Meet Tom Winland
Take a quick glance at the exhibitors and attendees at gas
engine shows, and it’s easy to think that this is an older person’s
hobby. But take a closer look and you’ll find a growing number of
younger enthusiasts. The future of the hobby rests in their hands,
and you’ll meet many of them in “Young Iron.”
First up is Tom Winland. This 35-year-old from Columbus,
Ohio, boasts a collection spanning several manufacturers and even
an engine made almost entirely of wood.
Q How long have you been collecting gas
A I’ve been into engines as long as I can
remember. I was kind of born into the hobby because my grandfather
Henry Winland was a collector of sorts and so are a lot of other
Q How many engines do you have in your collection? Any
rare or unusual ones?
A Not real sure how many I actually have but
it’s a lot. Here is a partial list: Ohio, Otto, Abenaque, Foos, New
Holland, Jacobson, Alamo, Emerson & Brantingham, Ruston
Hornsby, Christensen, Rayner Field side-shaft, Schramm, and several
oilfield engines and steam engines.
Q What’s your favorite engine in your
A 4 HP International Famous. It has most of its
original paint and decals, runs at 34 RPM all day, and makes no
noise while running.
Q Are you working on any restoration projects or have
you completed any recently?
A I have several restorations in progress right
now but just no time to spend on them. I’m working on an 8 HP Olds
along with several different oilfield engines.
Q Which shows are you planning to attend this
A I always make a point to attend the Portland,
Ind., swap and show, and the Cool-spring show in June. I am also on
the board of directors for the Miami Valley Steam Threshers Assn.
in Plain City, Ohio. I also attend several smaller shows around
Ohio and W.Va.
Q What are your favorite kinds of engines?
A I don’t have any particular engines that are
my favorite but anything that is unusual, rare and has a lot of
moving parts. I tend to lean toward side-shafts though.
Q If money weren’t an issue, what is your dream engine
to own?
A My dream engine would be a slide-valve Otto
because of the rarity and the complexity of running on hydrogen,
and the fact they were built before 1900 and among the first
internal combustion engines.
“Young Iron” is looking for gas engine collectors, age
35 and younger. If you or someone you know would like to be
profiled, contact Associate Editor Christian Williams: (800)
682-4704 or