As many of you may know, we have a new phone system in our
office, with a ‘voice mail’ feature to allow you to leave
messages if you call after hours. This has worked well, and we have
only one word of caution for you. Please try to be as precise as
possible when leaving messages spell out unusual words or names,
and always leave a daytime phone number where you can be reached.
This would help us a lot!
Now that the Christmas holidays are behind us, it’s a good
time to write that story about your show, or about that restoration
that you put off a couple of years and finally completed! And
don’t forget to ‘ask away,’ at our Reflections
Our Directory is still in process as I write this letter, but we
expect to send it to the printer well before you read these words.
Remember, don’t be impatient, because it usually doesn’t
mail out before March 1, and then takes awhile to get to each of
you who have ordered it.
With the Directory out to the printer, our ad department turns
its attention to show ads for the magazines. Those of you
responsible for placing such ads should have recently received a
packet of information regarding how to do so. If you need this info
but havent gotten a packet, contact our ad department. If, on the
other hand, you have gotten a packet and are no longer the one
assigned this task, please forward the info to the new person in
charge of advertising for your club.