The name plate on this Tractor reads, ‘Hill Diesel, Lansing,
Michigan, 5? HP, 560 r. p. m.’ I am interested in information
as to where I may find some of the missing parts and how to start
it when I find the parts.
The above two pictures of a 2-cycle Marine engine I have–could
anyone tell me the name of it? The following parts are missing:
piston and connecting rod, water pump, carburetor and ignitor,
eccentric rod, also cover plate on crank-case. It has a bore of 3
9/16′ stroke 3?’. Can anyone help me? All letters answered
and your stamp returned.
This engine weighs about 500 pounds. Has round rod–square
machined crankshaft. Soft oilers on mains. Odd governor under
crankshaft next to flywheel. Head looks like waterless, but has a
small area around valves that is water-cooled. Intake valve on top.
Exhaust on bottom. Part of arm that is missing I drew on.
Originally had wooden pulley. Has timer on timing gear. Plug on
left side. Petcock on right.
A meeting of the directors of the Blue Grass Steam and Gas
Engine Association, Inc. was held in my reconditioned C & E 1
caboose which is located on our farm. Those present, left to right,
are Mr. Dobson, James O’Daniel, Dillard Payne, Forest
Cunningham, Frank Cornish, Roy Mercer, and President Carl Secchi
(former Spark Plug of the Month).
I enjoy both of your magazines and especially the religious tone
that is in each issue. This means a lot to those of us who have
been taught the value of a religious life.
Purchased this 7 Hp. Stickney at an auction sale October 9,
1971, and in three weeks, I had it running. Every working part had
to be loosened up. It had not been used in a long time.