By Staff
Published on July 1, 1990

With July on its way, show season is moving into full swing and
we hope you are all enjoying the shows and reunions you’re

Our Collectors’ Network and Buyer’s Guide is now
printed, and by the time you receive this issue, copies should be
in the mail to those who appear in it. In case, you are interested
in obtaining a copy, see our ad on page 35.

We have heard from a subscriber, Duane Hildebrand of RD 2 Box
453, Drums, PA 18222, who is putting together a register of
International’s Fairway 12 model tractors, so if you own one of
these, let Duane know.

Also, for those of you who may have missed this, we have
reprinted Charles Wendel’s Power In The Past, Volume I, which
was out of print for awhile. The ad for this item is also on page
35. And I feel confident that in our next issue we will be
advertising Dave Baas’ new Garden Tractor Book, which is at the
printer now.

I want to say again that we have had to tighten up our adherence
to schedule in order to get our magazines into the mail on time.
This has meant that some of your ads have had to be turned away or
delayed an issue if they have not arrived on time. We always try
hard to accommodate our advertisers, but we have an obligation to
our subscribers to see that they receive their magazines on time!
So, please do try to get your ads here by the 7th of the month to
insure that they can be used in the issue you wish.

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