Hi!! Here we are into another year of fun with the gas engines
and the magazine – many of you write and tell us how much you like
it – which makes us happy – we like to hear from you and if your
suggestions can be used, we make every effort to do so – many times
however what may seem great to one of our readers at the present
time – is not always possible, but keep trying! And now onto our
letters – and we do have letters a-plenty!
T. C. CRAUN, JR., Box 11, Mt. Crawford, Virginia 22841 needs
your help as he writes: ‘I recently purchased this engine –
What make is it? There is no name or casting numbers on the engine.
It weighs about 35-40 pounds and is a hit and miss engine, runs
real good. If anyone has any information as to what make and where
this engine was built, I would appreciate hearing from
JAMES KANN, R.R. 2, Ridge Road, Belle Plaine, Iowa 52208 writes:
‘I have some information that might help both Harold Gaddye and
Dale Wright on their Gilson engines. I don’t have one yet, but
wish I did. But I do have a book on Gilson, dated March 26, 1909.
They were made not only in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, but were also
made in Port Washington, Wisconsin. The book shows both factories
and the one in Wisconsin looks to be much larger. The Style E
engine came in 1, 1-1/2, 2-1/2 HP. These are in air-cooled models.
Style D 2 and 3-1/2 HP, also air-cooled. Style F, 6 H
The Style A is a 4-1/2 HP upright engine shown in tank cooled
and also screen cooled models, shown in the book operating feed
grinders and a saw rig. The Style K was in 7,9,12 and 16 HP, also
tank cooled. Style G was in 7 and 9 HP, hopper-cooled.
I hope this information will help some engine collectors some
place and if I can answer any other questions, I would be glad to
do so. I have just purchased another engine, a 6 HP R & V side
shaft, screen-cooled. I think it is a very old style, about 1904. I
have two original books on R & V it’s not shown in them and
I would like to hear from someone who has one.’
Some helpful information comes from WALTER A. TAUBENECK, 4213
80th Street N.E., Marysville, Washington 98270: ‘Here is some
useful information for all those engine restorers around the world.
First off, pick up several gallons of used automatic transmission
oil and brush it on all that dry rusty iron. Also use it in the
cylinder for stuck pistons. Fill up the cylinder and a grease gun
with the oil. Adapt a grease fitting to the engine head on
cylinder; make sure the valves are seated good and apply pressure
with gun. This oil is very penetrating and goes to work on the
Next a device to heat up large or small chunks of stuck iron:
Bill of material (A) 1/4′ x 30′ water pipe (B) 1/4′
pipe coupling (C) 1/4′ pipe plug (D) 1/4′ gate on globe
valve (E) 2 3/4′ x 6′ steel tubing (F) 6′ of 1/8′ x
1′ flat bar. Some 1/4′ hose and propane tank fittings
Drill 1/16 hole through center of 1/4′ pipe plug. No
regulation needed on propane tank. Last of all, I would like to
hear from a man who had a 10 HP Otto, more or less, at the 1974 Mt.
Pleasant 25th Anniversary Show. What is the proper mix to get the
Otto color?
WOODFORD TERRY, 111 Wiltshire Drive, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
is seeking information on the following two engines: (1)
Mc-Cormick-Deering tractor made by International Harvester Company,
KO or KC 5582, RPM 1000, HP 10 on draw bar and 20 B. H. P. Has not
been used for 8 years. Motor stuck, otherwise looks in very good
(2) No Name – small water cooled engine. Dimensions – 8′
between flywheels, 16′ long and 10′ high. 8′ D. x
2′ flywheels, one containing the fuel governor controls and the
other the magneto. All parts contain the letter ‘V’. Color
similar to John Deere green.
GEORGE BOYER, General Delivery, Oklahoma State Tech., Okmulgee,
Oklahoma 74447 would like to know someone who is familiar with the
Aermotor brand engine. He would like to know the first year of
manufacture, horsepower and original price. (Send him
help-Fellows-he’s a ‘waitin’).
SAMUEL P. NIXON, 1211 Country Club Road N., St. Petersburg,
Florida 33710 has a question he claims no one ever answers for him:
‘I have asked and no mechanic, engineman, etc. gives me a
satisfactory answer. It concerns the flat belt used on the old
machines. The pulleys had a high center (bigger diameter at center
of the belt contact surface). The flat belt always tends to ride
the high spot on the pulley, that is, the center. Why does the belt
do that?’ (C’mon Vets tell ’em. I don’t know what
he is talking about, but it sounds like the speed would gravitate
it that way – to me – now, you tell them the real answer).
TOM CAMPBELL, Route 1, Box 115, Zion, Illinois 60099 writes:
‘Thank you for printing my WHATSIT? last month. I received
eight answers and it has been nailed down to a Borg-Warner or
Warner gear from a Crosely auto. The F F marking on it is the
trademark of Franks Foundries, Moline, Illinois who make some
castings for B-W. The engine with the strange air intake is a
Pincor by Pioneer GEN-E-MOTOR and everybody seems to agree the
whole thing came from an Economy tractor. I’m in the process of
answering all the letters and I’m going to write to Economy and
Pincor and see what they have to say.’
AUGUST REIL, JR., 51 Washington Road, Cromwell, Connecticut
06416 has just purchased the remains of an Olds Gearless engine,
serial number 4109, bore 4-1/2′ stroke 7′, flywheels are 29
3/4′ diameter by 3′ face. He is wondering if someone in
Engine-land can tell him the horsepower and the approximate age of
He also would appreciate any information or drawings of the
exhaust valve actuating mechanism and governor assembly as all this
is missing.
And he adds: ‘Your magazine has helped me greatly in the
past, as I am sure it has others. Keep up the good work!’
WM. C. KUHL, 464 South 5, Sebewaing, Michigan 48759 has a
suggestion: ‘Tell the Steam and Gas Engine Clubs to have one
person to welcome the fellows who bring their equipment to the
shows – after all what would a show be if we didn’t bring this
equipment. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t expect a big welcome
mat rolled out, but I think it would be nice if they would extend a
Thank You for bringing your equipment.’ (I imagine this is done
most places and perhaps there was just an oversight somewhere –
I’m sure the clubs do appreciate all the entries in the
R. J. CASHIN, 6 O’Neill Street, Leongatha, Victoria,
Australia 3953 has some questions: ‘I was wondering if you
could help me with three restoration jobs I am doing – one is a
late 1938 McCormick Deering 10-20 engine No. KCE Z13450
tractor No. 214207. When was it made and what are the decal details
for this tractor, as the tractor has radiator shutters and is all
red? The decals for 10-20 as advertised in G.E.M. are for early
10-20’s which are different. Also exhaust pipe details or
pictures for updraft.
Secondly, for Vertical 2 HP I.H.C. low tension details battery
box, batteries spark coil-Attached is a picture of a similar engine
and on my engine on the crankcase inspection plate is I.H.C.
vertical engine manufactured by International Harvester Co.,
Chicago, U.S.A. Patents pending H.P. 2 speed 400 No. K6902 – F.
Patented May 2, 1905. The patent information is cast in two places,
on the cylinder block and lever at the base of the push rod.
‘Can any of you good fellows in the Gas Engine Magazine Land
help me? I have purchased a very old, but good Dynamo made by the
Harmon & Van Winkle Company of Newark, New Jersey. The company
has moved or probably is not in existence anymore. Can anyone tell
me anything about the Dynamo or of its age or the company’s
address? Does anyone have a Dynamo like it? It is probably 32 volt
D.C. system. – Come on fellows tell me something about it.’
Write to: DON J. LIPPI, 804 Leeson Ave., Van Wert, Ohio 45891.
Here comes some sweet smelling advice from ED HUFNAL, 208 Penn
Road, Troy, Ohio 45373 – try it, you’ll like it! – ‘Could I
pass along a couple of tips to the boys through your column for
loosening rusted parts? I guess all of us have done our share of
heating, beating, grease gun hydraulics, and maybe even a few bad
words trying to get rusted parts loose. An ex-Navy man told me to
use oil of winter-green instead of penetrating oil. You get it at
the drugstore – a two ounce bottle will set you back 49c, but it
works! Just put some on the rusty part and give it time to soak in
– a couple of hours may be necessary in some cases. It seems to
dissolve the rust and go all the way through. It evaporates like
penetrating oil – your shop will smell like a candy factory – but
that rusty part will come loose! In the year I have been using it I
have not had a failure or a broken part!
And thirdly, I would like details of engine and pump as in
attached picture. Did early engines have grease cup on
cylinder?’ (C’mon Fellows – help our friend and give him
some real data on these engines)
I am restoring a 1 HP Mogul with a hole in the cylinder wall,
and the piston rusted solid. After soaking in old oil and kerosene
for a year I gave it the oil of winter-green treatment. I then
heated the cylinder good and hot and packed the inside of the
piston with dry ice. This shrank the piston enough so I was able to
drive it out with an eight pound sledge and a block of hardwood
turned to fit the cylinder.
I sure enjoy the Gas Engine Magazine – especially your column
with letters from the engine boys.’
ROBERT STREET, Route 4, Decorah, Iowa 52101 claims: ‘I enjoy
G.E.M. very much. I have a 1-1/2 HP Gray engine. The name is cast
on the side of the water hopper; Gray Motor Co. Detroit, Model G.
Could somebody tell me the original color for this engine?
I also have a small I.H.C. water-cooled engine that has the same
base and flywheels casting (even the same casting number) as the
I.H.C. Tom Thumb air-cooled engine. Could somebody tell me what
this engine is called?’
MERRILL ROBBINS, R.D. #3, Jamestown, New York 14701 writes:
‘I have an early 1900 Jacobson engine. I would like to know the
original color – can you help me? It was made in Warren,
Pennsylvania.’ (How about it Engine Buffs – can you help
IAN G. REID, 251 Huatoki Street, New Plymouth, New Zealand has
this to say: ‘I would like to thank you for publishing my
inquiry about the Stover Engine Works and also to thank the folks
who wrote to me with the necessary information. I will be writing
to each one personally later on.
My son and I have four gas engines in our collection as follows:
A 1929, 2 HP Anderson (made in Christchurch, N.Z.); a 1930, 2 HP
Lister (made in England) and a 1936 Blackstone Diesel (made in
England) of unknown horsepower. These three engines are vertical
engines and totally enclosed. Two days ago, we acquired a small
horizontal gas engine with an open crank (not covered in). The name
plate on the part of the engine was a portrait (head and shoulders)
of a cowboy, with the words, The Hired Man, above it. There was no
serial number in the space for it. Under the portrait was written,
Associated Mfg. Co., Waterloo, Iowa, and, Warranted to develop a
full strength 2-1/4 HP. The arm was missing as was the carburetor,
so once again, may I ask for information about the engine and its
makers. Also can someone send details of the missing parts so that
we can make them.
We also have in our workshop a 20′ pillar drill press, made
by the Champion Blower and Forge Company of Lancaster, Pennsylvania
with a Serial Number 2311, so it must be rather old. Perhaps some
information about this, please!’
BEN H. KINSINGER, R.D. 1, Box 234A, Myersdale, Pennsylvania
15552 is wondering if any of the readers would have a full line of
details on all McCormick Deering tractors, like power, year built,
weight etc. (Anybody – write Ben if you have the info, he is
From MIKE McARTHUR, 605 218th Avenue S.E., Redmond, Washington
98052 comes this note – ‘First let me say that I have
thoroughly enjoyed Gas Engine Magazine since I became a subscriber
a year and a half ago. I have a Root and Vandervoort engine built
for the John Deere Plow Company. It’s a 6 HP Type D, #DL 43840,
patented July 14, 1903 – May 3, 1904. I would like to correspond
with anyone who has an engine like mine, or is familiar with it.
Thanks for your help!’ (He’s waiting for your help,
Some help with his engine is what ARTHUR E. BROWN, Rt. 20,
Brimfield, Massachusetts 01010 is seeking as he writes us:
‘Congratulations on a magazine that is really super! Takes me
back to days when I was a lad (60 years or more). I marvel at the
huge tractors you show – here in New England a Caterpillar 30 was a
big machine at that time.
I have a Gilson 1 3/4 HP engine Type U, serial – 22116 which I
use to saw wood with every fall. It has battery and coil ignition
and starts with a pull of the flywheel. Can any of the readers tell
me the approximate year of manufacture, also original color of
paint on this engine? A small decal on front of water hopper says
(Sixty Speed).’
DEWEY V. MARTIN, 3040 Crest Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 is
looking for information in connection with the restoration of one
of the old Witte Engines. It is a one cylinder gas engine, 3 HP,
650 RPM, Serial No. 103415. He is particularly interested in any
history, specifications.
ED GLADKOWSKI, JR., R.D. 1, Box 156 B, Jamesburg, New Jersey
08831 would like to know when a four-wheel Silver King tractor
(like the one pictured in the Sept.-Oct. issue) was built. His
tractor has serial number 319, with a Hercules IXA engine. He
thanks you in advance for any information on this. He says he has
been getting G.E.M. for a year and really likes it. (And that makes
all of us happy!)
ERIC A. GANJON, Mountain View Farm, 3801 Salem Bottom Road,
Westminster, Maryland 21157 talks to us in this way: ‘I thought
I would drop you a few lines. Winter is fast approaching and we are
not quite done fall harvest, but the rain put me out of business
today. We aren’t buying too many tractors now, but are getting
ready to rebuild some this winter. We are going to do the Leader
tractor and our Oliver 99 this tractor came from Colorado. I also
found a complete motor for my WK 40. We are going to put a 450 red
diamond, out of an R 190 IH truck, in it. We will have to change
the timing gear plate so we can put the mag and governor assembly
on it.
When I got my Nov.-Dec. G.E.M., we had to stop work and check
each page, and that takes time -(Ha). There is one thing – I have
lived on the Eastern seaboard all my life and never had a chance to
see the ‘big’ farm equipment of the plains. I would like to
see in the G.E.M. some pictures and information on the big plows,
going plows and cat walk plows. Also the first big pull type
combines and pickers of the west and midwest. Maybe some old timer
still can remember what it cost to run these rigs, and areas
covered in a day. It would be very interesting to us here in the
Eric sent along a picture of his 1954 60-0 tractor at work in
the 1975 hay crop. It baled 12,000 bales this year. The orchard
fenders and exhaust are removed. His daughter, Michele, is at the
Then I found this poem – it is just signed Love, Sue 1970 – It
seems to have been in the envelope with the letter from Eric –
It’s called PLANTER OF THE SEED – He stands with feet implanted
in the soil; His brow is wet, his hands are dry, his face tells of
his toil. – He is the farmer, the planter of the seeds; He receives
no medals, no honors, for his deeds. – He feeds a nation, a
country, a cause; For him there is no rest, no delay, no pause. –
He knows what it means to ‘onward trod’; Perhaps he stands
the closest to God!
Flying over the waves to us comes this writing: ‘I
thought I must write you a few lines after reading the Sept.-Oct.
G.E.M. which my friend lent me. I am a member of the West of
England Steam Engine Society and restore gas engines as a hobby.
September last I was attending a large engine rally at Stowpaine
Bushes, Dorset with one of my gas engines. While there, I met Cliff
Hardy of California who was over here on a tour and he spent two
days looking over the gas engines, etc. We had several chats about
gas engines and he showed me several pictures of his engines back
home like the one in the GEM Sept.-Oct. I think he was surprised to
see such a large show over here, plus the fact that we still ran it
during heavy rain and inches of thick mud underfoot.
I am at the moment restoring a Briggs-Stratton motor wheel
engine No. D11290, waiting for information to arrive from
Referring to the engine pictured in the GEM Sept.-Oct. from
Palmer Bochow, the spark plug on the top of the engine is in the
place where a gas primer cup should be. I would like any
information regarding this engine. I also own and use a Wade one
man drag saw, Model UK-SM-SM1 Engine No. 9057 supplied by Christy,
Penny, London. Would anyone have any idea how old this engine is? I
also own engines by Powell, Ruston Hornsby, Petter, Villies Lister,
Wolseley, Wisconsin, Johnson, Wall Auto Wheel, in various sizes and
I must mention that we find the G.E.M. an excellent magazine and
look forward to receiving it.
This letter comes from J. G. GOLDSWORTHY, 6 Merther Close,
Sithney, Helston, Cornwall TR13 ORW England.
JAMES E. ANKNEY, 1047 Holgate Avenue, Defiance, Ohio 43512 has
an old Emerson Brantingham tractor that has two wheels in front and
one large wheel on the rear, tractor number 20806, 12 draw bar
horsepower. He wonders if any of the G.E.M. readers know anymore
about this tractor.
And from RALPH DONALDSON, 10275 Case Road, Brooklyn, Michigan
49230 this letter: ‘On page 5 of the Nov.-Dec. magazine,
Wallace Tinsley states that he would like to find a source for
getting magnets for Wico E-K magnetos. I don’t understand why
anyone would want replacement magnets as they almost never fail. It
has been my experience that when these magnetos don’t work, it
is almost always because of a bad condenser. In the unlikely case,
when the magnets are weak, they can be recharged.
A suitable replacement condenser is NAPA No. 7-01314 which can
be purchased from most automotive supply stores. Also, check to see
that the contact points are clean and properly adjusted. A good way
to check contact point adjustment is to place 3/32 inch spacers
between the armature and the base and adjust so that the points are
just open. Even after many years of service, the points are usually
OK and adjustment is seldom necessary.
It is also possible that some of the connections in the primary
circuit may be corroded and need cleaning and tightening. The
primary circuit can easily be checked by an ohmmeter. The Wico E-K
magneto has a normal primary resistance of 1.6 ohms, and a
secondary coil resistance of 8000 ohms. The capacity of the
condenser is about 0.2 microfarads. The magnetic gap when the
points open is 3/32 inch.
I hope this will be of some help.’
CHARLES KREKOW, Route 1, Marcus, Iowa 51035 communicates thusly:
‘Have been reading your magazine with great interest the past
year sharing the magazine with a friend, – a really great little
I have been collecting and restoring for several years now. My
collection includes a 1929 D. John Deere completely restored, that
I enjoy running in parades, etc. when opportunity comes. I have a
1-1/2 HP International, nearly done, 1-1/2 HP J. D. running, but
needs painting. My newest and most challenging is a 2-1/2 HP Fuller
& Johnson, Model N.K. with one main bearing cap missing and
also a cam gear ignition. Having never seen a complete engine, I
wonder if anyone would have information or instructions. I really
need some help on this one.’
LEROY QUANDT, Ryder, North Dakota 58779, one of our regular
contributors to the magazine writes in reference to a letter from
Sept.-Oct. issue requesting information:
‘To help answer Mr. Sanford Gale’s request to have the
Oil Pull tractor explained, I have copied a page from the Country
Gentleman. This is an advertisement by the Advance Rumely Thresher
Company, Inc. LaPorte, Indiana, builders of the Oilpull tractor.
This ad appeared in the Feb. 16, 1918 issue of the magazine.
The name Oilpull is the trade mark name for the tractor built by
the Rumely Company of LaPorte, Indiana. The company began using
this name for their tractors about 1910.
Can anyone give more details of William C. Durant’s
involvement with tractors, particularly the two wheel line drive
William C. Durant organized the General Motors Corporation in
1908 but lost control in 1910. He regained control of GMC in 1916
but was forced to resign again in 1920. He organized Durant Motors
Inc. in 1921, but it went bankrupt in a short time.
In 1918 W. C. ‘Billy’ Durant got the Samson Tractor from
J. M. Kroyer of the Samson Sieve-Gripe Tractor Company, Stockton
California and made it a part of the General Motors
When W. C. Durant had the Durant Motors Inc. in 1921 did he
build and sell a two wheel drive line drive or steering tractor? Or
was his only attempt to sell a line drive tractor the Samson Iron
Horse in 1920 which had four wheels, all drivers?’
M. R. UERKWITZ, 1603 South 5th Street, Lafayette, Indiana 47905
would like any information he can acquire on Lambert side shaft gas
engine. It has a 10 inch piston with 16 inch stroke and was built
around 1900 in Anderson, Indiana.
Many thanks to Stewart Brad-field, Secretary-Director of West
Virginia Oil & Gas Festival Box 191, Sistersville, West
Virginia for sending me a metal dash plate from the 7th Annual
Festival. Says Stewart: ‘We gave each exhibitor one of these
dash plates and felt that you should have one also.’ (Don’t
know why, I didn’t do anything to get it, but Thanks
BRAD E. SMITH, 3575 South 87th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
53228 relates: ‘I recently purchased a 1-1/2 HP Economy gas
engine, serial number 258914. While removing a layer of paint, I
discovered parts of the original decal. It appears to be a medium
green background decal, outlined in black and with black letters.
Does anyone have an engine with a similar decal? If so, I would
like to see a picture of a similar engine so that I might find out
where the decorative striping was placed. Any help that you can
give me on this will be greatly appreciated. I am a new subscriber
to G.E.M. and I really enjoy each issue.’
ROBERT C. OLIPHANT, Box 3, Waterford, Virginia 22190 answered
the letter of Al Gregoritsch that was in the Sept.-Oct. 1975 G.E.M.
page 16. Thought many of you would be interested in reading it
Regarding the above named engine, I have one that looks very
nearly the same. Stamped on the cylinder head in the casting is the
number P-24. The speed adjustment bracket has the number P-3C
stamped on the inside of it. The brackets which fasten the crank
shaft to the crank case have N-20 stamped on them. KC-6 is stamped
on the connecting rod; and the number 303M47 is stamped on the
bottom of the igniter bracket which has the Webster tripolar
magneto attached.
My engine has an oval brass name plate attached to the front of
the water hopper above the cylinder head, which identifies it as a
Pittsburgh Pump Company engine. I have seen identical engines with
the following names on the brass name plates: the Dunn Engine
Company, Atlanta, Georgia; the Jumbo Engine, and I understand there
are others.
Those who know more about these engines than I have, told me
that this engine was manufactured for other companies under
contract by Nelson Brothers out in Michigan.
If these numbers on the castings that I have mentioned above fit
in with your engine, it is undoubtedly a Nelson Brothers engine. I
cannot tell from your picture whether your cylinder head has the
two little holes for the brass name plate drilled in it. So far as
I know, no other engine has quite such a clumsy looking rocker
Last winter I took my Pittsburgh Pump Company engine completely
apart and, after restoring the parts and painting them, I put them
back together; and it started right off with the first try after it
was put back together again last Spring. I find it is not a very
smooth running engine and should be throttled down considerably. My
engine is rated at 1-3/4 h.p. at 500 rpm.
I bought this engine at a bargain price in Central Pennsylvania
about six years ago. Now after all the work I have put on it I
doubt if anyone would want to offer me enough to buy it. It is
really not for sale.
Hope the above information is helpful.
A second letter came in this month from RALPH DONALDSON, 10275
Case Road, Brooklyn, Michigan 49230 as he explains: ‘In the
November-December magazine on page 7, Philip Rubida shows a diagram
for the wiring of a gas engine which is a correction for one that
he saw in the Sept.-Oct. magazine. I thought it might be fun to
draw a diagram as a complete schematic showing the complete wiring
and the interior circuit of the Model T Ford coil.
MILO BLAUVELT, Bremo Bluff, Virginia 23022 sends this data: Here
is a bit of information that might help some gas engine mechanics
that have trouble with blow by blowing up through the lubricator
pipe and oilers in the one cylinder engines; even though there is a
check valve in the lubricator. I have installed a pipe Tee in the
pipe below the lubricator with a street ell pointed up with a short
length of pipe. All this is in the water hopper and if it does not
extend above the opening it is not very noticeable. Not that it
would do any harm or detract from the engine. The engines I have
used it on work fine and keeps the smoke and black oil off the
lubricator and keeps everything from being so messy. The oil will
feed down to the piston and rings like it should. A lot of you
fellows may know about this. Thought it might help someone that is
starting with the wonderful gas engine hobby.
From the Southern part of the U.S. this writing arrived:
‘Thought you might like to hear from someone in the Sunny South
-Florida! I enjoy the G.E.M. very much and always read your column.
(Thank you! W. S. HUGHES, R.D. 1, New Smyrna Beach, Florida
C. G. Byrd of Pulaski County is a collector of antique machines.
His collection includes a six horsepower engine and a mill from the
Mr. Byrd is now retired and active in furniture construction and
telling stories about his engine and mill which are
The 6 HP engine is like the one his father used to have on their
farm near Snowville, which was used to run the mill and also to
power a saw which cut their stove wood and boiled eggs, the water
jacket which keeps the engine cool.
‘The neighbors used to bring their grain in for us to grind.
I remember one fellow who would bring corn over every Saturday, we
thought it was strange that he was using so much meal, and later we
found out he was running a still.
The mill was used mainly for grinding grain for cattle on the
farm and was purchased from a mail order house for $15.00. It was
also used to make buckwheat cakes and whole wheat flour.’
The engine weighs nearly a ton, has a five inch piston which
travels horizontally. The rod and crankshaft are open and can be
seen while running. Parts for the engine can only be obtained from
one place -Mexico. Mr. Byrd also has a two horsepower engine.
Courtesy of C. G. Byrd, Route 1, Box 146, Pulaski, Virginia
I belong to a State-wide club called the Florida Flywheelers,
with over a hundred members. We meet somewhere each month for a
gas-up. Our last one was in Cocoa, within sight of the Apollo
launching pads for the moon – where I work.
I have about fifteen engines, having started collecting about
four years ago. My latest is a 10 HP, 1200 RPM, 36A4-1/4E, upright,
4 cycle Fairbanks-Morse diesel connected direct to a 6-1/2 K.W.
D.C. generator. It\ is free, but no compression, paid $50.00. I
have no information on it. Some people tell me it was made for
Fairbanks-Morse with their name plate by another company. Could
that be so? I wonder if it is of much value, believe it was made in
the 1930s.
Over forty-five years ago, my Dad had several of these old
engines scattered over our farms that were used to pump water from
four deep wells to irrigate our vegetable crops. I can remember
when working in a back field, I would often wrap a wire around a
can of beans and drop it in the water hopper of one of these old
engines. Needless to say – it didn’t take long before I had a
hot lunch.
During World War II, we, like lots of other people, sold these
fine old engines for scrap. I would always save the magnetos and
oiler, though. I recently located an old Fairbanks Morse 6 HP Z
engine that belonged to my Dad that I am going to get. It is still
in running condition.
I devised a way to check the point gap on those first rotary
F.M. magnetos, Type R. The points were fastened to the armature
which rotated around inside of the end plate which contained the
cam. If a person drilled a small hole on outer edge of end plate at
about the 8 o’clock position, he would have points on high side
of cam and could then insert a cut down feeler gauge between points
and check gap opening – I kept an extra end cap for this
The truck, now Dan’s personal property, was formerly used at
the Kinzers Quarry. Dan bought it in the spring of 1974 from the
Slaymaker Estate, at a public sale. It was in running condition, so
he drove it half a mile to the Rough & Tumble Grounds. He gave
it a good clean-up and painted it, but found it needed no major
mechanical work.
It formerly had solid tires; Dan has put on
pneumatics. [Stem gas photo]
Pictured is a modern garden tractor belted to antique cider
press. The tractor is owned by Jeff Miller while the cider press is
owned by Dale Hempfing. Both are of RD#1, Glen Rock, Pa.
And now, enough of this nonsense and nostalgia – Happy
Holidays!’ (Same to you Mr. Hughes).
And MIKE SCHUETZ, R.R. 1, Slinger, Wisconsin 53086 would like
this letter in this time: ‘In reply to Dale Wright of Hialeah,
Florida about the Gilson engine and where it was made – The Gilson
engine was made in its main plant at Port Washington, Wisconsin and
at the branch plant at Guelph, Ontario, Canada. A short run-down of
their past in in order.
Theodore Gilson started the Gilson Foundry at Port Washington
about 1850. Gilson and his son, John, were primarily engaged in
manufacturing plows, threshing rigs, horsedrawn farm equipment, in
addition to the small foundry during the 1880s. About 1893, or
shortly thereafter, it became known as the Gilson Manufacturing
Company. The present company has very few records so I do not know
when the first Gilson or the last was made.
H. W. Bolens was one of the stockholders of the Gilson company.
As a result Bolens and Gilson merged to form the Gilson-Bolens
Manufacturing Company. Later, Gilson sold out to Bolens who
produced the first walk behind tractor for plowing and cultivating
in 1919.
Now a little about their engines -the Style E 1 HP came without
a fan, but it could be furnished at an additional cost. The Style E
1-1/2 and 2-1/2 HP came equipped with a fan. The New Style E 5-1/2
hp had double opposed cylinders and the popular Style D, 2 and
3-1/2 HP hopper cooled, and the Style A, 4-1/2 HP vertical model.
The Style C, 6 and 8 HP side shaft – this engine was tank or screen
cooled. Also they had the Style K 12 and 15 HP similar in design to
the Style C, but it was not a side shaft. Most of the above
information came from Catalog G-4, but I have no idea what year it
is.’ (Hope you all understand this Fellows – I printed it as it
was written).
LOWELL NEITZEL, Route 2, Box 286, Mora, Minnesota
LOWELL NEITZEL, Route 2, Box 286, Mora, Minnesota 55051 says he
has a 6 cylinder Wisconsin water-cooled 95 HP straight tork.
According to the manufacturer that built this engine, it is one of
three known, left in the world.
GLENN ALLEN, Schaller, Iowa 51053 comments: ‘Just a friendly
comment and possibly additional information relating to the
ignition sketches page 31 of Sept.-Oct. G.E.M. and page 7 of
Nov.-Dec. issue. I have always used the non-buzzer type coil for
engines fired by igniter and the buzzer type coil for engines with
spark plugs. I question that the non-buzzer type will fire a spark
Mr. Rubida in his drawing in the Nov.-Dec. issue plainly shows
use of 6 volt battery with Model T Ford coil. This coil was
designed to operate on 18 volts which was the output of the Model T
flywheel magneto. Remember fellows, we used two 9-27 ie 9 volt, 27
candle power bulbs in series for head lights. True enough, a Hot
Shot or other 6 volt battery will activate the coil, but how much
better the Ford engine ran when you switched to the 18 volt
magneto. I find even a 12 volt battery gives much better results
with this coil than any 6 volt. One more thing, just wedge the
points of the Ford coil together so it will not buzz and you have a
non-buzzer type coil you can use with igniter.’
Harlan Volzs H-K Huber tractor and two Internationals Famous gas
engines on trailer. Dave Babcock of Cass City, Michigan is driving
the tractor.
Harlan and his like-new Case and 28 inch Keck Gonnerman grain
– Wm. C. Kuhl’s Model A Ford deluxe sedan 1930 with trailer
and Chapman gas engine in tow. John Smith is driving the Model A.
John is from Livania, Michigan. These three pictures were taken at
Annual Sebewaing Sugar Beet Parade in 1975.
Wm. Kuhl and his 1908 – 2 HP Chapman Gas Engine Serial No. 194.
This picture was taken at Saginaw Valley Live Steam Show, Caro,
Michigan, 1975.
A photo taken at the September-October Gas Engine Show in
Sistersville. We feel this was the best show yet. American Press
Asso. picked up a story on it, which was run all over the U.S. –
even as far west as California.
Plans for our Bicentennial Festival are now being made and The
Gas Engine Magazine will play a very important part in it. Because
of our ad in your magazine, one exhibitor came 650 miles from
Rockford, Illinois. He said he saw our ad in your magazine.
We are planning to explain the show as one of our main events at
the festival.
Charles Stark of Republic, Missouri makes last minute
adjustments to his 20-40 Oil Pull for the parade at the Ozark
Reunion in September 1975. This machine has threshed around that
area for many years and still displays its capabilities. Charles,
with the help of some very capable and energetic officers put on a
real show every year at Republic, just a few miles west of
My father and I purchased this gas engine some months ago in
very sad condition. The reason we are sending this picture along to
GEM is that we have no idea what kind of engine this is – we hope
some GEM reaser will help to identify it: Bore is 4-1/4′, stoke
6-1/2′, rod is brass, brass governor latch, crank shaft is
stamped #6, has a Powell’s oiler Patented Sept. 15, 1885 and
August 13, 1889. We would appreciate hearing from anyone who can
identify this engine.
Looking for information comes this letter from FRANK MANES
Blanchard, Iowa 51630: ‘I would like to say that I really enjoy
reading the G.E.M. and I have some questions for your Smoke Rings
column. Maybe someone who really knows McCormick-Deering equipment
will have the answer. Did IH make an 18-32 just before they built
the 22-36? What years were the 22-36 and the W-30 built? Did I.H.
make a narrow tread F-30; if so, how much different was it than the
regular F-30? What was the last year McCormick Deering made
threshing machines?’ (Well, you ought to wear the pencil point
down on answering all those queries).
RAYMOND QUELLETTE, 65 Hanover Street, Apt. 2, Lebanon, New
Hampshire 03766 conveys this message: ‘I am a rock hound and I
collect rocks and minerals and I found an old book on same for
1931. And it has a picture and story of the Old Friedensville Zins
Mine and about the motor they had for the water, and they built the
ship ‘Battleship Maine’ out of the motor.
I would like to have a picture of that motor, if there are any
available.’ (He goes on to mention this several times in the
letter and really would appreciate seeing a picture of that motor –
anyone know what he is talking about? -please get in touch with Ray
if you do).
W. D. LESHER, R.D. 1, Dumgoose Hollow, Pleasantville,
Pennsylvania 16341 is sending out a distress signal – ‘I
advertised two gas engines for sale in the Nov.-Dec. 1975 issue of
G.E.M. and had a spendid response. However, a gentleman from either
Wisconsin or Minnesota wrote to me and enclosed 50c for a photo of
the engines. Before I could comply with his request, his name and
address became lost and I still have his 50c. Since I haven’t
heard further from him, I keep thinking he may be on his way down
here to poke me in the nose.
I hope he sees this letter and sends me his address as I would
be most happy to return his 50c and apologize for my carelessness
in handling his correspondence. And thank you for helping me to
right a wrong and relieve my conscience.’
And from JOHN R. HAJOSTEK JR., Box 711, Grovetown, Georgia
30813: ‘Help! I’m new to this old time gas engine hobby and
I’ve found an engine I need help with – on the name plate of
COMPANY CHICAGO USA NO: KA33460 RPM: 400 HP 2 – What I need is a
picture of this engine completely together. Also, I know there are
a few parts missing. So if anyone can help me in my new
undertaking, I’d be most grateful. (Help him please and do you
see – he’s from Georgia – I don’t believe we hear from that
area very often. Come on, we’ll get the Southerners interested
in this gas hobby too. If you help him, he will get others
interested and next thing you know we’ll have some newcomers to
the magazine and maybe a new organization will develop.)
GUY A WINCH, Route 1, Box H 4, Michigan Road, Arcade, New York
14009 sends some help: I hope I can help Ralph Olmstead, 120
Guadalajara St., New Iberia, Louisiana – on page 5 of Sept. -Oct.
1975 issue, in Smoke Rings -from Art Anderson, Lakeville, Minnesota
was trying to identify an old tractor engine for John Freeman of
Goose Creek, Ohio. Well, I might be of some help as I have a 1929
Case Model L which they made only a few. It has 4-1/2′ bore and
5-1/4′ stroke. Somehow the name plate became lost when it
caught fire as it was one that started on gas and switched to low
grade fuel, but the warming manifold became rusted away so it used
only gasoline. A leaky gas line caused it to get on fire, but it
was put out. Engine is free and I have a used manifold but have not
yet started to restore it. It has a glass drip oiler for rocker
arms and the Waukesha engine I’m acquainted with surely looks
like a twin brother in all respects. The oil screen is in the left
hand side of oil pan. Oil cocks opposite side for oil level
inspection. Hope this helps!’
This is the 3rd year that I’ve been reading G.E.M. and like
most of the old engine enthusiasts look forward to receiving the
next edition. I’ve managed these past 3 years to gather 24
engines of misc. makes sizes and states of condition. My largest,
and I’ve enclosed a photo, has presented a few problems that I
hope my fellow experts can assist me by providing some answers.
This engine is a 12 HP Witte diesel. The serial number is D11374.
From what I gathered from the previous owners, this engine was
designed and coupled to a generator for use by the military.
It’s vintage is in the 30’s. As you can see the generator
is gone and someone added a cut-off saw. I’ve since removed
this saw and I hope to get this engine to be a reliable power
Above the injector pump is a gauge and I understand that this is
to record oil pressure. Well, I replaced this gauge with another
and I get no reading with the engine running at various speeds. If
someone can assist me in describing the style of oil pump, where
it’s located, and how I get to it etc., I’d be most
grateful. Now, it also appears that I’m getting water into my
crankcase. New oil will appear cloudy and a tan color. I keep an
empty can over the crankcase breather screen when the engine
isn’t running. Any comments!
Another question, what is that gadget with the ‘T’
handle located just rear of the fuel tank drain? Also, the fuel
pump was missing when I purchased the engine. Does someone know of
an automobile pump which would be usable on this engine?
In the last issue I had printed the following letter, but I made
a boo-boo and forgot to put the man’s address and name – Here
is his name – KEITH R. MILLER, 721 North Shore Drive, Elkhart,
Indiana 46514 and here is the letter again:
A man with a problem writes to the readers: ‘I have a 2 HP
Lauson engine built in the 40s, Model – #TLC-349, Serial #4-61904.
I have had this engine for many years and realize this is quite a
new engine when you compare it to most of the engines discussed in
G.E.M., but I wonder if someone could possibly give me some help on
getting it running again. My problem – the thing will not generate
enough spark to arc across the spark plug. I have done about
everything possible, new coil, new plug, new wires, etc. I even
tried having the magnets remagnetized, which didn’t seem to
make a difference. The timing is correct and all components seem to
check out when tested such as coil, plug, etc.
A couple of small engine mechanics in our local area seem to
think the only thing left to do would be to replace the flywheel
for one that has stronger magnets. Naturally, there is not a new
flywheel in the country, plus I can’t locate a used engine that
I can purchase – fact of matter, I have never seen another engine
like this one. My reason for getting the engine running again is
that I put a lot of effort into completely rebuilding this engine.
Please, can anybody help me?? I will answer all letters.
Now then, here is a letter in answer to Keith. This letter comes
from DON RILEY, 21224 Placerita, Newhall, California 91321:
‘Dear Man with a problem – page 6 of Nov.-Dec. G.E.M. – I went
through the same exercise that you did, with same results, on a
Briggs & Stratton.
When I took the flywheel back and told the mechanic the results,
he told me that the magnets were fully charged and to bring the
points in to him. I had already run sand paper through them, but he
told me that they get a film on them that sandpaper would not
always clean.
He put the points in a vise and with a file removed about
.010′ from each point using a lot of pressure. The film on the
points prevented the coil from a full charge, resulting in a weak
spark. After assembly, I had a good 5/16′ spark and the engine
runs fine.
I hope this fix will also get your engine running, as finding
another flywheel seems unlikely – besides this fix is
Well, as you can see we really had a lot of letters this issue
and I must bring it to a close but I do want to tell you a little
bit about the sale at ‘Elmer’s Korn Krib’. After it had
been postponed Sept. 27, due to the damaging FLOOD we had here
again, the second one in three years – Earlene decided to go ahead
and have the Auction November 1st as I’m sure you all knew, as
she sent cards to all the subscribers. Well, it was a ‘fair to
middlin’ day’ as they say (I don’t know who
‘they’ are, but I know I’ve heard that expression.) It
was crispy cold out and folks were happy to see the heaters going
in the Auction Tent. The Long Brothers from Port Royal,
Pennsylvania had charge of the Auction and did a ‘bang-up’
job. It was run very efficiently, and along with this, the brothers
both had a lot of personality and humor – which makes for a nicer
day for everyone.
Many, many pictures and hundreds and hundreds of books, plus all
kinds of early farm items were in evidence. Old irons (the kind the
women used), pots and pans, sewing machines, spool cabinets, rakes,
barbed wire, locks, toys, and merchandise too numerous to mention
was sold. Of course, there were many valuable handmade models, and
plenty of salesmen’s samples of engines, threshers, washing
machines and the like that were proudly displayed before the gavel
made the final decision as to price. And they brought a good price,
as did many of the pictures -after all many of them are one of a
A great number of the John Kauffman family of Mount Joy,
Pennsylvania were there with their eyes and hearts set on some of
the special models and paintings which had been done by their
father or grandfather, John Kauffman – now deceased. They went home
elated with their prized possessions, but their wallets were
deflated as they spent several thousand dollars to bring the items
‘back home’ – and the glow on their faces made you know it
was well worth it.
When it came time to sell the engines, it was a surprise to
learn they both went to one man, Paul Russell of Route 1,
Morrisville, North Carolina, who previously had been a gas engine
man only -now, he is a gas and steam engine enthusiast. Good luck
Paul and hope you enjoy them as much as Elmer, as he derived much
satisfaction from having them.
There was an abundance of food, served by the Star of Hope
Sunday School Class of the Memorial Methodist Church – to which
Earlene belongs. Chicken corn soup, ham sandwiches, hamburgers, hot
dogs, pizza, ice-cream, sodas, coffee, pies, candy, etc. The girls
& many of the husbands, worked so hard to set up this event and
were there before 6 in the morning and until 9 in the evening. Only
thing – we did expect a much larger crowd, and therefore we had to
sell the overflow, but it wasn’t a total loss as we all shared
in fellowship and did come out with some profit for the class – but
don’t talk about chicken corn soup for awhile – we’ve all
had our fill! (T’ was good though!)
So the Korn Krib Klosed and now all Elmer’s cherished pieces
of early Americana are in the hands of folks who also choose to
preserve these items for posterity. I like to think Elmer would be
smiling to see all these treasures scattered into all these areas,
for if they are there, so is he – they were a part of him – and
I’m sure he would want folks to really enjoy them – and I’m
sure Earlene must have some feeling of satisfaction in trying to
see they were made available to folks who care about the same hobby
that Elmer enjoyed.
And now, I must close and as you go into the New Year I’ll
just leave a few thoughts for you to ponder: Do not face the day
until you face God – He who receives a blessing should not forget
it; he who gives it should not remember it – Three essentials – a
faith to live by, a self to live with, and a purpose to live for –
And remember the whole world is a camera – smile please!