Our new book catalog has just come out, and I encourage you to
send for a copy if you haven’t received one for awhile. Just
put a 33 cent stamp (if you live in the U.S.) in an envelope and
send it to us with a note requesting that we send you a catalog. We
have quite a few new books that we’re carrying, and we hope
you’ll find something that interests you. Indeed, if you ever
happen to be out and about and notice a book that you think our
readers would enjoy, don’t hesitate to send us the title and
author so we can consider adding it to our list.
We’d like to thank two Pennsylvania museums for their help
with our story on C. C. Worthington and the Worthington Mower in
this issue. Fueled by an inquiry from a subscriber, we were able to
get numerous articles and vintage photos from the Monroe County
Historical Society of Stroudsburg, Pa. Also, the Boyertown Museum
of Historical Vehicles in Boyertown, Pa., provided pictures and
technical information from their files. Sometimes engine
information that we seek is both obscure and elusive–other times,
we are incredibly fortunate that local museums and historical
societies have a wealth of background material.
Again, I remind you to take a pen and paper along on your
travels this summer. Be sure your camera is always in your car and
ready to go, so you can capture the engines and tractors you see!
And please share what you’ve seen and learned with our