CLIFFORD PRIESTLY of Akron, Michigan died December 23, of a heart attack. He was known of as Grampa Priestly by most of us and was an inspiration to all who knew him. He was a member of the Thumb Area Gas Engine and Tractor Association of Caro, Michigan. He had many fine pieces of antique farm equipment and tractors. He will be greatly missed.
Submitted by Lyle Higgin.
WILLIAM BRETHORST, an early member of the Badger Steam and Gas Engine Club, passed away August 21, 1979, at Lodi, Wisconsin, at the age of 68. He was a man who could fix almost anything made from metal. He owned his own machine and welding shop for about 30 years. Before that he and his brother ran an implement business. His hobby was restoring and operating old steam engines. He had just finished restoring a Port Huron steam engine and showed it for the first time that weekend at the annual Badger Steam and Gas Engine Show at Bara boo.
If gasoline becomes too expensive, keep your eye on apple gas.
A Pennsylvania canning company will spend $2 million to learn if pomace-the peels and cores of apples-can become the fuel for running its plant.
The firm, Knouse Foods Cooperative, at Ortainna, will run a pilot project for three years. It will use a generator fired by oil or gas to provide electricity for the plant. Heat from the generator’s turbine will be used to cook apple products. Waste heat from the generator is to be used to dry the pomace, and the pomace would be burned to produce a gas to run the generator.
Dr. James Oyler, director of operations, says any surplus of power from the pomace would be sold to Metropolitan Edison Company.
Pomace is sometimes used as animal fodder. In other cases, it is buried as waste in landfills. Liquids in the waste, however, turn into vinegar and that can pollute wells and springs.
Thus far, we have not heard of any tractor or stationary gas engine collectors converting to pomace power-but it pays to be aware of possibilities.
Gerry Lestz