For this writer, one of the most interesting figures in the gas
engine business was William Galloway. In fact, we met his eldest
son several years ago, and had a most interesting discussion with
him. Bill Galloway was, in many ways, far ahead of his time. He
possessed an innate sense of what farmers wanted, and what they
would need next in the trek toward mechanized farming. Particularly
as documented in our book, American Gas Engines, the Galloway
engine line was destined to be very popular.
A Galloway catalog of about 1912 illustrates and describes
Galloway’s ‘Boss-of-the-Farm’ engine of 1 HP. A brief
glance notes that this engine was available in air-cooled or
water-cooled versions, as preferred. Numerous attachments were
available, including a special reducing gear for use with cream
separators and the like. A pump jack version was also available,
and the complete pump jack was available for another $6.50 over the
cost of the engine. A belt pulley was furnished with the engine for
use with corn shellers and other small machines.
Reading the advertisement closely leads to the inevitable
conclusion that Galloway was the consummate sales-man. This
charismatic individual was above all, a salesman with few equals.
Although some of the statements within this early advertisement
would have been hard to prove, they were nevertheless directed at
farmers who were already very sensitive to ‘the Trust’ and
similar situations of the day. ‘Trust’ or ‘The
Trust’ was a reference to the problems International Harvester
had with the U. S. Government due to the merger creating the
company. IHC and the U. S. Government fought each other in the
courts for years, and many smaller competitors used. this as
negative advertising to their own benefit.
Although the Galloway engines were machined and assembled in
Galloway’s own factory at Waterloo, Galloway did not have a
foundry. This work was farmed out to the Hedford Foundry in
Waterloo, and perhaps to some other outlying foundries.
Galloway’s manufacturing seems to have concentrated on engines,
manure spreaders, tractors, and small farm items. However, many of
the items in the Galloway catalog were built by others and marketed
under the Galloway name.
Another interesting sidelight is that the Galloway, Associated,
Waterloo Boy, and some other Waterloo-based gas engines had threads
of a common ancestry. Perhaps this explains why many of the
Waterloo-built engines have striking similarities. As engineers and
workmen moved from one company to another they carried along their
own ideas, and some of these were manifested in the form of gray
iron castings. However, these were all separate and competing
companies. Each of them made their own unique and substantial
contribution to mechanized farming.
Our queries this month begin with:
31/6/1 Sta-Rite Engine Stephen M. Porter, 116
Main St., Hantsport, NS BOP IPO Canada has recently acquired a 1 HP
Sta-Rite engine, Type A, s/n 4686. He would like to hear from
anyone having information on this engine.
31/6/2 Nelson Bros. Engines Q. On page 75 of
the January 1996 GEM appears my picture of a 1 HP Nelson Bros,
engine as sold by Chas. Williams Stores. Is the magneto bracket a
Webster A5-P2? Is it plug fired? Does the right angle arm trip the
igniter? What holds or supports the outer end of the pushrod in
line with the rocker arm? Is that an igniter trip wrench hanging
down or is that part of the trip mechanism? Believing that I can
find a Webster magneto, then I need a right angle trip arm, an
A5-P2 bracket, and an igniter, or is that a spark plug? Many thanks
for any and all help. Prince E. Stevens, R5, Box 1830,
Gardiner, ME 04345.
A. We have the A5-P2 bracket listed as being
correct but have no other information. Can anyone be of help?
31/6/3 Gilson Engine Q. I have a Gilson
Johnny-on-the-Spot engine as illustrated on page 209 of American
Gas Engines. It has the letters ‘B T cast into the side of a
hopper, and uses a 3 x 5 inch bore and stroke; the flywheels are 16
inches. Any information on this engine would be greatly
appreciated. Don Byers, 1237 Elm St., Lynden, WA
31/6/4 Stover CT Engine Q. What is the correct
color of red and gold striping on the Stover CT- engines?
Robert S. Harris Jr., 138 Bon Ton Rd,
A. Some of the paint and craft stores have
imitation gold powder; it comes in a small plastic tube. We buy
rich yellow gold and mix it with a little clear varnish. Mix only
what you will need, as it won’t keep once it is mixed. For red,
we’ve used a bright red, such as IHC Red.
31/6/5 Lombard Chain Saw Q. I recently
recovered a Lombard chain saw, made in Ashland, Mass. It has engine
s/n 307798 D1078A, with a saw s/n of DD-781-D. Can anyone tell me
when it was made, or provide any information? Joseph R. Mezey
Jr., 109 W Glen Rd., Denville, NJ 07834.
31/6/6 Galloway Tractor Q. Does anyone
have any information on the Galloway tractor made about 1919 by
William Galloway Company? It was sold in England as the Gamer, and
looks exactly like the Maxim Model A, 12-24 on page 189 of your
book, Encyclopedia of American Farm Tractors. Did Galloway build
the tractor, or did Maxim? I have confirmed that the Garner was
imported from Galloway Company in Waterloo, Iowa. I have mine
running and would like to finish the restoration but do not know
the original colors. Any other information would also be very
helpful. Herb Wessel, 2200 Fairmount Rd., Hampstead, MD
A. Information that we’ve gleaned over the
years, particularly from some of the Galloway family, has it that
Galloway built the tractor. Our guess is that Maxim bought it out
after Galloway got into financial straits, and probably prior to
the bankruptcy. Our information is that a great many of the
Galloway tractors got as far as New Orleans or some other ports,
but never got off the docks, and eventually met an uncertain fate.
It’s also been said that Galloway shipped a substantial number
over to England, was not fully paid, and subsequently went into
bankruptcy. Ironically, it appears that the tractor venture was a
strong contributing factor to the unpleasant fate of the Galloway
enterprises. When it was reorganized, Bill Galloway wasn’t
involved; he went on to other ventures, including seed oats,
registered cattle, and short line farm equipment.
We believe the tractor used a dark olive green, something like
Brewster Green (DuPont 24166) on the wheels and fenders. The frame
was a dark red, something like 34423 DuPont. There was also a lot
of striping, but we’re un-sure whether it was white or
31/6/7 Termaat & Monahan Q. I have a 1 or 2
HP T & M engine, similar to the one shown at top of page 508 in
American Gas Engines. It could be a reversible two-cycle engine of
1905-07 vintage, probably a marine engine. It is stuck, and
complete except for the small parts on the left of the engine as
viewed when facing the flywheel. Any help toward restoring this
engine, such as pictures or any information, would be greatly
appreciated. George Erickson, 2300 – 17th St NW, New Brighton, MN
55112. (Readers seeking outboard parts should try Twin Cities
Out-board, 3301Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55408.)
31/6/8 Severe Testing R. D. Hamp, 1772 Conrad
Ave., San Jose, CA 95124-4501 sends along some material that
appeared in the November 1915 issue of Gas Power Magazine. It
appears that on February 4, 1915 the steamboat ‘Iowa’ sank
in Lake Michigan just outside of the Chicago harbor. Among other
freight, the vessel was carrying 500 Webster magnetos. In June,
those clearing the wreckage retrieved 125 of the magnetos from the
bottom of Lake Michigan. Webster procured a few of the salvaged
magnetos, and after sitting in a warehouse for a couple more
months, they were tested, and every one delivered its full current,
despite the severe test to which they had been subjected.
Dick also notes that in the TV movie, ‘The Thorn birds: The
Missing Years,’ there is a scene showing a well drilling rig
powered by a vintage engine. An-other old engine appears in a barn
31/6/9 Associated Colt Q. See the photo
of an Associated Colt owned by Wallace C. Rettig, Box 188,
Leetonia, OH 44431-0188. He would like to find further information
on this engine, noting that it is different than the one on page 37
of American Gas Engines.
31/6/10 Fodder Cutter Q. See the photo of an
Improved Baldwin’s American Fodder Cutter No. 10. It was
patented July 30, 1867, and June 25, 1872. The wood parts show
indication of having been red in color, with a wide black
strip on the edge of the hopper. The metal parts were dipped in
dark brown paint. I don’t believe this to be original. Does
any-one know of this machine, or the company that built it? Any
information would be appreciated. Edgar Wagner, 1918
Hillison, Amboy, IL 61310.
31/6/11 Eclipse Lawn Mower Q. See the two
photos of an Eclipse lawn mower made at Prophetstown, Illinois. It
has a 24-inch cut, and each wheel has ‘Eclipse Park Hound’
stamped in the hub cap. Any information would be greatly
appreciated. L Brack Daniel, 3504 Oak Hill Dr., Bryan, TX
A. As a youngster I walked many a mile behind
one of these, and through those years, I probably at some time or
other dismantled almost everything that can be dismantled on an
Eclipse Lawn Mower. This included the engine, and I distinctly
remember it being a Briggs & Stratton. How that little engine
endured my constant tinkering I’ll never know, but I always
managed to get it back together without my secret activities being
discovered. I do remember though that one time my dad sure was
puzzled as to why the head bolts were rounded off, and of course, I
knew nothing at all about it! If anyone has specific information,
please send it along to Mr. Daniel.
31/6/12 Domestic EnginesSeveral people have
reminded us that for information on Domestic engines, see the
article on page 10 of the January 1992 GEM. It lists Don L.
Kirkpatrick, 220 E. Washington St., West Chester, PA 19380 as
having s/n information on the Domestic, as well as paint
31/6/13 Icy Ball Q. See the Icy Ball in the
photo. It made ice by heating the right hand ball. The other ball
would then get cold enough to form ice. Can anyone tell me what was
used as the refrigerant? Richard Reneau, 1928 Old Union Church
Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42101.
31/6/14 John Deere Orange? Q. I recently bought
a John Deere 6 HP, s/n 277941. Under the original green paint is
orange paint. Has anyone seen this be fore? Do all 6 HP John Deeres
have a compression release? Is there a way to find out by whom and
where this engine was purchased? David Hills, 16254 – 145th St.,
Columbus Junction, IA52738.
A. Are you sure that the ‘orange’
isn’t red oxide primer, or perhaps a ‘red lead’
primer/filler? While some of the primers were dark red, some were a
bright or angel. So far as we know, a compression release/priming
cup was standard for the 6 HP model. We doubt that Deere would
still have sales records for these engines.
31/6/15 Oliver HGR Crawler Q. See the four
photos of a 1947 Oliver Cletrac HGR 68-inch gauge crawler. It used
rubber tracks. Oliver built about 700 of these, and I wonder how
many still exist. I also wonder where one might find the Goodyear 8
x 200 rubber tracks. Any help would be appreciated. Harlan
Thompson, RR 2, Box 91, Harper, KS 67058.
A. It was a good idea, but ahead of its time,
those rubber tracks. Subsequently, Oliver did a field replacement
for those who wanted it, and converted these machines back to a
conventional steel track system. We’re not sure of where one
might find tracks, but could it be possible that someone in
Goodyear might consider making a few sets of these tracks for the
HGR crawlers still in existence?
31/6/16 Reconditioning Pitted Metal Q. Is there
anyone specializing in fixing or reconditioning metal that has been
pitted by rust and age? Any information would be appreciated. Paul
H. Burkle, PO Box 1871, Waterloo, IA 50704.
31/6/17 Fairbanks-Morse Refrigerator Q.
We’ve just purchased a Fairbanks-Morse refrigerator, Model
UD-1, s/n 211914, from the Fairbanks Corporation, Home Appliance
Division, Indianapolis, Indiana. It has the F-M
‘hand-with-balance weight’ logo on the door and also on the
freezer compartment door. When you open the outside door you come
to a second door which has three wire racks. There’s a place in
the bottom rack to hold a milk bottle. When you open the second
door there are shelves and a small freezer compartment. Does anyone
know anything about this refrigerator? Charlie Parrish, 4498 E
Hwy 140, Merced, CA 95340.
A. Unfortunately, when this operation was
closed down, virtually nothing of the records, photos, etc. made
their way back to Beloit. Thus, the folks at F-M have almost no
information on the Home Appliance Line except what might have
migrated that way by various means. In the late 1940s F-M began an
aggressive new expansion campaign. Although the company had few
equals in the engine business, going into the home appliance
business was quite an other story. The biggies of the day, such as
GE, Westinghouse, Kelvinator, Zenith, and others, weren’t about
to make life easy for F-M Appliances, even though it appears that
the company did indeed make some very good equipment. By the early
1950s the entire venture disappeared.
31/6/18 Information Needed Q. See photos 18A
and 18B of an Elgin Haf-A-Hors, s/n 7636. I’d like to know when
it was made, and also would like to find an instruction manual.
Photos 18C and 18D show a Syntron Gas Hammer, s/n L7PB56878.
I’d like to know when it was made. Any help will be
appreciated. Peter Fisher, 4722 W 45th Ave., Gary, IN
31/6/19 McCormick-Deering Picker Louis F.
Edwards, Box 293, Waterloo, IL 62298 comments on the ancient corn
picker on page 14 of the March 1996 GEM. He notes that this picker
was ground-driven and took four or five horses in good condition to
pull it. The wheel sticking out the back of the ma chine was just a
flywheel. On top of that, a farmer who waited too long to pick was
out of luck entirely; then it was time for a husking peg, a team of
horses, and a box wagon.
31/6/20 Duplex-Superior Q. I have a 2 HP
engine with a nameplate from Duplex Manufacturing Co., Superior,
Wisconsin. However, ‘Sandwich’ appears on the water hopper.
Can you tell me the proper color, and why the Sandwich markings?
Any information would be appreciated. J. Storstad, Box 115,
Manvel, ND 58256.
A. So far as is known, Duplex did not
manufacture engines, but bought them from another company; in this
instance, it was from Sandwich Mfg. Co., Sandwich, Illinois. Since
the Sandwich trademark appears on the engine, it was likely in
their green finish, namely, DuPont 28968 or 65541 Green.
31/6/21 John Deere 730 Diesel Q. Somewhere I
saw a diagram of how to bypass the ignition packs on the pony motor
on a 70 or 730 John Deere Diesel. You use two coils; I remember
that, but what kind, and what else is needed to do this? Any help
would be appreciated. Larry Parrish, 16760 Whitewood Ave.,
Prior Lake, MN 55372.
31/6/22 Lauson Corporation Q. I have a Lauson
engine, 2 HP, Type PE 532, s/n 79633, and would like to know when
it was made, and the original color. Any information would be
appreciated. Ken Mosely, Box 123, Great Bend, NY
31/6/23 John Deere D Q. I have a John Deere D,
s/n 174602, D2942R. It is in good condition, but some parts are
missing. Are there any books to help me get started? How old is
this tractor? Any help would be appreciated. Stan Gleave, 4384
Mile High Drive, Prow, UT 84604-5322.
A. Your tractor is a 1947 model. We’d
suggest looking for an older edition of Motor’s Truck &.
Tractor Manual, I & T Shop Manuals, or some of the re printed
materials available for this popular tractor model. Parts are avail
able from numerous GEM advertisers.
31/6/24 Allmand Generator Q. I’m trying to
hook up an Allmand generator for use on a home emergency light
plant. I recently was given this unit which was made in the early
1950s. However, the gift of the generator did not come with either
an owner’s manual or a wiring diagram. I contacted the company
out in Nebraska, but their records don’t go back that far. Any
suggestions? The model number is G 11.42, s/n 105 311 828, 3600
rpm, 115-230 VAC, 35 amps, 4 kw. Vernon Johnson Jr., 65 Prospect
Rd., Mountain-top, PA 18707.
A. Sometimes an older electric motor rewinding
shop might have this information. Try contacting some of the older
31/6/25 New Way Engine Q. Can anyone tell me
the pin striping and/or artwork on the New Way engines? 1 have the
flywheel lettering done in gold. Since this is my first engine, any
information would be greatly appreciated. Karen Pajak, 107
Smith Lane, Accord, NY 12404-5321.
A. The New Way has very ornate striping,
flowers, etc. (See back cover of GEM September 1988 for a restored
example.) Perhaps someone who has a a New Way color catalog and
could make a color photocopy for you???
31/6/26Wayne Hart, 8005 Hwy N, Mountain Grove,
MO 65711 sends along two photos of a corn shelter that he has
completely re-wooded. Can anyone advise the make and the proper
color scheme?
31/6/27 Information Needed Q. See 27A of an
engine with the only legible nameplate information being:
44WME2936E – 468053 – S7A. 2936E. It uses a F-M J1 magneto and a
Bendix-Stromberg carburetor. The engine in 27B has B& S patent
numbers in the flywheel, but the metal shroud is missing. Any
information would be appreciated. Charles Nelson, 1545 Hupp
Rd., Bloomington, IN 47401.
31/6/28 Crane & Ordway Q. See the three
photos of a Crane & Ordway engine. I believe this company was a
plumbing or hardware supply company. The engine appears to be the
same as the Knee land on page 266 of American Gas Engines. It has a
6 x 6 inch bore and stroke and is of the headless, closed jacket
style. Original paint was a bright red with some wide black
striping and a rotation indicator on the flywheel. Gas tank is cast
into the base. Unfortunately, it was stripped of many vital parts
and converted to an air compressor many years ago. I’d like to
find information on this engine, such as what the exhaust valve
system and valve gear looked like, also the governor, carburetor,
and other parts. Any information will be appreciated, and I’ll
pay for photos and copy work. Norman Olson, RR 2, Box 80,
Mentor, MN 56736.
A. Converting an engine into an air compressor
was not an uncommon practice. We well remember an old ma chine shop
run by line shafting into the early 1970s. Their air compressor was
a Cushman 4 HP binder engine. It was their air supply for over
fifty years.
31/6/29 Information Needed Q. In 29A see
a Briggs & Stratton, s/n 1011, Model S, hand-lever start
engine. I bought it in 1993 as a basket case at a garage sale. Note
the primer valve on top. It was restored in the winter of 1994-95.
When was this engine built? Was there ever a B & S engine built
with a primer valve on the cylinder head, similar to mine?
In 29B is what I believe to be a 1 HP, two-cycle,
battery-ignition Maytag I bought at an auction sale in 1995. After
cleaning it, I found that all part numbers have an S- prefix. It
has a s/n of 72978, and 16 cooling fins on cylinder head. The head
is painted silver, the rest of the engine is olive green, with
maroon red on the gas, tank. Is this a 1 HP Maytag? When was it
built? Is the color scheme the same as the HP Maytag?
Special thanks to Mr. J. Morris, 1127 Irwin Rd., Powell, TN for
sending me information on the Cockshutt-Empire engine, and a
special thanks to GEM for printing the information needed in the
June 1995 issue. Oswald Bartnick, 127 Parkland Road, Lockport,
Manitoba R1 A 3K2 Canada.
31/6/30 Peanut Sheller Q. See the photos of a
Tom Huston Peanut Sheller. I would like to find any avail able
information as to how it was set up and used. Leland D.
Johnson, PO Box 6, Anita, JA 50020.
31/6/31 M-H Pacemaker Q. What is the color for
a Massey-Harris Pacemaker tractor? Lueder’s Repair, 821 N
Port Washington Rd., Grafton, WI 53024.
A. We have the M-H pre-1957 line as being
DuPont 018 Red with DuPont 713 Yellow Wheels.
31/6/32 Unidentified Engine Q. See the photos
of an engine that we believe to be a Galloway that was made for the
Monmouth Plow Company, especially from comparisons in your book,
American Gasoline Engines. It has a 6 inch bore and has no
nameplate or distinguishing marks except for 7 HP in raised letters
on the frame. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Bob
Major, 699 Fairmont Rd., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3R IB3
A. We certainly agree that there are many
distinguishing marks like the Galloway engine, although the shape
of the water hopper seems a bit peculiar. How ever, Galloway may
have modified it slightly since the engine was being built for
another company.
31/6/33 Unidentified Engine Q. See the three
photos of an unidentified engine. It has a 3 x 41/16 bore and
stroke. The previous owner said it originally used a Wico EK
magneto which was installed on the left side of the water hopper
and attached to it. Any information would be appreciated.
Harold L. Coulson, 219 Robinson Dr., Prescott, AZ
A. It looks like a Cushman, a variant perhaps
of the Cushman X shown on page 118 of American Gas Engines.
31/6/34 United Engine Q. I have a United engine
which does not have the type or the horsepower stamped on the
plate. The previous owner thought it to be a 4 HP model, but did
not have a book for it. It has s/n 400936. Are there records to
indicate what size it might have been, or the proper paint colors?
Walter A. Steven son, Box 201, Woodbum, IN 46797.
A. There are no records for the United engines.
They were built by Associated, in fact, on the same assembly line,
and were the same color, namely, DuPont 2622 Red.
31/6/35 Marvel Mystery Oil A. Allen
Little, 3534 Woodbine St., Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4039 writes that
Marvel Mystery Oil is available at K-Mart, Wal-Mart, PEP Boys Auto
Stores, and other sources. He uses 1 oz. to 2 gallons of gasoline
to help them stay young, and notes that a mixture of 10 to 15% in
the crank case oil will quiet noisy valve lifters and help with
cold weather starting.
Readers Write
31/3/12 Aristox Engine Jack Alexander writes
that the December 30, 1905 issue of Scientific American carries an
advertisement for the Van Auken-Clevauc Co of Yonkers, New York for
their opposed piston marine motor. It looks very much like the
Aristox of the above query. You also list Van Auken Motor &
Machine Works in your book, Gas Engine Trade marks.
THE MOST MODERN MARINE MOTOR having the most rapid speed and
weighing least per h. p. and possessing the fewest parts is the Van
Auken Motor. No vibration, easy to operate, simple, reitable,
clean. Great power. Perfect control. Always ready. Every stroke
cleans the cylinder.
31/4/14B Nelson Bros. This engine is one of the
many engines made by Nelson Brothers and sold under various names.
I have a Sattley 1 HP model, s/n 73975, that is just like it except
that it has solid flywheels. It is like the one in the lower right
hand corner, page 333 of American Gas Engines. Dennis Shimmin,
PO Box A, Lewellen, NE 69147-0400.
Another Proved Power Unit for Farm Work
The Basco ‘Full-Power’ engine is a full half horsepower
condensed into 40 lbs. Operates 10 hours on 1 gallon of gas. Light
weight and compactness make it an ideal integral unit of any
machine requiring up to H. P. May also be used separately for
operating pumps, churns, milers, grinders, cream separators,
washing machines, etc.
Same general construction as the Basco Type ‘P’ engine.
Conforms to Underwriters’ specifications safe to use
A wide demand is being developed through Farm Paper advertising.
Write for circular and proposition.
A Closing Word
Sometime or other, we shot two pix of some very early Briggs
& Stratton engines, but we’re not sure from whence they
came. They have to be very early in the B & S activities, since
the company was still selling under the BASCO trademark. Since this
writer has never been able to acquire any substantial material on B
& S, we thought these two pix might pique the interest of
engine collectors, and especially the B & S specialists.
One of the troubling aspects of our hobby is that within the
past few years we’ve heard of things coming up missing at shows
and swap meets. Even though we don’t care to talk about such
things, we feel it’s advisable for us to caution all of you to
be careful of your engines, parts, and other items you take out in
public. It’s hard for us to believe that there are any folks
with sticky fingers among our fraternity, but we suppose it’s
possible. And another point to remember, it isn’t necessarily
the scrounge, tough-looking sort that have light fingers;
that’s an unfortunate stereotype. Sometimes, those
dapper-looking, slick types can get this magnetic glue on their
fingers too.
Several years ago, ye olde Reflector lost an 18-foot flatbed
trailer while at tending a show. It was parked, along with lots of
others, in an unsecured area. We planned for years on how to build
it, and when we did, it had the whole schemer. . . a treated plank
floor, nice paint job, pretty hubcaps, and an electric winch (which
we owned for two weeks before the trailer disappeared). Now
we’re not bringing this matter up to bemoan the loss of the
trailer; that’s history, and we’ve got a better chance at
winning the Power Ball lottery than ever seeing the trailer again.
Our point is this: why not learn from our mistake? Don’t park
your trailers in some unsecured area, and if that’s the only
option, then jack it up and take off the wheels, or do whatever you
can to secure it. The same thing applies to your engines and
tractors. Keep an eye on things. Many of the smaller shows
can’t afford a lot in the way of security at night, so lots of
shows are depending on volunteers from among the exhibitors to
patrol things after dark.
We also think show directors should be more vigilant in this
regard. It’s important for them to have a good rapport with the
local constabulary, and often times, they will patrol the area, or
can find off-duty officers to do the job. We realize that our hobby
has had very few problems, but of course, it’s never a problem
so long as it is someone else’s ox that’s being gored.
And in closing we know, we know . . . you’re sick and tired
of having ye olde Reflector preach to you about safety, but
that’s okay… we’ll preach it once again . . . have fun at
the shows, but please be careful!
The purpose of the Reflections column is to provide a forum for
the exchange of all useful information-among subscribers to GEM.
Inquiries or responses should be addressed to: REFLECTIONS, Gas
Engine Magazine, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, PA 17608-0328.