Route 4, Millersburg, Ohio 44654
The Weather Man blessed us with lots of sunshine on Saturday,
July 7, 1973 which was the day we had our Second Annual Gas Meet at
Mt. Hope, Ohio.
We are not a Club. The Gas Meets expenses are shared by the
following: Eli H. Bowman, Levi S. Mast and Myself (Roy). We had a
good many engines at this year’s
show, for all over the State. We had a few very interesting
engines such as a Hot Tube Engine shown and operated by Glen Hotyl;
a Domestic side shaft shown by Andy C. Weaver; also had wooden
washing machine. Buzz saw owned and operated by Roman A. Troyer
(known as Big Roman). Ha! Baker Fan, fanning mill, spark plug
My thanks to everyone who helped make this Gas Meet possible. I
attended quite a few shows last summer. Hope to make the Rounds
again this summer if we can get fuel. Ha!
I want you to know I enjoy G.E.M. Smoke Rings and all. Keep up
the good work.
Top left is a Stover engine, 12 HP owned by Curtis Kiser, Route
4, Harrisonburg At right is a 10-20 Titan owned by Raymond Foltz,
Route 1, Shenandoah. Bottom left shows an Oil Pull 25-35 and in the
driver’s seat is the owner, Gene Kauffman, Route 3,
Harrisonburg and at right is a Moline Universal 9-18, Model
‘D’, 1917 owned by Harold Burkholder, Bridgewater. All
pictures taken at the Bridgewater Volunteer Fire Company Steam
& Gas Meet. Pictures by Charles Clemmer, Dayton, Virginia.