Ah, the computer age! These ultramodern machines can work
wonders, when they’re working. As we were about to go to press
with this issue, ours stopped working, leaving us with a few last
minute details to iron out before we sent everything off to the
printer. Luckily, with the gracious cooperation of the company we
contract with to print the magazine, who gave us the use of their
computers and graphics facilities, we were able to get this issue
out to you. What a week it’s been!!!
It’s a good thing you can rely on your old, vintage
machines, which are always in working order (right!) and never fail
or give you trouble, isn’t it? Of course we know that keeping
these old engines running requires a mountain of work, lots of
sweat and ingenuity, and that even after all that sometimes they
still don’t run right. At least you can smack them with a
wrench without much harm wouldn’t want to try that with my
This month, the hectic pace of show season will begin to wind
down, so it’s back to the shop for a lot of you, to work out
the bugs you discovered while running your engines throughout the
summer. We hope you take time, before you get up to your elbows in
penetrate, grease, and paint, and while the memories are still
fresh, to write us the news about your shows and gatherings. A good
show report can generate interest for next year’s event, and
helps to boost attendance and revenue.
‘Till next month, we hope the Halloween goblins stay out of
your workshop (and out of our computers)!