By Staff
Published on October 1, 1999

On page 21, you will find an article submitted by Helen French,
who is active on the ATIS gas engine interest e-mail circuit. Most
of you are probably familiar with the World Wide Web, whether you
are actually Internet users or not. Helen describes the group
(about 300 gas engine collectors from various countries), and
summarizes the criticism of our magazine (and others) which she has
culled from a large number of e-mails relayed in the past month or
so. As we have said many times before in this column, GEM
is the creative product of its subscribers. We welcome articles
from all readers, and trust in our readers to submit articles on
subjects they think others will find of interest.

Another reader who has been going to shows for over 25 years
wrote to say that he is dismayed that his teenage daughter, who
used to have great enthusiasm for his hobby, is now no longer
interested in going to shows or running the engine she helped to
restore. He suspects that he is not alone in this experience and
wonders if anyone has any advice for him.

One more reader wrote to request that show advertisers give more
information on show raffles and drawings so that folks who may not
be able to attend the show could still participate.

This is the October issue, and thus time to remind our contacts
who handle directory business that we’ll be sending out your
information packets soon, for our 2000 directory, so if you’ve
moved or passed the business on to someone else, please let us

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