Our 1995 Directory has been widely distributed by this time, and
we still have copies if you haven’t ordered yours yet.
Remember, you don’t have to cut up the cover of your magazine
just send us a note and a check and tell us where to send your
Directory. We appreciate all the nice comments we’ve had about
this year’s edition.
I want to remind those of you who are planning to join our trip
to Europe this September, that you should be sure to send your
reservations to us soon to hold your place. Wade Farm Tours has put
together a sensational tour for us, and I know there is a great
deal of enthusiasm about this trip, particularly from our return
travelers from our 1993 tour of England. The details of the
itinerary have been published in the magazine before, and we’ll
be happy to send you a tour brochure if you request it either by
phone or in writing.
As I write this note, we have been blessed with a few balmy days
that have given all of us a serious touch of spring fever. Hope
you’re ‘suffering’ as well …