At this time we’d like to thank all of our subscribers for
their patronage in the past year, and give you our very best wishes
for the New Year. And while on the subject of subscriptions, I have
been reminded by those who handle them that I should alert our
readers to the need to let us know of changes your local Post
Office makes in your address. Often, someone who has lived in the
same house and had the same address for many years is informed by
his local postal authorities that his address has changed (for
example, say, from RD 4, Box 248, to 1234 Stillwater Road). Thus,
even though we have had you in our files for many years and you
have not moved, you WILL have delays in delivery if you don’t
give us the OFFICIAL address as proclaimed by the Post Office.
Look for our index to 1996 issues to be forthcoming in the
February issue, thanks to the indexing talent of Don Siefker.
Oops, an error in our November issue. Alexandra Jensen
Dame’s name was misspelled. Ms. Dame was the author of the
article titled ‘Our Fuller & Johnson Engine’ which
appeared on page 16. Our apology to her.
And remember, December 15 is the deadline for our 1997 Steam and
Gas Show Directory! If you’re supposed to send in those forms,
please do so, and don’t miss this annual opportunity to promote
your show.