By Staff
Published on February 1, 1999
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Well, we’re happy to report that all of our plans are
assembled for our 1999 tour to England. We’ve got an ad
elsewhere in this issue. We’ll be heading out on June 18 and
will return on July 3. This time we’ll be covering areas of
England that we haven’t seen before, at least not for quite a
few years. We’ll fly into London and head toward Stamford where
we’ll be staying as we visit various collections, clubs, etc.
Then we’ll head off to Lincoln for more of the same, then down
to Banbury where we’ll attend the Banbury rally, the fourth
largest in England. After that we’ll go to Winchester where
we’ll spend some time in the area, including a visit to Roger
and Davina Comber’s farm where he’ll have his big 80 HP
Crossley running, along with some other items. Roger and Davina
have accompanied us on some recent tours. After that, we’ll
head back toward London and stay in the Kensington area, and within
walking distance of the London Science Museum. This writer was able
to spend a half day there, and barely got out of the gas engine
area before it was time to leave. We’ll have ample time in
London this tour.

For our 1999 tour, we’ve made some changes. These include
limiting the tour to one coach; that means a total of about 44-46
people total. The hotels will all be checked out ahead of time, and
on this tour, we’ll only have five different hotels during our
entire two week stay. That makes it a lot easier than having to
move to a new hotel every day or so. See our ad, and if interested,
contact us at the address given in the ad to reserve your place.
Several people have already called us, so we already have at least
14 people that we know are going. That leaves room for about 30
more, so if you are interested, let us know.

In the past we’ve usually had two or even three coaches, but
that makes it quite difficult to coordinate everything, and
we’ve concluded that with one coach, all of our group becomes a
happy family for a couple of weeks.

For those who went with us on the first tour in 1993, we’ll
be staying at the same hotel in Winchester as we did then. It was
right next to the Winchester Cathedral, and was quite a nice place.
In Lincoln, we’ll be right near the town center, ‘and in
Banbury we’ll have a hotel situated among two acres of gardens.
In London it will be the Radisson Vanderbilt in Kensington, where
we stayed in 1995, and it will be the George Hotel in Stamford.
Some of our collector friends in the area tell us that the George
is the place to stay in Stamford.

Back in 1993 we visited the Thurs ford Collection near Fakenham.
This is the largest collection of showman engines in existence,
along with many other engines and machines. A great highlight is
the huge collection of carousels and band organs, all of them
playing as they did originally. We think this will be a big
highlight of the tour. Our first query this month is:

34/2/1 Eaton engine Q. See the photos of the
head of my 8 HP Eaton engine. One opinion is that they are freeze
plugs. A second opinion says they are to help in cooling. Your
comments please. Ralph Naylor, 228 Waterford Rd., Dalton, PA

A. We believe these are the marks of the
chaplets used to pour the casting. Once the pattern has been drawn
from the sand, chaplets are placed in this cavity to support the
sand core. When the iron is poured, molten metal runs in and around
the chaplets and after the metal cools the core sand is rattled
out, thus leaving the water space within the head.

34/2/2 On using e-mail

Sometimes we get queries via e-mail, or they are sent to Stemgas
via this method. Kindly also include your mailing address for the
benefit of those who might respond but do not have electronic
mailing systems. It would be appreciated.

34/2/3 Unidentified 33/11/1

In reference to Mr. Neville Botha’s unidentified engine in
the November 1998 issue, the engine is a Clark Troller and was made
in the USA. There is a gentleman in Panama City, Florida, who still
runs an outboard parts business that is very familiar with it. He
states they even made a two-cylinder version. Bob Lundberg, 2910
Malone Dr., Panama City, FL 32405.

34/2/4 Information Needed Q. I have a Sattley
1? HP engine and am missing some parts. Each part is marked with an
‘AA’ prefix. Does anyone have a complete parts

I also have a Witte 1 HP engine, s/n B33408, and would like to
know when it was made, and the proper color. Bobby S. Burns, 11277
Louisville St., Louisville, OH 44641.

A. Your engine was made in 1928 but we have no
further information on it.

34/2/5 Regarding 33/12/14

The tractor pictured is a Model F Agricat made by Earl Pence
Company between the mid-1940s and the mid-1960s. The company made
at least three models, the shorter version being the C model, the F
model and the larger model called the Agritrac which was made
briefly in the 1960s. The Agricat was made to accept accessories
such as a manually operated dozer and rear scarifier. The company
also built hydraulically operated front dozer, front end loader and
a rear scarifier. John Lindner, 145 Amapola, Pacifica, CA

34/2/6 Stone Mill Q. See the photos of a stone
mill which has ‘Victor’ cast on top. It is a 24 inch mill,
the bottom stone turns, the top is fixed. It is driven by a flat
belt to the right angle wood-tooth gears. Can anyone give me more
information on this mill? Kenneth W. Keck, 229 Maple, Benlo, IL

34/2/7 Goodyear Outboard Q. See the photo of a
Goodyear outboard motor, Model 1G4, s/n 97368. I would like to know
when it was made and any other information I can find. I would also
like information on an Elgin 7? HP out board sold by Sears &
Roebuck, s/n 9701 8513, Model 571.59701. Joseph R. Mezey Jr., 109
West Glen Rd., Denville, NJ 07834.

34/2/8 Deutz Diesel Engine Q. I need
information and parts availability for an engine I retrieved from
Mozambique in October 1998. I believe it is a Deutz diesel, about
5HP,and s/n 103755. Is has a 4 x 6 inch bore and stroke and uses
Bosch injection No. KB47SA344-10L. A picture can be seen on page 27
of the December 1997 issue of GEM. Total weight is about 500
pounds. Cris Nystrom, 1764 South River Road, Autryville, NC

34/2/9 Unidentified Engine Q. See the photos of
an unidentified engine. The flywheels are 16 inches, and the engine
has a 3? x 5 inch bore and stroke. There are traces of green paint.
The number P14079 is stamped on the o.d. of one flywheel, It is
missing lots of pieces. Bruce Heppler, Box 523, Covelo, CA

34/2/10 Old Sawing Machine Q. See the photos of
an old saw we acquired. It was made by Woodworking Machinery Co.,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, s/n 1399. Any information would be
appreciated. Bob Wates, 13230 Irish Rd., Millington, MI 48746


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