It’s November, and we hope that everyone has something to be
thankful for at the end of this month, be it family, friends, or a
smooth-running, rust-free engine!
Thanksgiving brings to mind a family gathered ’round a table
groaning with the bounty of a recent harvest. Odds are
someone’s doing a lot of cooking this time of year. Take note
of our cookbook project now underway. Gents, if you’re not the
chef in your household, tell the person who does do the cooking
that we want her recipes!
Reg Ingold, 37 Seaham St., Holmesville 2286, New South Wales,
Australia, writes to say that he and his wife will be driving
across America from Miami to San Francisco via South Texas in
January and February 1992. They would welcome correspondence from
anyone along that route who might be interested in receiving
visitors who’d like to talk engines. He also invites any engine
restorers to call on him in Australia. His collection consists of a
hot air fan, three hot air scale models, two pumps, and 26 early
motors under three horsepower, all restored.
Another subscriber, Lloyd Foster of Blandinsville, Illinois,
would like to see more advertisers include the price they’re
asking in their ads, as well as a town and state so that he can
tell how far he might have to travel to see the offered
Now that show season has passed (for the most part), you’re
probably anxious to get on to your winter restoration projects. We
ask that you please make shop safety your top priority.