By Staff
Published on March 1, 1992

At the same time this issue goes to press, we have completed
assembling the 18th annual Steam and Gas Show Directory and sent it
to the printer as well. This means that directories should be
available in early March as in other years. The directory will
again be 144 pages in 1992, and at $5 a copy postpaid, it provides
an awful lot of useful information for the engine enthusiast! (See
the order form opposite. If you don’t want to cut your magazine
cover, write the requested information on a separate sheet of paper
and send that in.) Thank you to all of you who helped by sending us
the information for your 1992 show plans. Also, our advertising
packages for show contacts have gone out-if you should have gotten
one and didn’t, by all means write or call our advertising

If you read the Reflections column this month, you’ll find
out that our conversion of computer systems didn’t go quite as
smoothly as we had hoped! Nonetheless, all the problems seem to
have been addressed by our experts, and we expect very smooth
sailing ahead! For the vast majority of you, there has been no
noticeable change, but a small percentage of subscribers missed
their December and/or January issues. We appreciate the patience of
all who contacted us, and want you to know it is our very strong
intention to do what we can to keep your magazine coming, and on
time! One thing Mr. Wendel doesn’t mention is that in addition
to the computer ‘bugs’, our mailing dates were a few days
late (Pennsylvania deer hunting season among other factors), and
the Post Office did seem to be somewhat slow around the holiday
season for everyone.

A couple of notes from engine friends this month: Max Homfeld,
who wrote an article in the February 1992 issue, ‘Marine Engine
Information…’, wrote to say that he incorrectly advised that
‘anyone may visit the library and use it.’ Apparently it is
there for use by member companies; others must obtain special

Subscriber James Gann suggests an article on ‘How to Prepare
and Paint’ engines and tractors-hopefully a budding author will
want to take on this subject it could be you!

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