By Staff
Published on September 1, 1975

RALPH PYLE passed away on June 20 in a Des Moines, Iowa hospital. He will be remembered by the Club Members and the other Midwesterners for his steam engine at Mt. Pleasant Old Threshers Reunion and the other steam and gas engines he had at home in Swan, Iowa. He was a life-long resident of Swan and was a rural mail carrier. He was a veteran of World War II and a long time collector of antique engines, both gas and steam. He will be sorely missed.

Submitted by Central Hawkeye Gas Engine and Tractor Assn. Inc.

WILLIAM H. JOHNSON, 80, Steurrys Road, Marion, New York 14505 died unexpectedly June 23, 1975 at his home. He was 85. Mr. Johnson was active in the New York State Steam Engines’ Association, Pioneer Gas Engine Association and the National Threshers Association of Ohio.

Submitted by Abram E. Johnson, 80 Steurrys Road, Marion, New York 14505

DANIEL V. BOOTHE, a lifelong resident of Ellsworth, Wisconsin died January 4, 1975 at St. John’s Hospital. He was a steam engine enthusiast and operated a threshing rig in the Ellsworth area for many years. His steam engine was a popular attraction at the Pierce Co. Fair for many years.

Submitted by Lathrop, 46881/2 Altadena Avenue, San Diego, California 92115

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