By Staff
Published on October 1, 1996

First off, we have a correction to make regarding our August
issue. On our front cover, we had a picture sent to us by Kim
Gorden. Unfortunately, the caption stated incorrectly that the
Gorden’s live in Indiana. No, the Gorden home is in Iowa.
Unfortunately, we misinterpreted the state abbreviation and got it
wrong. We apologize to Kim and to anyone else who may have been
caused any inconvenience by this error.

Our August issue was also subjected to a fair amount of
indignity at the hands of our mailer. Let me first say that the
folks who mail our magazine for us have been doing so far many
years, and we number them among our most reliable and competent
suppliers. Unfortunately, however, the August issue happened to be
the first to mail out under newly established requirements of the
Postal Service, which represented a significant change. What has
been known as ‘2nd class mail,’ for magazines and
newspapers, is now known as ‘Periodicals.’ New software was
needed to generate the mailing labels from our subscription
records, so that additional information, such as sack number, could
appear on the label. Unfortunately, the operation had some bugs in
it, so some of you received more than one copy of the August issue,
while some didn’t get the magazine. Before the September issue
mailed, this problem was taken care of, so we don’t anticipate
another instance of this kind in the future. We apologize to all
who were inconvenienced by this occurrence.

In October we send out our requests for 1997 Directory listings
and ads. If you are organizing a new show or know that you now have
this responsibility instead of someone who handled it last year,
please let us know by calling, writing or faxing us! We go to a lot
of effort to keep our mailing list up to date, but it’s always
a challenge to see that the information gets to the right person.
Please help us if there is any doubt!

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