The economy and reliability of every Gasoline Engine depends
largely upon a perfect fuel mixture, and upon its being supplied to
the engine at the right time, of exact and uniform quality and in
just the right quantity.
All this is of course difficult to accomplish, but how well we
do this, the reader can judge from the following description and
conventional cuts Figs. 1 and 2.
In Fig. I, Z indicates pipe connection to generate valve X.
Check valve H is closed until opened by a suction stroke of engine
whereupon gasoline it drawn into valve X in a fine stream through
small opening shown and meeting the rush of air as it is drawn
through the generator, is thoroughly vaporized and mixed with the
air and the mixture passing on into another chamber (conventionally
shown at D) is met and mixed with enough additional air, drawn in
through passage J and K and valve L to form a mixture of maximum
strength and then is led by passage I and B through inlet valve F
(also automatically opened by engine suction) into the compression
space of the Engine. At the end of suction stroke valves F and H
close automatically, the valve H shutting off all further flow of
gasoline, thus preventing waste. The mixture in the engine is then
compressed and fired at the right time, and after doing its work on
the expansion stroke is discharged through exhaust valve G (Figs. 1
and 2) which is automatically opened at the right time by means of
arm 2 which is operated by cam 4 on side shaft 5. The upward
movement of arm 2 while opening exhaust valve G, at the same time
pushes side rod 10 upward, locking inlet valve F tightly against
its seat (as in Fig. 2), thus effectually and by very simple means
preventing the engine from stealing small quantities of gas, in
case the exhaust valve is held open by action of the governor
during next suction stroke because of engine being up to speed. At
the same time the upward movement of the side rod 10 moves out of
contact at R with flat spring T, thus breaking the electric
circuit, increasing the life of the battery and using current again
only as required to ignite a charge of gas.
To prevent excessive overheating, the valve body is water
jacketed as shown at E, and the cylinder is water jacketed as shown
at 6.
The complaint that Gasoline Engines will not work as well, or
develop their rated power in cold winter weather as in warm, is so
frequently heard and so generally accepted as a discouraging fact
that the prospective purchaser will do well to bear in mind our
claims to have overcome this serious difficulty.
Our mixing device and valve attachment, as shown in Fig. I and
Fig. 2, are constructed upon the correct principle of securing a
perfect mixture of gasoline and air under all conditions of
This means a great deal, inasmuch as it guarantees the
successful operation of the Badger Engine in zero weather, as well
as the full development of its rated power.
We make no empty claims but proceed to explain the reason
Observe sketch Fig. 2 showing exhaust valve G open, discharging
burnt gases, as these hot gases pass out through this valve at the
end of each successive explosion, they tend to thoroughly warm up
the entire valve attachment.
The advantages of this are apparent. In zero weather the icy
cold mixture of gasoline and air is drawn through the warm mixing
chamber, passing through the inlet valve F, as shown in Fig. I,
becomes warm and dry enters the cylinder or explosion chamber in a
perfect state of mixture and when fired the explosion will be clean
and powerful, there will be no loss of fuel or power as the
combustion is perfect.
Furthermore this method of drawing the cold mixture over the hot
exhaust valve tends to keep this valve at a proper temperature, not
allowing it to become heated to such a degree that it will corrode
and warp, resulting in a leaky valve as is the case with other
engines on the market continuously discharging hot exhaust through
this valve without any counteracting cooling influence as in our
It is evident to the reader that by our system of securing a
perfect mixture under all conditions of temperature, we do not
experience any difficulty in successfully operating our engines in
the coldest weather.
Read the testimonials, then buy a Badger and be convinced.