With the June issue, show season begins in earnest. It’s not
too late to order a Show Directory and still make good use of it we
still have a supply on hand, and the ad again appears on the inside
front cover.
On the matter of show reports, we know sometimes it seems to
take a long time for them to appear. We generally don’t send
acknowledgments that we have received show reports, but we always
make every effort to use them before your next show, to provide
promotion for it. Right now we are running a backlog of about six
months on our stories, so do try to get your reports in soon after
your show if you want them to appear earlier in the year.
See our ad on page 35 for a revival of our popular
‘Collectors’ Network’ coming later this summer.
We’ve decided to publish this booklet again, going back to the
original 1989 format of ‘collectors only,’ with no
advertising and no sales other than to listees. This may be
something of interest to you we’re responding to requests
we’ve had to redo it.