At long last, our new e-mail installation has taken place. We
are hoping to better accommodate all of our friends who are e-mail
and website users with our new lines of communication! Here is how
the new system works. Instead of using our old e-mail address,
which was, you can now address us directly at Here is a list of individual addresses to get your
inquiries to the people who can help you here at Stemgas:
For advertising:
For subscriptions:
For editorial:
For books:
For general information:
Hereafter, the e-mail addresses will appear in the masthead and
advertising panel. Our website will still be at, but it
will soon be ‘residing’ on our own server. Our interest in
upgrading our technology has been to be more available to our
customers who are more technologically advanced! You can now send
us your ads or stories via e-mail if that is your preference. We
can take jpg and tif files for pictures, but our printer has
certain restrictions and may not be able to use all the various
other formats available.
Unfortunately, although we can communicate almost
instantaneously, we can’t always get our printer to meet his
schedule on the magazine! Our January issue mailed just a few days
later than normal, and I’m sure that when it hit the system
with all the holiday mail, some of you must have grown impatient
waiting for it.
Once again, our annual index, courtesy of Don Siefker, appears
in this issue for your convenience, so be sure to save your copy!
Thanks Don, for doing this each year, it is a great help to our