By Staff
Published on November 1, 1994
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29/11/5 A
29/11/5 A

Continuing our discussion of last month on trademarks, we
illustrate here the Cushman trademark that was claimed from 1936
for the famous Cushman motor scooters and its components. From all
appearances, the company recognized the decline of their stationary
engine business and had already opted for this new endeavor in the
1930s. Another mark is that of the Tiny Tim, a small generator unit
for lighting or battery chargers. The Tiny Tim was built by
Continental Motors at Detroit, Michigan. The company claimed first
use in 1936, and this would likely be the time when the Tiny Tim
saw first light.

Sometimes we’ve heard it asked as to when the Dixie magnetos
first came into being. According to their trademark, the Dixie came
along about 1913, as shown by their trademark.

A final note about the Case Eagle trademark. Herewith is the
Case Eagle, as applied to grain drills and harrows. Apparently, J.
I. Case got into these lines during 1928; at least this was the
first use of the Eagle trademark on these implements. Oftentimes it
is claimed that the Eagle trademark goes back to the 1860s, and has
been used in various forms since that time. However, it is worthy
of note that the earliest of the registered Eagle trademarks
claims’ first use in 1880; somewhat later than legend has it.
Undoubtedly, those who filed the Eagle trademark application knew
exactly when it was first used, since they had to be able to defend
their claim if there were others who opposed the application. Thus,
we stand by our contention that this mark saw first light in

As is usual this time of year, our column is somewhat
abbreviated for this issue. It is due on September 7, but since
we’ll just be returning from the big Mt. Pleasant Show at that
time, we’re doing our assembly work in mid-August. Thus, the
November 1994 issue is put at a slight disadvantage, just because
we find it difficult to be in two places at once!

Through the grapevine we’ve heard a comment that ‘many
of the queries into this column are never answered.’ Our
response is that ‘Every letter to this column is answered.’
The only exception is once every four or five years when someone
sends in a crank letter, complete with epithets completely
unsuitable for civilized company. These we refuse to dignify with a
response, although the temptation is sometimes strong to do so. We
try our best to be of service to everyone, and if for some reason,
your letter doesn’t make its way to us, kindly let us know.

Now to our first query:

29/11/1 Lambert Riding Tractor Q. I have a
Lambert tractor and need help in restoring it. The only number on
the tractor is 5-12180. Any information will be appreciated. Steve
Burzenski, Box 337, DeBary, FL 32713.

29/11/2 Unidentified Engine Q Can anyone
identify the engine in the photos (on page 2)? It is missing the
intake slide valve. It runs on denatured alcohol. Any information
will be appreciated. Wellford Buchanan St., 901 Carolyn Drive,
Chesapeake, VA 23320.

29/11/3 When Built? Q. When were the following
engines built: Witte; 90749, and D6953; Lauson 8177; 9625; and
5325500; Novo BA-234T4; Bates & Edmonds 1159. Otto D. Ray III,
704 Evans Rd., Field-brook, CA 95521.

A. Witte 90749 was built in 1930; we do not
presently have access to the Witte Diesel records. For the other
engines listed, there are no serial number listings.

29/11/4 Information Needed Q. See Photo 4-A of
an Oman engine built for Fairbanks-Morse. It is Model O-T-C-23C,
sin 65,256,368, 4 HP, 1800 rpm. Also 4-B of a Western Electric
Light Plant. It is air-cooled, No. 240666, Type D.G., For H, Sp.
985, 40 volts. Engine No. is 5204-2V. Any information on these
engines will be appreciated. Ron Konen, Route 2, Box 47C,Genesee,
ID 83832.

29/11/5 Sears Corn Sheller Q. See the photo of
a Sears & Roebuck com sheller. I’m not sure whether it is
complete, although the shelling mechanism seems to be okay. Does
anyone have any information on this sheller, or can someone provide
assistance in restoring it? Marion Hardisty, 407 N. West St.,
Missouri Valley, IA 51555-1453.

A. Photo 5-B illustrates, albeit rather poorly,
a small Stover cylinder sheller, complete with shelled corn
elevator. It was also available with a cob stacker elevator. All of
these items were options over and above the basic sheller. Your
machine may or may not have had these options initially.

29/11/6 Standard Garden Tractors Thanks to Mr.
Gerald B. Lombard, 5120 Belcrest Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93309-3494 we
may have some answers on Walsh and Standard tractors. Extracting
from Mr. Lombard’s letter, it appears that the Walsh was built
by Walsh Tractor Co. through 1933 and by the Standard Engine Co.
from 1934 on. Shortly after 1934 the lugs were changed from angle
iron type to pyramid type. All Standard-built tractors have a
numerical prefix before the serial number. The prefix indicates the
year of manufacture. For example 34E11171 would be a 1934. This
scheme was used through 1938 and in 1939 a ‘0’ was added
between the two digits; thus 309Ennnn would be 1939.

29/11/7 Little Jumbo Engine Q. I have a 1 HP
Little Jumbo, s/n 17064 by Nelson Bros, and would like to know if
it used decals in addition to the brass nameplate. Wilferd Kruse,
PO Box 171, Ellis Grove, IL 62241.

A. Can anyone provide information on this

29/11/8 Wico EK Magnetos Q. There are many
engines for which there is no manufacturing data in existence, but
is it possible that there are records for uses of Wico EK magnetos?
George E. Pilger, 285 Sinn Rd., Cowlesville, NY 14037.

A. Although the Wico EK magnetos carry a serial
number, we doubt that Wico did a lot of tracking of the specific
applications. In fact, we have never heard of any records remaining
in existence as to the total range of Wico EK applications. Perhaps
someone might know of some Wico publications that at least list the
various engines to which the Wico was applied. Is there anyone out
there with further information?

29/11/9 Johnson Utilimotor Q. I have one of
these engines, s/n U 11664 and would like to know the paint color,
in addition to finding service information on same. Wallace A.
Rettig, Box 188, Leetonia, OH 44431-0188.

29/11/10 Unidentified Engine Q. See the photos
of an unidentified engine. I’ve searched through American Gas
Engines and cannot find it. Notice how the frame is made. It has a
detachable hopper, air-cooled head, two exhaust ports and an
ignitor; also a flyball governor that stands upright. The bore and
stroke is 6 x 12 inches. Crankshaft diameter is 2 inches, and the
flywheels are 3 x 35. Anyone with any information, please contact:
Ronnie Halbert, PO Box 1224, Martin, KY 41649.

29/11/11 Kinkade Garden Tractor Q. I have a
Kinkade, s/n 408L4219 from American Farm Machinery,
Minneapolis’, MN. Would like to know the color, and whether any
kind of manual is available. Also need service manual and other
information. Harold F. Yantis Jr., PO Box 52, Zachary, LA

29/11/12 Waterloo Boy Q. Can anyone tell me the
year built for a Waterloo Boy, s/n 231137? John H. Romine, 29
Pomeray Rd., Athens, OH 45701.

A. To our knowledge, no serial number lists
exist for the Waterloo Boy line.

29/11/13 McCormick Auto Mower Q. In a 1901
issue of Farm Implement News I found an illustration of the
McCormick Auto Mower, and would like to know how many were made.
Byron Boike, 2280 Co Rd 6 SW, Willmar, MN 56201.

A. This machine, illustrated on page 258 of 150
Years of International Harvester, emerged about 1897 and was one of
the first self-propelled mowing machines ever built. It won
numerous awards at the Paris Exposition and other major shows.
However, engines did not yet have the built-in reliability which
later characterized the IHC line. Furthermore, farmers generally,
were not yet ready to relinquish the role of horses in the farm
power scene, and so between mechanical idiosyncrasies and the lack
of popular acceptance, the Auto Mower was a passing fancy. It seems
unlikely that anything more than a few prototypes were ever

29/11/14 Fuller & Johnson Info Q. I have a
Fuller & Johnson 3 HP NB engine, and would appreciate further
information on same. Benny McKheean, 1203 Venus St., Kannapolis, NC

A. For F &. J information contact: Verne W.
Kindschi, S9008BUS Hwy 12, Prairie du Sac, WI53578. Kindly enclose
$ 1 for postage. (Whenever replying, it is a good idea to at least
send a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) for the

29/11/15 Woodpecker Engine William C. Garner,
PO Box 726, Cleveland, TN 37364-0926 needs information on a l-2 HP
Woodpecker engine from Middle town Mfg. Co.

29/11/16 Witte Question Mike Otis, 17 Cherry
St., Perry, NY 14530 writes concerning his 2 HP Witte, s/n 23039
which we dated at November, 1934. We’ve checked the number
again, and this is correct.

Witte used a curious numbering system, with random numbers
scattered throughout the books. For instance, on the same page as
Mr. Otis’ engine, there are 2 HP headless engines that were
sold in 1915! It also appears that some of the engines must have
resided in warehousing for years, finally getting a nameplate and a
new owner long after the peak of production, or even after
production of a certain model had ceased , altogether.

29/11/17 Unidentified Mill Q. See the two
photos of an old burr mill, with the only markings being No. 1
Mill, and Patented April 1878; April 1880. Does anyone have any
idea of the manufacturer? More importantly , the mechanism that
forces the burrs together is missing. Can anyone supply information
on this mechanism? David Brown, 13813 Travois Trail, Parker, CO

A. A threaded shaft, usually embellished with a
fancy hand wheel and locknut forces the runner burr into the
stationary one. Between these, there was generally some sort of
thrust bearing, even a large single steel ball. Later ones used a
flat thrust bearing with multiple ball bearings held in steel

29/11/18 Unidentified Engine Q. See the two
photos of an inboard two cylinder, two-cycle engine. The cylinders
have copper jackets. There are no names or numbers, and the engine
uses a Schebler carburetor. Any information would be appreciated.
Ed Bruce, PO Box 340, McArthur, CA 96056-0340.

29/11/19 Unidentified Engine Q. Can anyone
identify the engine in the three photos? Any information will be
appreciated. Leo R. Korb, 1810 Point of Rocks Rd., Chester, VA

29/11/20 Blacksmith Drill Q. I recently saved
from the scrap heap a blacksmith’s drilling machine which
mounts on a wall or post and which is turned by hand. Unfortunately
it is missing a gear which I’ll have to have cast and machined.
Now here’s my actual request: I’d like to get in contact
with a group who preserves machines such as this and I need an
address to start with. Not directly in your field of interest I
know, but perhaps someone can point me in the right direction. The
machine in the photos is a Green River No. 741 and was made by
Wiley & Russell Mfg. Co. in Greenfield, Massachusetts. Any
information will be appreciated. David Nicholls, El Dorado Mine,
Pvr. Bag 7743, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe.

29/11/21 Essex Engine Q. Can anyone provide me
with information on the engine in the photo? It is an Essex, 3.3
HP, s/n 0179, Model 30. Made by The Bercival Plow & Stover Co.
Ltd., Merrickville, Ontario. Any information will be appreciated.
Melvin Watson, 310 Douro St., Stratford, ONT N5 A 3S5 Canada.

29/11/22 Leader Engine Q. I’ve just
acquired the Leader 1 HP engine shown in the photos. It was made by
Leader Iron Works, Decatur and Rock-ford , Illinois. As a novice to
this hobby, I would appreciate any and all help that anyone can
share in getting the engine restored, including the timing. Paul R.
Bell, 247 Eldorado Ave., Louisville, KY40218.

A. Leader engines are hard to find, so we’d
suggest that a nice restoration job would be in order. For some,
that simply means getting the engine freed up and running, while
others go a step further and use up a couple cans of spray paint.
Varying tastes go to varying lengths in restoration, with some
being smoothed and polished to showroom condition. Timing is a
relatively simple matter for a one-cylinder engine. Generally the
exhaust valve begins to open a few degrees before back center and
closes a few degrees before top center. From that point on,
it’s a matter of fine tuning to where the engine runs the best.
If anyone has a 1 HP Leader and would care to share information,
we’re sure that Mr. Bell would be most appreciative.

29/11/23 Thanks! to all the readers who sent
info on our little WMB Sears washing machine engine. We have it
running like new, and it looks like there’ll be more gas
engines in our future! Francis Donovan, 19 Winthrop Street, Medway,
MA 02053.

A Closing Word

Thanks to all the thousands of people who stopped by the GEM
stand at the Midwest Old Threshers Reunion. We met a lot of new
friends, met a lot of old friends again, and had a wonderful time
during the Show! There were folks from Maine to California who
stopped by, and not a few from Canada. Again, thanks to all!

By the time this copy is in your hands, the engine show season
will be waning for 1994- As you put your engines away, have you
checked to see if they are drained for winter? Some, especially the
Cushman, have extra pet-cocks on the water pump to insure that they
are completely dry. Likewise with tractors; some of them have
numerous drain plugs, so check them over.

Frequently, we hear people talking about their favorite engines,
and undoubtedly, we all have our special favorites in the corral.
For ye olde Reflector, it’s our 4 and 8 horsepower IHC Mogul
engines. In our humble opinion, the Mogul was one of the best of
the vintage engines. Not to be neglected are the Fairbanks-Morse
Type N and Type Z engines. F-M built more engines than anyone else,
with IHC coming in second. It probably would be accurate to say
that these two built more engines than all the rest put together.
Lest anyone be offended, we like all the engines …we’re just
relating that for this writer, the Mogul is our favorite.

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