By Staff
Published on March 1, 1978

FRED A. LEIMKUEHLER, 54, of Mount Sterling, Missouri died suddenly November 17, 1977. He had a great interest in gas engines and had a large collection which he showed at many parades and shows in Central Missouri. He was vice-president of the Owensville Threshers Association. He is fondly remembered by his friends and fellow workers. Submitted by Eloise M. Schaeperkoetter, Mount Sterling, Missouri 65062.

MARVIN K. KNAUER, SR. passed away December 12, 1977 at the age of 62. Marvin, Sr. was a director of The Haycreek Valley Historical Association. He was a believer in our motto – to promote within our community an understanding of and an appreciation for our local heritage. This will be accomplished by maintaining and instructing in those skills and artifacts that represent our local heritage.

The past year he took part in Riley’s gas engine show in Maryland and Klair’s annual gas engine party in Delaware. He missed Rough and Tumble because of a heart attack and improved to take part in our September show in charge of the flea market. He demonstrated his gas engines and drove his 1931 John Deere tractor assisted by his sons, Marvin, Jr. and Karl, and his wife, Dorothy.

We of Haycreek Valley will miss him. We wish to express our sympathy to his family. Submitted by President John Fleming, Geigertown, Pennsylvania 19523.

CECIL LEWIS THORESON, 68, a lifetime resident of Swea City, Iowa passed away December 4, 1977. Mr. Thoreson had farmed all his life in that area and was very active in all community affairs and upheld his Christian beliefs to the highest level. He was known by many engine men in a large area as one of the most congenial friends one could ever wish for. Mr. Thoreson will be greatly missed by many of us in this whole area. Submitted by Nathan Hickok, Amboy, Minnesota.

MAX E. BORCHERT, 78, of Mankato, Minnesota died December 5, 1977. Mr. Borchert came to our country from Germany as a young man, being very capable in mechanics, he was very inventive and constructed many things – one of which was the small train that he ran at many Pioneer Day celebrations. He has caused more children to laugh and brought more happy hearts than any other I have ever known. Mr. Borchert has always been a very familiar figure in his area and was a very faithful church going man. He will be greatly missed by many. Submitted by Nathan Hickok, Amboy, Minnesota.

ARCHIE F. STEVENS, 70, Millville, Minnesota died October 14, 1977 at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Wabasha, Minnesota. He farmed in Oakwood Township and was outstanding as an antique collector. Together with his son, Arnold and family, they staged the ‘Peaceful Valley Threshing Bee’ for several years. Submitted by Gilmar Johnson, Frederic, Wisconsin 54837.

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