflector checked old issues of
FIN’s Buyer’s Guide but came up dry on the Bantam
tradename. Thanks for the information on the Challenge engine

21/4/27 Q. I have a Stover MV-2 engine, s/n
VA211095R, as pictured in your American Gas Engines, page 4Q5- We
need an instruction manual, as the governor is not working right.
Louis G. Shafer, 7125 Old Clinton H., Knoxville, TN 37921.

A. Your MV-2 was built in 1930. The Reflector
acquired much of the remaining Stover material from the late Lester
L. Roos several years ago, and is able to supply photocopies only
of most Stover instruction manuals. In so doing the Reflector
hopes  to continue the practice of Mr. Roos in supplying
needed information to Stover engine collectors. This is not a
commercial enterprise, but operates on an at-cost basis in the
tradition of Mr. Roos.

21/4/28 Branson Enterprises, 7722 Elm Ave.,
Rockford, IL 61111 sends along a clipping from the December 22,1985
issue of the Chicago Tribune. An article in that issue warned of
the health dangers from paint, and especially from spray painting.
Although space does not permit use of the entire article, several
important points are presented:

Symptoms of ‘eye watering, headache, or dizziness’ may
indicate over-exposure ‘of the sort that might, if it were
repeated and prolonged enough, lead to nerve damage.’ (our

If painting inside, use exhaust fans, not just a couple of open

Be aware of the health dangers involved in products containing
methylene chloride. The Consumer Product Safety Commission says
that ‘the way people use products containing methylene chloride
poses one of the highest cancer risks ever calculated for a
consumer product.’ The Tribune article goes on to state that
‘many consumers magnify the potential risk by using paint
strippers in basements and other rooms with little

Also noted in the article is a product label used by Binney
& Smith, Easton, PA on an aerosol product used to coat
artist’s drawings: ‘Exposure may cause nervous system
damage or kidney damage, or harm to the developing fetus. .. Avoid
using if pregnant or contemplating pregnancy.’

NOTE: While the Reflector doesn’t want to sound like an
activist, we certainly wish to thank the folks at Branson
Enterprises for bringing this to our attention. Please take note of
the above warnings – some of the products we now use are exotic
indeed, and there is no reason to jeopardize your health. Surely
this doesn’t need mentioning, but all of you always use a
suitable mask when spray painting, don’t you?

21/4/29 Q. We have a 4 HP MECO sold by
Manufacturer’s Engine Co. We were wondering how many were
produced, and their scarcity now. Was there a connection between
MECO and Witte? Would like to correspond with anyone having
information or literature on this company. Also wondering about the
rarity of a Cushman R-14 Cub engine. Larry Lucke, 15023 Pepperwood,
Mil-lard, KIE 68154.

A. We suspect the MECO was actually
manufactured by Witte, perhaps to MECO’s specifications. This
practice was fairly common very few of the mail order companies for
instance, actually built engines. We doubt there are any great
number of MECO engines around MECO didn’t stay in the engine
business very long, or at least didn’t advertise their wares
for any length of time. Cushman Cub engines are not particularly
rare as a generic group, but certain models are rather difficult to

21/4/30 Q. We are restoring an Aermotor engine
with the fluted hopper. Can anyone tell us the proper color,
striping, etc. Cress Gackle, 7855 W. 167 St., Tinley Park, IL

A. We may stand corrected, but we recall the
Aerometer as being finished in a deep maroon, with the fluted
hopper being aluminum. We are not sure of the striping scheme, but
perhaps an owner of one of these swell engines can help.
Incidentally, the fluted hopper provided an extra large cooling
area with a bare minimum of water. That’s the practical side
beyond that the distinctive appearance makes this particular engine
very unique by anyone’s standards.

21/4/31 Q. What are the proper colors for the
IHC LA engines as shown on page 249 of American Gas Engines’!
Chris Bird-sell, 1048 N. Fayette, Jacksonville, IL 62650.

A. It appears that the early LA engines were
finished in IH gray with a red flywheel. Later models were entirely
red, but when the change was made is unknown.

21/4/32 Q. What is the proper color for the
Witte AC Dieselectric vertical engine? We are also looking for
instructions, parts book, and any other information on this 3 HP
engine, s/n D517. Al Sibson, 1474 E. Nichols Dr., Littleton, CO

A. The only one of these we have ever seen was
finished in the usual Witte green comparable to DuPont Dulux
93-5800. We have no information on these, but perhaps one of our
readers can help.

21/4/33 Q. Lawrence Dittmer, RR I, Box 26,
Shelby, IA 51570 asks where he might get information regarding
liability insurance for a small two-day engine show.

A. See ‘A Brief Word’ at the beginning
of this month’s Reflections column.

21/4/34 Q. Jody Bakken, 2175 Mangum Rd.,
Memphis, TN 38134 sends us a photo of a Nelson Bros. Little Jumbo
engine they recently restored. Mr. Bakken would like to hear from
other Little Jumbo owners. Also, information is needed on an Alpha
engine from DeLaval, Type F, 1 HP, s/n 42275, including the proper
paint color.

21/4/35 Q. Can anyone identify our ECKO motor
(see photo)? Ecko Motor is the only name on it. It is of 2-cycle
design, there are 3 intake valves that work in sequence, and it
uses a ported exhaust. The cylinder has 2 pistons in it, and the
lower part of the connecting rod looks like a steam engine
crosshead. The nuts and bolts are not S.A.E. or metric. It has
nickel-plated rocker arm, pushrod, valve guides, cylinder bolts,
and more. Also, it uses a Breeze carburetor. Any information will
be greatly appreciated. Jeff and Bob Bartheld, 14018 NE 85th St.,
Elk River, MN 55330.

A. The Breeze carburetor is the only familiar
part for the Reflector. Quite a few different engines used it at
some time or other. Beyond that, the Ecko is altogether different
from anything we have seen. It will be interesting to see if
someone can identify this one!


Wheels and Bushings for engine trucks For engine truck
wheels that are either too large or worn out of round, we take the
wheel and weld a bead inside the hole. Then place the wheel on a
firebrick with the axle hole tight to the firebrick. Then pour hot
lead or melted down wheel weights and fill the hole. Let it cool
itself. Do not use any water to cool down. Then drill the hole to
your axle size. The welded bead will anchor the lead from turning.
I have used this process several times with good results.

Replacing head nuts and main bearing nuts on gas
 To get something that looks original, use
5/8 standard front-wheel lug nuts, or
standard rear-wheel lug nuts. These can be found on large GMC,
Ford, or International dump trucks. Also, you can cut these nuts
down for jam nuts.

Both of these suggestions sent in by R. Babbitt, RR 1, Box 95,
Voluntown, CT 06384.

Lister engines Regarding questions in the January issue
on Lister engines: Lister still uses the lever to control
compression ratio as a starting aid. The compression release
principle was also used on gasoline engines. In the case of Lister,
it enlarges the combustion chamber to reduce compression pressure.
With some diesels compression pressure is so high, pressure
readings take with the engine running at a specified speed, because
batteries would deplete very fast when taking readings on a
multiple cylinder engine. For example, on a Detroit Diesel 71
Series naturally aspirated engine, readings are taken at 600 rpm.
With 18.7 compression ration, minimum pressure is 515 PSI up to 500
ft. altitude. At 10,000 feet altitude minimum pressure is 380 PSI.
Daniel J. Renovetz, Great Lakes Energy Systems, Box 10, Brunswick,
OH 44212-0010.

20/7/6Glass Battery Cells David M.
Adkins, 1037 Ostrander Rd., Ostrander, OH 43061 writes I that many
power plants and telephone exchanges still use the big battery jars
referred to previously. However, due to the excessive weight, they
are not very suitable for a show setup. Instead Mr. Adkins uses a
set of 8-D diesel batteries.

An Unusual Jeep (February 1986 GEM) A letter from Alton
Good, Alton Good Advertising, 262 Swamp Fox Road, Chambersburg, PA
17201 includes some photocopy material from this firm’s
historic advertising library. Originally placed in the May, 1948
issue of Farm Journal this advertisement illustrates the Jeep
equipped with a hydraulically powered 3-point hitch, together with
a 2-bottom plow.

Vermont engine builders Walt Celley, RR 1, Cabot, VT
05647 forwards some history and photos on engines built in his
state. Since his article is rather extensive, we are forwarding it
to the Editor at GEM for full inclusion in a future issue.

Root & Vandervoort Engines Earl Sprague, 925 West
5th St., Redfield, SD 57469 sends us two photos of his recently
restored 1 HP R & V engine. He is still missing the crank guard
and would like to correspond with anyone having one so that he can
copy it. We believe the color scheme is quite accurate when
compared to the original R&V catalog, so perhaps these two
views will be a guide to other R&V owners. *

Color for FBM Jack-of-All-Trades Regarding 21/2/40 in
February GEM, I have a 2 HP bought from original owner. It was
definitely a dark red or maroon. Also my 1910 FBM catalog shows it
as being red, as was the Jack Junior. The back page of the catalog
shows a vertical engine in green. Chester Folser, 621 D St.,
Mil-ford, NE 68405.

21/2/5Bohon Engines Several readers
contacted us, noting that D. T. Bohon Co. was a mail order firm. At
one time at least, their engines were built by Nelson Bros.

21/2/7Friend Engines We also got
several letters on the Friend engines made at Gasport, New York.
They were usually throttle governed, some used a battery and coil,
and others were equipped with a Wico EK magneto. Most were used on
orchard spraying outfits. Some were air cooled, some were water
cooled. A distinctive feature of the water cooled design was a pipe
coil in the water hopper that helped cool the engine by pumping the
spray mixture through the coil on its way to the trees or whatever
was being sprayed. One writer reports to us that they were not a
very reliable engine, noting that ‘we always said if you had a
Friend for an engine, you didn’t need any enemies.

20/9/4Model T Spark Coils Wm. C.
Kuhl, 464 So. 5th St., Sebewaing, MI 48759 sends an interesting
letter in which he notes that a good 6-volt battery works fine for
a Model T coil, but he goes on to say that ‘if I have a choice
I will use a 12-volt any day.’ Mr. Kuhl also encloses a chart
from a 1922 edition of Automobile Engineering published by the
American Technical Society. It illustrates the magneto output for
the Ford Model T at various engine speeds. Note the bottom entryat
1200 rpm engine speed, a voltage of 26.2 was delivered at a
frequency of 160 cps. Compare this with an engine speed of 800 rpm,
or about 20 mph, and 18.8 volts was delivered. Considering the slow
reaction time caused by the cast iron coil core, the Reflector
stands by his earlier comment that a 12-volt battery on a Model T
coil isn’t a bad setup for stationary engines.

Magneto Output


Miles per Hour



Cycles per Second






































Unsigned Letter Also received this month was an
unsigned letter in regard to last issue’s comments about
getting and keeping exhibitors at the shows. Since the letter was
unsigned, it will not be discussed Ye olde Reflector gets into
enough trouble without a new hassle!


To minimize rusting in cylinder jackets, add a very little
soluble cutting oil such as is used in large grinders, etc. It will
do no harm, and the slight oil coating will be of help. Nothing old
about this hint it comes from an Instruction Book for an
Allis-Chalmers Industrial tractor of 1971.

When laying engines up for winter, use canvas or cloth covers,
never plastic. Plastic doesn’t ‘breath’ and accumulated
moisture hangs right in there, causing the rust you are trying to

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