Q. How long have you been collecting gas engines?
A. I’ve helped my dad and PawPaw for as long as I can remember, but bought my first engine from my grandpa (with my own money) in February 2011.
Q. What attracted you to the hobby?
A. My grandpa and dad collect engines and I’ve always thought they were neat.
Q. Who else in your family collects engines?
A. My PawPaw, Richard Brown, and my dad, Ricky Stevenson.
Q. What engines do you have in your collection?
A. I personally own a 1944 Fairbanks-Morse Z style D that I purchased with my own money. My dad and I just got it running and don’t know how long it’s been since it was last run. I was also given my great-great-grandfather’s 1931 McCormick-Deering (1-1/2 HP). I am the third owner of this engine and it is the engine that got my PawPaw started collecting. My first engine, given to me by Dad when I was a baby, is a 1927 Jaeger that he found.
Q. What is your favorite engine in your collection?
A. My Fairbanks-Morse, because it is just my size and I bought it myself.
Q. What projects are you currently working on?
A. We have my Fairbanks-Morse Z running, but it needs a new gas tank and muffler. We will also paint it soon. Another project we are working on is painting the Jaeger, hopefully this summer.
Q. Which shows do you normally attend each year?
A. “A Walk in Time” in Calvert City, Ky., Lone Oak Lions Club Show at Carson Park, Paducah, Ky., and the Pope County FFA Antique Engine & Tractor Show, Golconda, Ill.
Q. What show haven’t you been to yet that you’d like to attend?
A. I attended the Portland, Ind., show when I was about 2 years old, but of course I don’t remember it. I’d like to go back someday.
Q. What are your favorite engines and why?
A. I like Fairbanks-Morse engines, since they made so many different types. My PawPaw and Daddy have the entire set of H and Zs and I hope to have a whole set someday. I love collecting engines because I make lots of new friends at engine shows.
For more information, email Elizabeth Stevenson at rmstevenson@windstream.net.
Young Iron is looking for gas engine collectors, age 35 and younger. If you or someone you know would like to be profiled, please contact Associate Editor Beth Beavers at (800) 682-4704 or bbeavers@gasenginemagazine.com.