26/4/11 Paint Colors Paul Frasier, 12234
Harris, Carleton, MI 48117 sends us a listing of paint colors
matched from original paint colors. The following are PPG-Ditzler
color numbers:
Fairbanks-Morse Z, 1923, PPG-43846 Green
Hercules E, 1918, PPG-43822 Green
Stover K, 1917, PPG-71965 Red
Stover CT-2, 1938, PPG-44616 Lt. Green
IHC Type M, 1924, PPG-40496 Green
Jaeger-Hercules, ?, PPG-13500 Lt. Blue
Ottawa Drag Saw, 1927(?),PPG-2292 Green
David Bradley Walking Tractor, 1950, PPG-41780 Green; PPG-72155
Alamo, 1920, PPG-13594 Blue
New-Way Type A, 1906?, PPG-40496 Green; PPG-72083 Red
26/4/12 Alpha Engine? Q. See the two photos of
what I think is an Alpha engine. Can anyone provide information on
the name and model, also the proper color scheme? Any information
that might help complete the project will be greatly appreciated.
John Nichols, RR 3, Petrolia, Ontario NON 1R0 Canada.
26/4/13 FIMACO Garden Tractor Q. See the two
photos of a Fimaco Garden Tractor. It was built at 617 North Prince
Street, Lancaster, PA. Beyond that I have no other information on
this tractor. Can anyone help? Edward T. Schweighardt, 273
Luddington Ave., Clifton, NJ 07011.
A. Since the GEM offices are in Lancaster,
perhaps they or someone in the area might be able to help.
(Editor’s note: We’ll see what we can find out!) Ye olde
Reflector lives out in east central Iowa, and I’ve never heard
of this one before, nor can we find it in the industrial listings
on our shelves.
26/4/14 A-C 440 Tractor Q. My hobby is in
building replicas of Allis-Chalmers tractors. Currently, I am on
the AC 440 which as you know is just an orange Steiger, although
some cosmetic differences are apparent. My problem is in the number
of ‘Gas Series’ or variations AC had Steiger produce for
them. I know of three distinct variations. However, I recently
viewed one in a dealer’s lot that said ‘Series IV
hydraulics. Can anyone supply any information or tell me who to
contact in this regard? Ross G. White, RR 1, Petrolia, Ontario NON
1R0 Canada.
26/4/15 Buckingham Engine Q. See the photo of a
Buckingham engine. I found it a few years ago in a junk sale, and
have shown this photo to many different people. So far, no one has
been able to identify the engine. After looking through American
Gas Engines, I thought perhaps you or a reader could tell me
something about it. Trevor Badrock, R. M. B. W. 390, Ballarat 3352,
Victoria, Australia.
A. Our search of many different magazines etc.
has not turned up anything on this one. If you can help, let us
26/4/16 Original Restorations? Several people
wrote us concerning the recent comments of Bill Starkey and Alden
Wolters on paint colors, etc. One comment caught our eye, though.
Mr. Mark L. Rembis, 2190 Buford-Bardwell Road, Mt. Orab, OH 45154
writes: [Some of the collectors] that make the biggest noise about
the right paint color are also the most likely to put other obvious
non-original items on their engines, such as excessive brass,
chrome exhaust pipes, oversized oilers, insulated crimp-on
terminals, and so forth. I like to dress up the appearance of an
engine some, but there is a common sense limit I believe…
26/4/17 Phelps Engines Q. Can anyone date two
Phelps engines, s/n 4935 and s/n 5563? These engines are similar to
the style shown on page 388 of American Gas Engines. Nick Fuller, 6
Rosalie Ave., Cranbourne, Victoria 3977 Australia.
A. Beyond the approximate dates shown in the
above book, we know of no way to accurately date these engines.
26/4/18 Caterpillar Colors My son and I are CAT
collectors and try to get everything as close as possible to the
Almost all Holts were painted Silver Gray. Cats were Silver Gray
until about early 1932. We never could find a formula for this
color, as it seems that nobody repainted the gray, but used yellow.
For the gray we are using Rustoleum #906 Silver Gray, although this
seems to be a bit on the light side.
The following yellows are Martin Senour colors from the NAP A
1. 90T4416 Very Light Yellow
2.90T8659 Hiway Yellow
5. 90T306 Recent, (new yellow)
No. 1. We had this mixed thinking it would be one for the yellow
Cats. Wrong.’ It was light in color. We believe it was used on
some Holts.
No. 2. Hiway Yellow. This was the first yellow that Caterpillar
used in 1932. We believed it was used before that, on special
orders. This is the color all the older Cater’ pillar tractors
should be painted. We found this in an old Caterpillar book
No. 3. This yellow is very similar to Yellow No. 2
No. 4 and No. 5. No research done on these colors.
John L. Sauer, Route I, Box J J67, Top-penish,WA98948.
26/4/19 Shingle Mill Info Q. First of all, what
is the year built of a McCormick-Deering 3 HP engine, s/n
Our club is in need of a blade for our shingle mill. It was made
by J.C. Simonds Manufacturer, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The present
blade is about 5/32 inch thick at the center,
and 3/32 inch thick at the rim. The blade has
a 2? inch center hole and mounts onto the mandrel with flathead
stove bolts. The outside mounting circle is 22 inches in diameter
with 12 bolts and the inner circle is 6? inches in diameter with 3
small and 3 larger bolts. The saw resembles the 1890 Perkins
Shingle machine of Wendel’s book, The Circular
Sawmill. If anyone knows of a blade like this, or where we could
get one made or adapted to our mill, we would appreciate hearing
from you. L. F. Salber, PO Box 5, Petersburg, NE 68652.
A. Your engine was built in 1933. Due to the
decline of the saw companies, getting a new blade might be
prohibitively expensive. Possibly an older blade could be adapted.
Can anyone advise of saw companies able or willing to do this sort
of work? By the way, you make little mention of the present blade.
Is it beyond rebuilding?
26/4/20 Gas Traction Catalog Our thanks to
Charles Horak for sending us a copy of the 1910 catalog from Gas
Traction Company. It is already in the files. Mr. Horak tells us he
found it at a remote Montana ranch among some John Deere tractor
parts. Thanks also to Mr. Horak for sending along some serial
number listings. Several other people have sent along some serial
numbers, paint information, and helpful suggestions. Our thanks to
all of you!
26/4/21 Domestic Engine Earl Sponseller, 4840
Bayard St., RR 1, Homeworth, OH 44634 has a Domestic 3? HP engine,
s/n 15480. He needs information on this engine, including the
proper paint color. Any help will be appreciated.
26/4/22 Bantam Garden Tractor If you can
provide any information on the Bantam Garden Tractor, contact F. B.
Plasman, 543 Oakwood Dr., East Lansing, MI 48823.
26/4/23 Unknown Engine Q. See the two photos of
a very unusual engine. So far, I have not found anyone who can tell
me the make, or who has ever seen one before. The rod has two pipes
that scoop up and splash oil to the inside parts. The governor is
under the heavy cast iron lid. No. 2580 is stamped in the lip at
the rear of the lid by the speed control lever. This lever is on
the right, and the timing lever is on the left. The governor setup
is the same as one used on the 8-cycle Aermotor. The rocker arm
goes out through a hole cast in the water hopper. A Lunkenheimer
mixer is used. Can anyone provide any information on this engine?
Edward H. King, RD 3, Box 479, Carlisle, PA 17013.
A. We have nothing like this engine in any of
our files, but we hope that someone might be able to provide some
26/4/24 Ingeco Colors A very close match for
Ingeco (pre-Worthington) engine is a dark green as used on 1972
Dodge pickup trucks. The Sherwin-Williams acrylic enamel number is
F-W-G-3061. This color seems to be accurate among some 70 engines
in my registry. The only fly in the ointment is that some of the 1?
HP Type AJ engines were evidently painted red. Reed S. Benton, RD
1, Box 116, Wassaic, NY 12592.
26/4/25 Dempster Engine Q. See the photo of a
Dempster engine made by Dempster Mill Mfg. Co., Beatrice, Nebraska.
It is Shop No. 18056, Class 2-H, 2? HP. Can anyone advise the year
built, paint color, or any other information on this engine? Joe
Carver, 502 Leon, Gatesville, TX 76528.
A. Your engine was probably built in the late
26/4/26 Ottawa Engine Q. I have a 4 HP Ottawa,
s/n TE l1366. It came from a sawing outfit. However it is different
in that the oilier is on the back part of the water hopper as
usual, but there is a primer on the front part of the hopper. Can
anyone tell me anything about when this style was built? Any help
will be appreciated. Randy M. Ackley, 322 Mansfield St., Chippewa
Falls, WI 54729.
26/4/27 Pug Mill Q. See the photo of a pug mill
or clay grinder originally used in the making of clay smoking
pipes. The handle at the left is to shift the belt from the drive
pulley to the idle pulley. This mill was made by J. I. Day Company,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Can anyone supply any information on this
machine? K. G. Romine, 507 N. Kenova Road, South Point, OH
26/4/28 Unidentified Engine Q. See the photo of
what I think is a Root & VanderVoort vertical engine. Can
anyone supply any information? L. D. Knapp, 1507 Shepard Circle,
Placentia, CA 92670.
A. This is indeed an R&V vertical. These
engines are fairly scarce. Out here in the midwest, at least, they
are highly sought after. We assume that the situation is likewise
in California, and that this is indeed a fine engine! We have
virtually nothing in our files on this engine, so if anyone can
help, please contact Mr. Knapp.
26/4/29 Leffel Steam Engine Q. Recently I
bought a small steam engine built by James Leffel & Company,
Springfield, Ohio. I would like to talk to other owners of this
type of engine. Any help will be appreciated. Robert F. Burke, 775
Lakeshore N., Tallahassee, FL 32312.
A. Leffel started out in the 1860’s with
water wheels. In that regard the company became a highly
distinguished builder. Just when Leffel began building steam
engines we do not know. Despite numerous Leffel water wheel
catalogs, we have nothing at all on their steam engines. Perhaps
some of our readers might have something on file.