Finally, as we get this issue ready for the printer, it seems as
though Spring is in the air! You’ll find this issue full
of ‘coming events,’ to put on your calendar.
If you haven’t sent us your show report from last year and
you’d like to have it appear before this year’s event, be
sure to get it to us as soon as you can.
We still have show directories, so do order soon if you want one
of them this year’s edition is a whopping 240 pages, packed
with information. Supplies are starting to dwindle, so don’t
delay! Remember, you don’t need to cut up the cover of your
magazine, you can just drop us a note with your check.
Our back issue special that began last month (see ad on page 37)
expires on June first. This is a great way for new collectors,
especially, to stock up on the last 10 years of GEM for practically
nothing. On June 2, we return to our usual prices, so don’t
miss out!