Greetings, readers! This month we know many of you are busy at
the engine shows. Our Steam and Gas Engine Show Directory lists an
enormous amount of activity for the month of September.
Speaking of that directory, it’s soon time for us to send
out packets of information to all of our show contacts, so that
they might send back next year’s show information. If your club
wasn’t listed in the last directory and you’d like to be
included, please write or call with your name and address, so that
your club doesn’t miss out on a great opportunity to draw
people to its events. Here’s a backhanded way to describe what
a listing in this book can do for your organization: some clubs who
don’t want many people to come to their shows don’t list
with us. You can conclude from that that those who do want folks to
visit can’t go wrong with a listing in our directory … and
those listings are free!
A new version of our Farm Museum Directory has just come back
from the printer and is ready for sale. This little volume makes a
great companion to the Show Directory, listing interesting places
to visit while you’re in the vicinity of your favorite
As I write this to you, what’s left of Hurricane Bertha is
pouring rain on all of us here on the east coast. I hope by the
time you read this the weather is brighter where you are, and the
sun is shining on your shows! Say that three times fast!