149 W. Walnut Street Kutztown, Penna. 19530
Here is a picture of a small engine which I own and cannot
identify the manufacturer. It has a brass plate with the following
markings: 15 – JK 2671 E, RPM 775, HP l/2 – 2 JK. I would
appreciate any information on this engine.
We think it’s a ‘Stover Engine’. It has a bore of 6%
inches and a 10 inch stroke. The flywheels are 46 inches in
diameter. It was originally used on a well-drilling rig.
Below are two letters I received concerning the upper right hand
corner picture on page 17 March-April 1966 G.E.M. of Roger L.
Eshelman’s engine of which he does not know the name.
The first letter submitted by a Mr. T. H. Krueger, San Antonia,
Mr. Krueger says it is a Nelson Bros, engine built in Saginaw,
Mich. V/a H.P. with 18′ fly wheels. Hit and miss with a
variable speed from 350 to 500 R.P.M. These engines were sold by
various companies under 15 to 20 different trade names. In one case
this engine was called ‘Dazzle-Patch’, ‘Samsco’
without the Nelson Bros, name plate. Nelson Bros, called them their
‘Jumbo Line’ with a picture of the elephant on the name
plate. It could be said this engine was built about 1912.
The second letter is submitted by a Mr. Ellis M. Wellman, Erie,
Penna. OK Mr. Krueger are you ready, here comes your
Referring to your What Is It article in the March-April G.E.M. I
firmly believe that the unknown engine belonging to Mr. Eshelman is
a Pittsburg Pump, I have a complete engine that matches every
visible detail. It is a 11/2 H.P. rated at 450 R.P.M. manufactured
by Pittsburgh Pump Co., Pittsburgh, Penna. equipped with an ignitor
and a webster Tri-Polor type M M magnets.
It appears to me that both gentleman seem sure of what they are
talking about, and both could be correct and that Pittsburgh Pump
could be another one of the names carried on this engine as was
mentioned by Mr. Krueger the engine did carry between 15 and 20
names. If there are more comments on this matter please submit them
to me and they will appear in the next G.E.M.
I would also like to thank Mr. John Goldsmith, Amery, Wis. and
Mr. Meridith Brison, Millersport, Ohio for there letters and
comments on this same matter, their letters come close to what I
have received and am writing in this article.
I have restored this Model M Samson Tractor. I would like to
know if your readers would give some information on it: 1. – the
year it was made;
2. – the horsepower and 3 – how many were manufactured??
The tractor is owned by Vincent Graff of Bennington, New York
and Robert Dimick of Attica, N. Y.
Elmer, here are some reply’s to the last publication of
‘What Is It’ column please print.
Below is a re-copy of a letter concerning my March-April article
on Mr. Arthur L. Heiland’s 8 cycle Aermotor received from a Mr.
W. A. ‘Wally’ Getman past president of Western Steam
Friends Assn.
In response to Mr. Heiland’s question on the 8 cycle
Aermotor pump engine he can be assured there was such an
This Aermotor pump engine had several unique features such as
one fly-wheel, 8 cycle, built in pump jack which was powered from
the timing gear of the crankshaft low tension igniter ignition was
used with a hit and miss governor. The gas tank was small holding
about a quart of fuel, this had to be filled four times a day when
it ran a long day. ‘Wally’ is writing more on this engine
and in this letter he tells me it will appear in a later edition of
the G.E.M. so lets all hold ‘Wally’ to his promise and keep
our eye open for it, maybe he will tell us a little more of what he
did in his ‘Horse Trading Days’.
Mr. Marvin Green, Boyden, Iowa, would like to know make, origin
and specifications of this engine. Submit all information to Ray I.
Geisinger, 149 West Walnut Street, Kutztown, Penna. 19530 for next
PLEASE BE PATIENT We never knew so much could happen all
at once. We had two secretaries who knew all about our books and
policies. Mrs. Janet Mundis a very kind and thorough worker went to
the Hospital for an operation that was to keep her out of work for
a week. It turned out to be five weeks. Before she got back our
much beloved Anna Mae went to the Hospital with a serious
affliction. This left us without an experienced secretary for two
weeks. This incurred a great many omissions and unavoidable
mistakes. Mrs. Mundis came back to help us out before the doctor
gave her permission. Anna Mae had to be relieved of most of her
work. Please write us freely of any mistakes and/or omissions. We
will appreciate your bearing with us in this matter. We shall go
overboard to rectify any inconvenience to you. Mrs. Kathryn (Kitty)
Snell is our new Business Manager. She is a most gracious woman
who, I am sure, will do her best for you and the Magazines.