Although somewhat belated, we surely do want to thank all of the
hundreds of folks who visited us at the Midwest Old Threshers
Reunion. Many of you just stopped by to shake hands, others had
comments or suggestions. All were appreciated, and again, thank
This year, well over thirty folks from Australia were in
attendance at Midwest Old Threshers and some other shows. Quite a
few of these folks shared pictures and comments with us regarding
the engines and tractors in Australia. We were once again amazed at
the many American-made engines that went to Australia. Curiously,
many of these are engines that are considered to be quite rare here
in the U.S., much less making it all the way to Australia. Another
thing we learned was that compared to the United States, Australia
won’t have the quantity of engines found here, but the variety
of engines and the quality of the collections will be hard to rival
anywhere in the world.
We’ve got quite a few folks booked to go with us to
Australia next February. If you’re still hesitating, we wish
you could have seen some of the photos our Australian friends
shared with us. On top of that, this column won’t be in your
hands until early October, so the opportunity to share in this
once-in-a-life-time tour is running out. We’ll do our best to
show you an enjoyable time . . . maybe we’ll even share a silly
joke or two while we’re en route.
A number of folks stopped by our stand asking if we had a copy
of the August 1996 GEM, noting that they never got one. Others
stopped by to tell us they got more than one copy. As has been
mentioned in previous issues, a dreadful computer snafu between the
postal service and the mailing company (not the folks at GEM)
caused this isolated incident. Most folks who didn’t get the
issue have by now been sent one. If you’re one of the few
we’ve not yet heard from, please write to the GEM office and
let them know.
Ye olde Reflector recently acquired a Hallett diesel engine
built at Ingle-wood, California, in the early 1940s. The only
information we’ve found about this company so far has been a
trademark application (as noted on page 48 of Gas Engine
Trademarks). This listing notes first use of the mark in April
1941. A few advertisements have been found in Diesel Progress
Magazine, but otherwise, we’ve found nothing at all. Anyone
having information on this company and its products, please drop a
line to ye olde Reflector.
In the same connection, we understand that the Hallett was built
in air-cooled and water-cooled versions, the latter seeing far less
production than the air-cooled style. We also have been told that a
great many were built for military purposes during World War Two.
Ours is a single-cylinder, vertical style of 6 HP. It starts easily
(once the proper procedure is learned) and runs very quietly for a
Several people asked us about completion of our article on
pouring Babbitt bearings. The past couple of months, our place has
been somewhat of a zoo, with more activities than we can keep up
with. In some ways we look forward to the winter months when we
have a better opportunity to accomplish daily objectives. We’ll
be putting this one together before long. Meanwhile, we’re
working on a magneto and ignition book, a history of Witte engines,
and it finally looks like we’ll be able to write our book,
Encyclopedia of American’ Farm Machinery. We’ve wanted to
do this one for a long time, and now it looks as if our wishes will
We have a number of queries this month, and we begin with:
31/11/1 Monarch Engine Q. I have a 1 HP Monarch
engine from Royal Engine Co., Saginaw, Michigan. I would like to
know if the crank and governor were enclosed in oil or were open.
It looks to me like someone added this. Any information would be
appreciated. John Schuller, # 4805 Hwy 42, Kewaunee, WI
A. We’re not familiar with this engine, but
perhaps one of you folks could be of help. In regard to another
question from Mr. Schuller, we know of no way to precisely date
these engines.
31/11/2 Wells Engine Q. See the photos of a
Model 2M Wells engine, made by Wells Mfg. Co., Fond du Lac,
Wisconsin. Any information on this engine or on the company would
be greatly appreciated. Gil Smith, 265 Goss Avenue, Santa Cruz,
CA 95065.
A. We have this company listed in Gas Engine
Trademarks but have no further information.
31/11/3 Happy Fanner Tractors Owen Fairchild,
212 Lamplight Lane, Lewisburg, PA 17837 sends along an interesting
photo of about 1920; it was taken at Lewisburg, PA. Mr. Fairchild
‘The man in the center of photo with full dress suit is
Francis T. Baker. He was the dealer for the Happy Farmer in this
area. Other men in the photo; first tractor on left, and seated is
A. A. Eisenhauer, a farmer near Lewisburg. The second man, seen
looking along the first tractor fender, is J. R. Fairchild, a
farmer from Lewisburg. These men were all born in the 1884-1888
years; the other men I don’t know. At the right corner of the
photo is the passenger station for the L & T Railway. Photo
taken by Ellen Shields Studio, North Third Street, Lewisburg,
31/11/4 McCormick-Deering Mower Q. We have a
McCormick-Deering No. 9 mower and want to repaint it to its
original colors. Does it use the same scheme as the earlier mowers?
Stanley Walz, W8402 Foote Dr., Portage ,W153901.
A. Right after WW2, my father bought a new No.
9 mower. For reasons now forgotten, it came to our local railway
depot in a couple of big wooden crates, rather than from the dealer
where he bought it. Anyway, as a youngster, I helped assemble the
mower, and no doubt in my mind, it was completely red, IH Red if
you will. However, we’re not sure of when IH dropped the cream
and blue design of earlier models. However, it seems safe to say
that this happened during the Depression of the 1930s when a fancy
paint job gave way to expediency. If not then, the transformation
came about during World War Two when many products were virtually
impossible to obtain.
31/11/5 Samsco Engines Robert A. Johnson, Rt 2,
Box 358, Canyon, TX 79015 writes that the Samsco name was used by
San Antonio Machine & Supply Co. They used it on Nelson Bros
engines they sold to supplement their line of Krueger-Atlas
[engines]. I have a 1 Samsco which is the same as a Little Jumbo.
Krueger-Atlas didn’t build engines under 4 horsepower. Don
Sheets, 2 210-W Glen, Peoria, IL 61614-4565 commented
31/11/6 Cunningham Engines Q. See the photo of
a small air cooled Cunningham engine. On the shroud are also the
words, ”Established 1838.’ It has a Wico magneto and a
Tillotson carburetor. Is this the same company as listed on page
114 of American Gas Engines? If so, 1 would think this example
would have come late in their history, based on the design. Anyone
having information on this engine, or similar Cunningham models, is
encouraged to write; I’m curious about this one. J.
Griffin, RD 1, Box 616, Sangerville, ME 04479.
A. Cunningham survived into the late 1930s, and
your engine could well fall within that vintage. Also, checking the
listings in Gas Engine Trademarks, we find that there is no other
company of that name listed, so the odds would fall heavily in
favor of the idea that this was indeed the firm of James Cunningham
& Sons Co., Rochester, New York.
31/11/7 Reo Power Mower Q. I am attempting to
restore a REO power lawn mower and need information and a source
for parts. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Philip
S. Brooke Jr., 830 E. 35th Ave., Spokane, WA99203.
31/11/8 Information Needed Q. What is the year
built of a Stover engine, s/n 189755? In the enclosed photo, the
fuel filler pipe is in front of the left hand flywheel. Is this the
correct location!
What were the approximate production years of the F-M Eclipse 1
-A engines with the double flywheels? Did the 1 -A model have any
significance? Larry Kastens, 9956 Deer Trail, Hereford, AZ
A. Your Stover was built in 1927. Sometimes
Stover, like other companies, put the filler pipe in unusual
locations. The Eclipse first appeared about 1910, and even this
point is confusing, since various company records don’t agree
on this point, some indicating that it was introduced in 1912.
However, they remained in production until 1922. Some years later
an entirely different Eclipse engine appeared and remained for a
short time.
31/11/9 Witte Engine Q. What is the year built
for a Witte engine, 34583; also, why is the 3 HP so much larger
than the comparable 2 HP model? Ed Burgess, RD 2, Box 149B,
Laceyville, PA 18623.
A. Your engine was made in 1917. Sometimes
manufacturers combined things in such a way that some of the same
parts would interchange on a couple of different engines. That
could account for the difference. Also, it may simply have been a
matter of design, with the 2 HP built as small, as light, and as
cheaply as possible, while the 3 HP was perhaps over designed for
an engine of its rating.
31/11/10 Unidentified Engines Q. See the two
photos of engines I cannot identify. The first shows a small steam
engine, 40 inches long, with a 3 x 9 inch bore and stroke, and an
18 inch flywheel. The second engine is an upright hit-and-miss
engine, battery & coil ignition. It has a 12-inch flywheel, is
22 inches high and uses a inch Lunkenheimer mixer. Any information
on either of these engines would be appreciated. Jim
Stegerwalt, RD 2, Box 87, Mifflinburg, PA 17844.
31/11/11 Jackson Engine Q. I recently acquired
a Jackson Type A, 1 HP engine from Jackson Gas Engine Co., Jackson,
Michigan. Was it built by Waterloo Bcry, when, and what is the
correct color? Bill Beenenga, 2506 River Rd., Rain bridge, PA
A. On page 252 of American Gas Engines is
illustrated the engine to which you refer. It seems entirely
possible that Jackson Gas Engine Co. began selling engines built by
others about the same time they discontinued building their own
engines under the title of Jackson Engine & Motor Company. What
re-mains a certainty is that your engine is of a design similar to
that of the Cray, the Sheldon, the Sandow, and others, all of which
emerged from the foundries of Waterloo Gasoline Engine Co.,
Waterloo, Iowa. They were built in the 1913-1918 period. We have no
clue as to the proper color for your engine.
31/11/12 Spark Plug Wires Q. What is the
correct procedure for replacing a spark plug wire on a small air
cooled engine such as Briggs & Stratton? Kevin W. K. Minns,
5610 Florek Rd., Edinboro, PA 16412.
A. Unlike modern automotive engines with their
carbon wires etc., these engines use plain old copper spark plug
wire. Cut off a piece, put on the proper ends, and you’re
31/11/13 Earth master Tractor Q. 1 have an
Earth master tractor with the following information:
Earth master Mfd. Expressly for Earth master, Bur-bank,
California Div. of Adelprecision Products Corporation Earth master
Motor #N62-A 1405 Pre show Product
Continental Motors – Farm Equipment I would like to find more
information on this tractor and would appreciate hearing from
anyone who can help. Frederic J. Lazenby, 35366 Redwood Dr.,
Shingle-town, CA 96088.
31/11/14 Unidentified Engine Q. The adjacent
photos show an unidentified outboard engine, with 14-B being a top
view. Can anyone tell me the make of this engine, or provide any
information? All replies appreciated. Nick Beslawski, 1534 N.
Hamlin Rd., Hamlin, NY 14464-9733.
31/11/15 IHC Type M Q. I have a Type M, 1 HP
IHC engine, s/n 60855. It has two needle valves with the lever on
the upper right. It also has the under-strike ignitor and the wing
nut on the back cover plate. All this leads me to believe that this
was an earlier model. Further inspection reveals an eccentric trip
rod as used for the over-strike ignitor model. Can you date this
engine? Is there any way to find out what was the original ignitor
on this engine? James Dubiel, 670 Afton Ave., Youngstown, OH
A. Your letter does not indicate the prefix
letter on the nameplate. However, assuming it to be an ‘A’
prefix, your engine was made in 1927. With the two needle valves,
yours likely would not be the 1 HP gasoline model; these carry an
‘AW’ prefix. The IHC parts book also notes that the
thumbscrew-type of crankcase cover was supplied in the 1917-21
31/11/16 Moline Plow Company Q. I have a basket
case engine from Moline Plow Company, 2 HP, s/n 50793. However, on
page 312 of American Gas Engines, there is very little information
about them. Any information would be appreciated. Art England,
204 -216th SW, Bothell, WA 98021.
A. The Flying Dutchman was a trademark of
Moline Plow Co., and was used until sometime during World War One.
At this time the name was discontinued because of a possible
inference to the Germans. The Flying Dutchman was virtually
identical to the Rock Island engines of the same period, and both
were built by Alamo Mfg. Co. (see pages 16-19 of American Gas
Engines). Fortunately, Rock Island and Alamo parts are relatively
easy to find, as compared to a Woodpecker or a Stickney. We once
owned a Flying Dutchman, and it was a deep maroon with gold
striping and a very fancy decal; unfortunately, no one has ever
reproduced the decal, and since it was so complicated, probably
never will.
31/11/17 F-M Type Z Engine Q. I am restoring a
Fairbanks-Morse Type Z, 1 HP engine with spoke flywheels. What was
the production period for this engine, and what was the original
color? Donald Kuhl, 761A Beta Drive, Cleveland, OH
A. Production of this model began in mid-1918
and continued until 1928. It was finished comparable to DuPont
72001 Green.
31/11/18 Gleaner Baldwin Q. In Kansas the big
combine seller was the Gleaner-Baldwin 12-foot model. When did they
start using the drilled crankshaft Model AA Ford engine? What year
were changes in the engines from T to A to the 6-cylinder? When did
they change to v-belts and from two-wheel front trucks to one
wheel? Did they always start the serial number with the year built?
Bill Reiser, 206 Franklin, Marshalltown, Iowa 50158.
A. We’ve got nothing in the way of
literature on the Gleaner combines, so we can’t tell you much
about them. Can any of our readers offer their advice?
31/11/19 Information Needed Q. See Photo 19-A
of a small ‘popcorn’ type steam engine I picked up a while
back. I would like to know the manufacturer, when it was made, and
the type of governor that was used. It has a round-spoke flywheel
about 7 inches in diameter. Any information would be
Photo 19-B shows a pair of flywheels, and I’d like to know
what they fit. There is a mortise-like hole in both wheels, about 1
x 2 inches, and about 1 -inch deep. A groove is cut about the
face of one wheel, perhaps for a cooling fan? The wheels are about
14 inches in diameter with a 2 inch face. Any information would be
appreciated. T. J. Shipman, RR 2, Box 371-23, Buckhannon, WV
31/11/20 Witte & Other Questions Q. I have
a Witte 2 HP engine, s/n 33233. Any information would be
appreciated on this engine. Also, the area beneath the rod and
crank is painted red. It appears to be original.
I also have an old cider press that my father and I recently
rebuilt. It is complete except for the crank handle gear. The gear
is about 6 inches in diameter and should have about 38 teeth. The
shaft is 1? inches. Can anyone tell me where I could acquire the
correct gear? Mark Booth, 3083 Malcolm Rd., Barboursville, WV
A. Your engine is of 1917 vintage. We have
DuPont 5204 Adirondack Green listed as a comparable color for the
Witte. Perhaps you may end up getting someone to cut the gear.
What’s needed is the center-to-center distance of the shafts,
and the pitch of the existing gear. For the sake of the machinists
in the group, there’s an easy way to calculate the diameter of
the gear blank. Take the number of teeth required and add two.
Divide this by the pitch, and you’ll have the diameter of the
blank. For instance a 10-pttch gear is needed with 48 teeth. So, 48
+ 2 = 50. Divide this by 10 (the pitch), and you will need a blank
that’s 5 inches in diameter. Or say, you need a 6-pitch gear
with 34 teeth. To get the blank diameter, add 2 to 34 = 36. Divide
this by the pitch of 6, and you get a blank diameter of 6
31/11/21 Etna Engine Q. I recently acquired an
engine with the following information in the casting:
‘The Etna’ Butler, Pa. This engine has 58-inch flywheels
and a 13-inch pulley. I could find nothing in American Gas Engines.
The engine is of the hot tube type, and about 12 to 15 HP. Any
information would be appreciated. Frank Carr, Rt 2, Box 35,
Frame town, WV 26623.
A. We also looked in our more recent title, Gas
Engine Trademarks, with its extensive indexes on engine companies
and trade names. The trade name index does not have an Etna engine,
and the composite index for Butler, Pa. doesn’t give us any
clues either. Has anyone heard of this one?
31/11/22 Bullseye Engines Q. What is the
correct color scheme for the Bullseye engines (sold by Montgomery
& Ward)? Any information would be appreciated. Don Klein,
3002 – 6th St., Peru, IL 61354.
A. We don’t have that one listed in our
Third Edition of Wendel’s Notebook, so if anyone comes up with
a comparable color match, we’ll put the information down for a
future edition. We could be wrong of course, but we recall seeing a
Bullseye a few years ago at a show (we don’t remember where)
and it was a bright red. Are we on target?
31/11/23 Reeves Engine Q. See the photos of a
Reeves engine. I believe it to be 5 HP, but am unsure, since the
nameplate is missing. In American Gas Engines, regarding the Reeves
engines you mention only battery and coil ignition. However, as
noted in the photos, my engine is also equipped with an ignition
dynamo. Could this have been an extra-cost option for this engine?
The generator is a Wizard made by Hercules Electric Co. of
Indianapolis. I would love to hear from other owners of Reeves
engines. David Green, 2200 S. 7 Hwy, Independence, MO
A. Ignition dynamos were often used with
engines, especially the larger sizes. There were numerous makes,
but all followed the same general principles, and certainly were
beneficial in that the batteries were used only for starting the
engine. The dynamo was probably shipped with the engine, but could
also have been added as an aftermarket item.
31/11/24 Bent hall Hay Press Q. I have a Bent
hall Hay Press made in Suffolk, Virginia. It is equipped with an
IHC LA 3-5 HP engine. Any information on this unit would be greatly
appreciated. Also, regarding 3118/17; the item in question is
called a Fowler Plow. It was used in ‘the south, mostly to plow
out weeds between peanuts and cotton. George E. Husen, Rt 2,
Box 309P, Bonifay, FL 32425.
31/11/25 Identification Needed Q. See Photo
25-A of a potato planter. It has no identification at all.
Likewise, Photo 25-B shows a cultivator for which we have no
identification, or the least idea of the color scheme etc. Any help
would be appreciated. Cedric Kleinhans, 9333 Ave. 198, Tulare,
CA 93274.
A. Can anyone be of help on these two
Readers Write
Eclipse Lawnmowers Regarding a recent query in
this column, Frank Wilsey, 2702 Whitney Ave., Baltimore, MD
21215-4149 writes in part:
The Eclipse Lawn Mower Co., originally located in Prophetstown,
Illinois, made some of the nicest reel mowers that I have ever had
the pleasure to use. Besides my dad’s Parkhound, I have at one
time or another owned a copy of their Rocket, Lark, and Rolloway
models. The Rolloway had a 26-inch cut and a huge caster-type wheel
in back instead of the usual set of rollers which made it extremely
maneuverable. All the Eclipse reels, with the possible exception of
the last ones they made, used an expansion clutch which did away
with the loose-belt/moveable idler clutch arrangement used with
other makes. You had to be careful not to adjust the clutch too
tight though, or the internal band would break.
Eclipse also marketed the Duo-Master line of rotary mowers,
beginning in the mid 1950s. These were some of the best made early
rotaries I have seen. I believe Eclipse used Briggs & Stratton
engines on most or all of their mowers. I have never seen an
Eclipse without one.
Unfortunately, Eclipse built their mowers a bit too well, and
lost market share to cheaper models. In the early to mid-1960s
Eclipse was taken over by Hahn Company at Evansville, Indiana, thus
creating the Hahn-Eclipse line. Its flagship walk-behind unit was
the Pow-R-Pro self-propelled rotary, which was one of the very few
rotaries from that period that featured a blade clutch. Again,
these mowers were not built down to a price as most others were,
and eventually Hahn-Eclipse faded from view. I do not know if the
company is still operating, but there are no Hahn-Eclipse dealers
listed in the Baltimore area.
A Closing Word
Recently we added another computer to our household, and this
one even has those wonderful Internet capabilities. Despite all
this wonderful equipment, we remain a bit intimidated by the whole
scene . . . perhaps our 50-some-thing years of doing without this
particular piece of equipment has set us in our ways. This writer,
after spending several hours with the bloomin’ thing, has
concluded that taking a two-night class on the subject would be
most beneficial, and might keep us from running up a $200 phone
bill or some other equally ludicrous foolishness. Don’t get us
wrong, we’re not at all intimidated by progress, but we quickly
discovered that in the Internet world, there’s a whole new
language that includes a good’ many terms we’ve never heard
of, much less comprehend!
By the time this copy is in your hands in mid-October, the
engine runnin’ season will be pretty well past us for a few
months. Therefore, we once again, as we have annually for many
moons, issue our usual warning…did you drain those engines and
tractors? Are you sure? Might not hurt to check again! Recently we
heard of a very nice John Deere GP tractor (a high-dollar tractor
by most standards) that didn’t get drained last winter. Deere
GP parts are expensive, and this one is going to take a lot of
those expensive parts, especially since the radiator is also
ruined. Anyway, if you’re not sure, check ’em again!
One other cautionary word…if you have a shop press, and have
to press a ball bearing on or off, be sure to wrap some old burlap
sacks or a lot of wipers around the bearing. If your setup
isn’t what it should be, the outer race can break, and those
bearing balls under tension will pop out of there like hardened
steel bullets.
There are a lot of machinists and handymen in our ranks, and we
presume that at least some of you have set up one or another of
several different ways to successfully run three-phase motors off
of single-phase power. Perhaps this winter, some brave soul will
venture forth with an article that would explain some of the ins
and outs of this process. Especially with machine tools, a
converter of some type is much easier than trying to refit the
machine with a single phase motor.
Enuf said for this time…we’ll see you again next
The purpose of the Reflections column is to provide a forum for
the exchange of all useful information among subscribers to GEM.
Inquiries or responses should be addressed to: REFLECTIONS, Gas
Engine Magazine, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, PA 17608-0328.