By Staff
Published on March 1, 1973
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Courtesy of Tom Jensen, 559 Sheldon Rd., Palmyra, N. Y. 14522.
Courtesy of Tom Jensen, 559 Sheldon Rd., Palmyra, N. Y. 14522.
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Courtesy of G. W. May, 1591 Greenfield Drive, El Cajon, California 92021.
Courtesy of G. W. May, 1591 Greenfield Drive, El Cajon, California 92021.
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Courtesy of Joey Baumgardner, R. D. 1, Littlestown, Pennsylvania 17340.
Courtesy of Joey Baumgardner, R. D. 1, Littlestown, Pennsylvania 17340.
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Courtesy of Wm. McKenzie, 45735 Willis Road, Belleville, Michigan 48111.
Courtesy of Wm. McKenzie, 45735 Willis Road, Belleville, Michigan 48111.
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Courtesy of Wm. McKenzie, 45735 Willis Road, Belleville, Michigan 48111.
Courtesy of Wm. McKenzie, 45735 Willis Road, Belleville, Michigan 48111.
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Courtesy of Robert Culshaw, Advertising Division, Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Illinois 61611.
Courtesy of Robert Culshaw, Advertising Division, Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Illinois 61611.
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Courtesy of John M. Hamilton, 2015 Arthur, Charleston, Illinois 61920.
Courtesy of John M. Hamilton, 2015 Arthur, Charleston, Illinois 61920.
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Courtesy of Russell Moss, Hamilton, Missouri 64644.
Courtesy of Russell Moss, Hamilton, Missouri 64644.
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Courtesy of Russell Moss, Hamilton, Missouri 64644.
Courtesy of Russell Moss, Hamilton, Missouri 64644.
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Courtesy of Robert Rogers, Acres of Antiques, Cheraw, S. C. 29520
Courtesy of Robert Rogers, Acres of Antiques, Cheraw, S. C. 29520
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Courtesy of Robert C. Hecker, 13 W. Plum Street, Tipp City, Ohio 45371.
Courtesy of Robert C. Hecker, 13 W. Plum Street, Tipp City, Ohio 45371.
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Courtesy of Elmer Klein, R. R., Lacon, Illinois 61540.
Courtesy of Elmer Klein, R. R., Lacon, Illinois 61540.
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Courtesy of Elmer Klein, R. R., Lacon, Illinois 61540.
Courtesy of Elmer Klein, R. R., Lacon, Illinois 61540.
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Courtesy of George F. Kempher, 110 Seventh Street, Emporium, Pa. 15834.
Courtesy of George F. Kempher, 110 Seventh Street, Emporium, Pa. 15834.
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Courtesy of William C. Maupin, Route 1, Box 303, Arbuckle, California 95912.
Courtesy of William C. Maupin, Route 1, Box 303, Arbuckle, California 95912.
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13 W. Plum St., Tipp City, Ohio 45371.

For some time now, I have been wanting to write to The Gas
Engine Magazine and I’ve finally made it.

First of all, I would like to tell you how very much I enjoy
reading the G. E. M. and how I look forward to receiving it. My
Dad, who is 72 years old, myself and youngest son, try to attend as
many of the shows each summer that we can, but so far most have
been confined to the Ohio area.

It sure is a wonderful experience to attend a ‘First’
show in an area where there hasn’t been any previous shows. And
no matter what show you go to, it seems as though some ole-timer
will come up, look your engine over, kinda smile and say, ‘We
used to have one like that back on the farm.’ Right then and
there your conversation starts and a new acquaintance is made.
Sometimes you learn something about your engine or engines that you
never knew before.

Right now, between my Dad and I, we have seven gas engines–two
Hercules, 1? HP and 2 HP; two Economy’s, 2? to 3 HP and 1? HP.
Stover 4 HP. Fairbanks Morse 1? HP and an Ottawa 5 HP. All but two
of them are running, and those two we are presently restoring and
will have ready for the shows this summer.

My 1939 Plymouth, almost in mint condition. Still has original
spare tire. Hasn’t been on the road since 1966. Only 43,000
miles on it.

L. to r.: 1? HP Hercules and a 2? HP Hercules.

The Wells, from III. camper VACATIONED on grounds a week or two
before the April ’72 show. In trying to find something in the
workshop. Burton thoroughly organized our piled up mess.
Thereafter, when shop items were needed it was ‘See Burt
Wells.’ Helen (Mrs. Wells) learned a lesson or two in gardening
from Margaret (Mrs. Rogers). Margaret may have pulled a Tom Sawyer
on her, the local newspaper carried a picture of Helen pulling
weeds, while Margaret watched. Looks like Burts little 1907 home
made still grinds its own corn. We named the Shop Building WISH
WELLS. We ‘Wish Wells’ would return before April
27-28-29-’73 for U-No-Wat.

A ton or two of Spit and Polished Vermont ‘Abenaque’
(right) and home made New Hampshire Maple Syrup run real Good in
South Carolinas April Weather. Elroy and Ethel Ekdahl (NH)
owner-Exhibitors were helped by GEM Subscribers Sideny and Barbara

We hope to patronize The Northrups ‘3 Ponds Campground’
at Brentwood (NH) and see their 7 gas engines.

I would like to publicly thank the four gentlemen that took time
to write me about my OHIO 6 H. P. and WEBSTER engines pictured in
the Nov.-Dec. issue. They are David Reed of Wilmington, Dela.;
Philip St. Jean of Coventry, R. I.; Othel Radigan of New Lexington,
Ohio, and Gorden Babbitt of Holland, Mich.

I have answered their letters and I am sure to have made new
friends to ‘chug’ with.

I am sending a picture of Clifford Hardy in front of his 25 H.
P. Fairbanks ‘hot head’. He is known to everyone on the
West Coast and has toured meetings in the Mid-West. He is truly Mr.
Chugger himself. The engine is belted to a line-shaft that operates
many interesting displays; such as an old washing-machine, an
ironer, air compressor and anything he can find in the back yard
that a belt will fit.

The Dick Herm Show. 6 HP McCormick Deering on grain blower fan.
3 Hp Stover on left.

Rex Haver and his display of Maytag engines all restored and
ready to run at the Tioga County Early Days Show in 1972.

The Klein boys shelling pop corn, fall of 1969. Had 35 bushels.
The engine is a 1928, 3 HP Deere.

My ‘Blakeslee’ made in Montgomery, Alabama. I want to
thank Mr. Ginnow, Mr. Harvey and Mr. Mullings in helping identify
the engine. It is in process of being restored at present. It has
34 in. diameter flywheels but I haven’t been able to come up
with a horsepower rating.

We have a Gas Engine Club in Southern California of 65 members
and will try to help you keep up the GEM.

Top picture is an old CC Case Tractor which I own. This tractor
set alongside of an old chicken house for a couple of years until
one day the guy decided to sell it for junk. A good friend of mine
found out about it and I went up and bought it for $20.00. We have
it running pretty good now.

Bottom picture is of an old Fordson purchased by Brain Bittle, a
cousin of mine. My brother hauled this tractor home for him. This
tractor was setting in a shed down below Janetsville, Maryland. The
guy had another Fordson there which Brain also bought and this
tractor was just sitting in one place for so long that the rear
wheel on the right side was completely rusted through on the

Pat Bennett admiring a 15 Hp. Galloway.

The moldboard suspended under this Holt 1910 model is one
example both power source and grader blade into one machine.

My 16-30 Rumely Oil Pull coming up the lane. Bill McKenzie is
driving. 1917 H.

I found this engine on an immaculate farm of C. N. Wade, Paris,
Illinois. One would not believe that an old gas engine would be
there. Behind the barn in a scrap pile, this IHC Type M, 3 Hp. was
setting. The price was $5. A rare buy!



According to a once-popular song, 40 acres were needed to turn a
certain machine around and while the garden tractor pictured above
wouldn’t require quite that much room, it certainly would be
out of place in some of today’s small garden plots. The machine
and several gas engines and a wood saw belonging to 13-year-old
Greg Jones of Hamilton, were displayed at the North Missouri Steam
and Gas Engine Antique Show and Demonstration Aug. 18-20.–Photo by
Janet Vanderpool, Cowgill, Missouri 64637. (Advocate-Hamiltonian,
Hamilton, Missouri).

A VARIETY OF SIZES-The gas engines shown above will give some
idea of the variety of sizes displayed over the week-end at the
annual North Missouri Steam and Gas Engine Antique Show and
Demonstration in Hamilton, Missouri. The large one is equipped with
a tongue and seat and may be horsedrawn for parades. Photo by Janet
Vanderpool. Advocate-Hamiltonian, Hamilton, Missouri.

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