Funk, Nebraska 68940
Shown is a self-propelled lawn mower. It is a very small, one
cylinder engine of 1/2 HP or less. It has an outside push rod and
overhead rocker arm, somewhat like the old Briggs-Stratton. Has no
flywheels, with a large steel or cast iron crankcase. I expect
large counter balancers on the crankshaft inside the crankcase. It
has the old style Model T spark plug and at one time had a rotary
high tension magneto that ran off the back end of the crankshaft.
Has a fan for cooling run by a small round belt and is cranked by
rope from a shaft that comes out of the gear box that runs the
The nameplate on the mower reads ‘Milwaukee Power Clipper
Eng. No. 5045, Machine 545. For lubrication we recommend GarGoyle
Mobiloil ‘B’ or high grade oil of similar body. Before
starting transmission case and worm gear case. Milwaukee Power Lawn
Mower Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.’
I wonder if anyone would know the make of the engine or has any
other information. Courtesy of Basil Amos, Russellville, Missouri
DICK KRAAIKAMP, 23-years, of Calgary, Alberta, Canada was killed
in an accident May 6, 1973. Dick was known by everyone and was a
member of Pioneer Acres Plowman’s and Threshers Club -Langdon,
Alberta. He was a very enthusiastic collector of gas engines and
had ambitions to own a steam tractor in the future. He will be
missed by all who knew him. Submitted by Mrs. Bruce Winter, Indus,
Alberta, Canada T2P 2G6
The Pioneer Harvesters of Ft. Scott, Kansas have lost two of
their members. JOHN GOINS passed away in September of 1971. John
restored several gas tractors and steam engines and loved to see
them operate.
In May of 1972, S.E. SMITH of Girard, Kansas was killed by
car-train wreck near his home. Mr. Smith was PA and Publicity man
for the Harvesters. Friends and members of the Association have
missed these two immensely.
Submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sevart, Girard, Kansas.
MILES LUSK of Butler, Pa., died April 26, 1973. Miles was at St.
Francis Hospital in Pittsburgh for heart surgery. He attended many
Steam and Gas Shows in the States and Canada.
I noted with interest the engine pictured in the latest May-June
issue of G.E.M. It appeared in your ‘What Is It? column and was
sent in by George S. Clark.
The engine greatly resembled an engine that I recently acquired.
The nameplate states that it is a Jumbo made by Nelson Bros. Mfg.
Co. in Saginaw, Michigan.
It seems as though this must be a fairly rare engine as I have
not seen another one like it around here.
I was just wondering how many of you other collectors might have
something similar to this?
This is my 6 H.P. John Deere gas engine that I cut slab wood
with. I have several gas engines from 1 H.P. to 15 H.P., all kinds
of makes. I have 3 engines I don’t know the names of. I have 1
3 H.P. F.M. with the radiator and fan in the flywheel.
This big engine is a 15 H.P. Fairbanks & Morse. It was used
as a standby engine in the waterworks pump station at Bainbridge,
Ohio. The boy is my son, Jeff.
This CC Case tractor was restored by the three Senior boys
standing behind it. They are Jay Herzberg, Rich Rope and Jon
Herzberg. We found steel for the rear, but haven’t come up with
the front as yet. These boys took turns driving it after it was
finished and are looking forward to driving it again at our annual
show this August.