By Staff
Published on March 1, 1996


As I write this letter we are recovering from the aftermath of
the so-called Blizzard of ’96. It has been a bit of a challenge
to get this issue to the printer on time, but we’ve made a
great effort, after being shut down for a day on our governor’s
orders., The blizzard caused our last issue (February) to mail out
a couple of days late, but hopefully our readers will be
understanding about a brief delay in receiving their issues.

Also in production at present is our 1996 Steam and Gas Engine
Show Directory, which we expect to have out in early March. Those
of you who have ordered the Directory recently should already have
received your order blanks for this year if not, there’s an
order form in this issue, and it isn’t necessary to cut up your
magazine to order a copy just send us a note with your payment and
be sure to include your name and address!

Also, it isn’t too early to be thinking about your
show’s advertising for the 1996 season, if that’s your
responsibility. Packages of information were sent to the show
contact people in early January, so if you haven’t received
yours by now, please write or call our office for one.

Well, we hope that by the time you read this all who have been
affected by the Blizzard of’96 will be freely moving about and
will remember the positive fellowship and neighborly acts of
kindness caused by nature’s challenges rather than the
considerable inconveniences!

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