There are many different things we could talk about, but as we
write this in early April, the robins have returned to Iowa, the
trees are budding, and the grass is green again. We even cranked up
an engine the other day … it simply isn’t any fun trying to
start an engine in cold weather.
As usual, we put forth our Spring caveat about safety. Whether
you are at home working on an engine, hauling one to a show, or
displaying your prizes to the interested public, please be careful.
Keep your fingers out of places they don’t belong, and
don’t strain your back lifting, or get a broken arm from
We look forward to seeing some of you folks in June as we visit
various sites in England. We can promise an excellent tour, fine
accommodations, and of course, plenty of old iron.
In 2000, we hope to do a tour of the east coast, probably
starting from Chicago and working our way east to coincide with the
Cool spring show and other items of interest. Plans now call for a
return trip to Australia in 2001. Those who went with us on the
last tour to Australia will agree that it was a fantastic
If you’re not going with us to England in June, perhaps you
might wish to consider going along with us in August as we visit
the Great Dorset steam rally. We have talked with lots of people
and they have all told us that it is a fantastic experience. There
are also engines and tractors, along with steam engines, steam
carousels, and who knows what else. Ye olde Reflector has long
yearned to visit this show at least once, and this year looks like
our chance. Ordinarily, we are at the Midwest Old Threshers Reunion
at this time, but we have opted to miss it for once so we can take
in the Great Dorset.
Recently we heard from a reader who was somewhat disappointed in
our ‘plugging’ someone who informed us of a new product
they had to offer. We like to think of this column as a
readers’ forum, and from time to time we comment on things we
think our readers are interested in. It is never our intention to
unfairly promote someone over somebody else. That wouldn’t be
fair to our loyal advertisers. Speaking of which, that brings to
mind our friend Lee W. Pedersen who has run a two-page ad in
GEM month-after-month and year-after-year. We are always
amazed at how and where Lee finds all the products he offers to us
through his GEM ads! Now don’t all the rest of you advertisers
get upset with ye olde Reflector or the folks at GEM for
this ‘plug.’ The truth is, that we hope we can interview
some of our advertisers from time-to-time and get a better picture
of your activities.
We understand that our book, American Gas Engines will
now be available only in a paperback edition. It isn’t quite
what we had in mind, but at least it is still available. After
spending over two years on our Catalog of American Farm
Tractors, we certainly aren’t ready to tie into a new and
expanded gas engine book at the moment. By the way, we hear from
Krause Publications that the new tractor book will probably be
ready late this fall. At this point we have no idea how many pages,
or even how many illustrations. Sadly, we have already run across a
couple of tractor companies that we hadn’t heard of before, and
which will have to wait until a subsequent edition. We were asked
the other day how many companies are represented, and without
counting the file cards, we can’t even tell you that!
Our first query begins with
34/6/1 Hot Air Engines Q. Irving Jennings at
Fax #401/423-7485 would like any information on hot air
34/6/2 Unidentified Object Q. See the photo of
an unidentified item with A. W. Miller cast into the arm. Any
information would be appreciated. Bill Blomquist, 1411 Sherburne
Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104-2414.
34/6/3 Fairbanks-Morse Q. What is the year
built and the color for a Fairbanks-Morse engine, s/n 965445? It is
mounted on a Holland tree transplanter, and we would also like any
information on this machine, if possible. Lester Jordan, PA Lumber
Museum, PO Box 239, Galeton, PA 16922.
A. The engine was built in 1948 or perhaps a
bit later. We have DuPont 72001 listed as the correct color.
34/6/4 Hamilton-MAN Engine Q. I have a manual
and set of drawings for a WW2 vintage engine, a Hamilton 99DA which
is part of a generator set (800kw @ 600 rpm). The engine is a
nine-cylinder in-line, double-acting, two-cycle with a 91/16 x
133/8 inch bore and stroke. Have any of these engines survived? The
MAN suggests it was a German design. Have any survived in Europe?
Bruce D. West, 10684 Liss Rd., Willis, Ml 48191 -9722.
A. This engine is a prewar model when Hamilton
was building certain engines under license from MAN
(Mashinen-fabrik Augsburg-Nurnburg). Very few engines survived
World War Two in Germany unless they were actually being used.
34/6/5 Fairbanks-Morse Q. See the photos of my
Jack Junior. It is stamped 1? HP and has s/n 157844. It also is
equipped with a Webster magneto.
Can anyone provide further information on this model? Dick
Brown, 175 Sonnet Ln, Gilbertsville, KY42044-8840.
A. Your engine is of 1915 vintage, and this was
about the time F-M attempted using the Webster magneto (among
others). According to ancient company notes, the Webster did not
meet with great approval by F-M, and as we know, the company went
on with the Bosch AB-33 oscillator and other makes and models.
Finally they began building their own magnetos.
34/6/6 Enterprise Engine Q. See the photos of
an Enterprise Mfg. Co. engine made in Philadelphia, Pa. There is no
serial number. Any information on this engine would be greatly
appreciated. Johnny Cathey ,4804-63rd, Lub-bock,TX794l4.
34/6/7 Information Needed Q. Can any one tell
me the model, year and color of this engine? The nameplate reads,
Engine #1406,600 rpm, 1? Horsepower, 1 XK. Any help would be
appreciated. Frances Richer, 405 West 11th St., Lamar, MO
A. The engine is a Hercules, but we can’t
tell you the age.
34/6/8 Simplicity Q. See the photos of a
Simplicity Model D garden tractor, s/n 27305 made by Simplicity
Mfg. Co., Port Washington, Wisconsin. I need to know the original
engine used on this tractor, as the present one is a replacement.
Also the correct color scheme. Your help will be appreciated. Ken
Ward low, Box 7350, Dray ton Valley, Alberta T7A 1S5 Canada.
34/6/9 Caille Engine Q. See the photos of a
Caille outboard engine. It is missing the flywheel. Can anyone
confirm that it is a Caille, and tell me about when it was made?
Any additional information would be appreciated. Dave Dickinson,
6190 Keller Ave., New-fane, NY 14108-9508.
34/6/10 Ottawa Engine Q. I have an Ottawa
engine, 3 HP, s/n 10476 made by Ottawa Mfg. Co., Ottawa, Kansas. It
is a kerosene burner, and the carburetor piping is puzzling. When
was the engine made, and what was the coloring? Any help will be
appreciated. Leonard Thompson, HCR 01, Box 25, Regent, ND
A. Can anyone be of help?
34/6/11 Briggs & Stratton Q. I would
appreciate any information on a Briggs & Stratton Model FH, s/n
68257, also information on a Bolens 4-wheel tractor. The tag is
obliterated and reads 186014879. Bruce Cannon, HO Hill Drive,
34/6/12 Huber tractor Q. I have a Huber 1935
Model HK tractor. Aside from the Midwest Old Threshers, I have
never seen more than one Huber at an engine show. Why isn’t
there more information available on the Huber tractors?
Also, at an auction I saw a Cockshutt-Hart-Parr tractor. These
two names were on the radiator casting. Can anyone provide any
information? Art Jensen Sr., 7443 N. County Rd., 400 E., Brazil, IN
A. There probably isn’t more information on
Huber because Huber didn’t advertise like some of the other
companies. Apparently they had a market for all they wished to
build, and never had illusions of getting bigger. So far as
Cockshutt-Hart-Parr is concerned, we never heard of that
34/6/13 Nordberg Diesels Q. Regarding our
previous questions about the Nordberg small diesel engines, Robert
A. Johnson, Rt 2, Box 358, Canyon, TX 79015 writes that in his
years around the oil fields he has not seen one. So far ye olde
Reflector hasn’t heard from anyone that has run across one.
34/6/14 Von Ruden Chain Saw Q. See the photos
of a Von Ruden chain saw. It has E. C. Atkins saw chain. One link
is 19 inches long, and 1.3 inches tall. It needs to be sharpened
and local chain saw shops will not touch it. Where can I go to get
the chain sharpened? Edgar E. Wagner, 1918 Hillison Rd., Amboy, IL
34/6/15 Novo Engines Q. Bill Payne, 1907
Lorasine, Lansing, MI 48910 comments that while most collectors
know of the Novo engines in sizes up to 10 horsepower, few know of
the big two-cylinder 15 HP model. Ye olde Reflector is the present
custodian of the Novo records, and before we compile our next
edition of our Notebook we will be going through the records and
perhaps give readers some idea of how many 15 HP engines were
actually built.
34/6/16 Sheppard Diesels Q. In response to our
recent photos of Sheppard diesel engines, we have learned that Lynn
Klingaman (219/799-5920) is the president of the Sheppard Diesel
Club, and has the shipping ledgers for Sheppard. Those interested
in Sheppard engines and tractors might be able to find further
information by contacting Mr. Klingaman.
We also received a large packet of material from Bill Sherlock
at Maymont, Saskatchewan and Ernest Felterman, 126 Mcgee Dr.,
Patterson, LA 70392 on Sheppard. We thank everyone for their
interest. Apparently there are quite a few people interested in
Sheppard diesels.
34/6/17 F-M Model Engine
Thanks to Selmar L. Hanson, 19220 – 120 SE, Renton, WA 98058 for
sending a photo of his 1/6 scale of a
Fairbanks-Morse 25 HP hit-and-miss ignitor engine. It has a 6-volt
battery inside and runs on propane. Only those who have actually
built a model can fully appreciate the many hours of painstaking
work that goes into model making.