By Staff
Published on September 1, 1995

I don’t know about where you are, but here in Pennsylvania,
as I write this in mid-July, it is hot, hot, hot! Temperatures in
the high 90s, with humidity to match. Who needs a trip to the
islands, when you can enjoy tropical weather right at home!

One benefit of the hot weather: everyone loves coming to work in
air conditioned comfort on days like this. One of the things
we’ve been working on is the ’95-’96 Stemgas book
catalog. It’s now ready for distribution; to get your copy,
send us a 32 cent stamp and we’ll mail the new catalog to you
right away.

Regarding subscriptions, renewing when you get your first notice
is a good idea. If you wait until we’ve sent a second notice,
you could end up missing an issue by the time we’ve received
and processed your payment, and no one wants that to happen!

We’re also busy compiling the responses sent in to be
included in the new edition of Collector’s Network. Deadline
for response was August 15; if you’ve gotten this reminder
early enough to beat that deadline, and wish to be included, hurry
down to the post office and reply!

How many of you attended the Ageless Iron Expo at Ankeny, Iowa?
I hope you stopped by the publications tent to say hello to
advertising manager Judy Whiteside and her husband Ken, and to
Chuck Wendel, ‘Ye Olde Reflector,’ his wife Sheila and her
daughter Alyssa. It’s always nice to get an opportunity to meet
our readers, although, I’ll admit, not so much on a sweltering
day like this!

Other ‘hot’ news: Iron Men Album, our magazine for steam
enthusiasts, enters its fiftieth year of publication with the
September/October issue. Happy Birthday to us!

Keep cool, friends, and enjoy this issue somewhere in the

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