In our October issue, we printed a list of newsletters,
magazines and collector clubs that was taken from the program of
the World Expo of Farm Equipment held in Iowa last summer. While we
know such lists are difficult to keep up-to-date, we didn’t
realize that this particular list had a serious omission!
Missing from the list is the Fordson Tractor Club of 250
Robinson Road, Cave Junction, OR 97523. Phone number is
541-592-3203, and national director is Jack Heald. The Fordson
Tractor Club was in fact the very first club formed for an
individual make of tractor, way back in 1976.
We want our readers to know that the Fordson Tractor Club is
‘alive and well,’ and in business. It invites Fordson
enthusiasts to join and receive 4 newsletters a year, crammed full
of never-seen-before original Fordson literature from the largest
Fordson literature collection in the world! In addition, collectors
are invited to visit club headquarters in Oregon to see Fordson
toys, literature, parts, photos, and thirty tractors of different
makes, including many Fordsons. Our apologies to Jack Heald for
this inadvertent oversight–he has been a valued contributor to
this magazine for many years.
Also missing from the same list, we noticed, were two Rumely
clubs. They are: Rumely Products Collectors, Inc., c/o Jerry
Wolgamood, 15525 Lake Rd., White Pigeon, MI 49099, phone
616-483-9282, and Rumely Collectors Rumely Newsletter, c/o Cass
Boyer, P.O. Box 12, Moline, IL 61265, phone 309-764-6753.
In other news, we are receiving many responses to our annual
directory solicitations. The deadline is December 1, so if you are
responsible for your club’s listing, don’t delay when you
read this reminder! Also, check out our book ads in this issue,
we’ve got some new additions!
And finally, we want to thank Helen French for again assembling
useful information from the Stationary Engine List as shared on the