DeWITT K. SMITH of Clockville, New York, passed away February 2, 1982 at the age of 78. Mr. Smith was a dairy farmer all his life. He served as trustee and chairman of many organizations including the churches and Boy’s 4-H clubs. He served 35 years as a tractor certification instructor in Madison County. He was a charter member and organizer of the Central New York Chapter of the Pioneer Gas Engine Association, Inc., founded in 1966. He was always present with his trailer load of engines and better remembered by his expertise with his Wade drag saw. He served two terms as president and was chairman of the board of directors at the time of his passing. He will be sadly missed by his family, friends and his engine club members. May he rest in peace!
Submitted by Frederick L. DeForest, Backus Street, Box 46, West Edmeston, New York 13485.
JACK E. COLLINS, past president 1979 and 1980, of the Early Day Gas and Tractor Association of southern California, passed away March 9, 1982. Mr. Collins was well known in many parts of the United States for his support and participation in the antique car clubs and the antique steam and gas engine clubs. He lived in the Lancaster, California area many years before moving to Vista where he lived for the past two years. He helped and supported the building of the Gas Engine and Farm Museum in Vista. He will be greatly missed by his many friends.
Submitted by R. W. Hamilton, 21917 Salmon Avenue, Long Beach, California 90810.