Idaho 83544
During the past few years I have acquired two old burr grinders
that really have the years on them. Unfortunately, hold of them.
while in good mechanical condition, are sadly in need of new burrs.
I hate to display them at threshing bees and other similar
celebrations, because they are not of lunch interest if they are
not put through their paces. A friend went to a threshing bee out
here and he said they were selling so (ailed ‘whole wheat flour
that was just about the equivalent of cracked wheat. I think that
poor work is worse than none. What I am leading up to is this.
Twenty five years ago it was possible to gel burrs for any grinder.
There was a place somewhere east of the Mississippi that would make
burrs if you had an old set to send to them. I understand it is out
of business, and I am wondering if any GEM readers might know a
place to get them. I might add that burr grinders were usually
powered by gas engineers. I have a good roller mill, which I have
displayed, and it turns out good stock feed, but will not make good
whole wheat Hour or corn meal.