Well, friends, November is here, and that means many things.
First off, show season has really wound down by now (our Steam
&. Gas Engine Show Directory lists only seven events this
month), and many of you are ‘winterizing’ your equipment
for the cold months ahead, or preparing to do some tinkering in the
shop to improve your old iron’s performance for next show
While memories of this year’s shows are still somewhat
fresh, now might be a good time to write up a little piece about
everything that went on at your club’s summer events and send
it in to share with your fellow gas engine enthusiasts. We welcome
photographs with those show reports too!
And speaking of shows and that handy directory we publish, those
of you who are our contacts for show information should by now have
received a packet from our advertising department to guide you in
getting your event listings and advertisements into the 1998
edition. Don’t hesitate to send the completed forms back to us
as quickly as possible it’s a pretty big production to get this
book put together, and it’s always nicest to be consistently
busy over the course of the project, rather than be swamped with a
flood of incoming forms all at the last minute. The deadline is
actually December 15, but let’s pretend it’s December 1,
shall we? Of course, if by now you haven’t gotten your
directory packets, contact us right away and we’ll make sure
you get what you need to help us help you promote your shows.
Readers this month might take note of the color photos we’ve
used depending on your pronunciation, this issue is either full of
Witte and wisdom, or is one of the Wittiest we’ve produced in
quite some time, as three out of the four color pages feature Witte
engines! We didn’t plan it that way, it was just those
stories’ turns to be used, and so we went ahead with something
of a ‘theme’ this month.
Lastly, November brings the opportunity to give thanks, which we
certainly do, for special gifts and special people like you.