R.R. #2, Box42, Potomac, Illinois 61865
I always wanted something to ride when I was a kid. So years
went by and last winter when it was cold and snowy I went to my
work shop and designed and made this for my son, Cole.
I mounted it on a frame. The wheels are from an old one horse
grain drill. I looked for a year of two before I found just the
right frame.
The horse itself is mounted on a Montgomery Ward pump jack run
by a John Deere 1? HP gas engine.
It took me several tries to get it just right. After it was all
done, I had to sand blast the frame which was old and rusty. Then I
painted it all John Deere colors, of course. My mother did the
decorative painting.
Cole, age four, is very excited about his new ‘horse,’
and when my nephews come to visit the farm you just can’t keep
them off for it’s so much fun. It’s just like riding on the
carousel at the County Fair.
I’m proud to announce this farm will be a Centennial Farm in
three more years.