By Staff
Published on December 1, 1994

So, good readers, we come to the end of our 29th year, and look
forward to continuing into our 30th with much enthusiasm. It’s
been our great pleasure to bring GEM to you each month, and we hope
you likewise feel that it’s been a pleasure to receive the
magazine each month.

The packets of info you will need to list your club’s events
in the upcoming Steam & Gas Engine Show Directory are on their
way to you as I write this letter. If you’re the contact person
for your organization, you should have received something by now.
If you haven’t, give us a call or drop a line to Judy Whiteside
or Ruth Myers. Deadline for the directory is December 15, so
don’t delay!

And speaking of receiving, what do you have on your list for
Santa Claus this year? A shiny ‘new’ engine, perhaps? Or
maybe a not-so-shiny old rusty one that needs the tender, loving
care only you can give it. I’m sure you were all good boys and
girls, and will get just what you asked for!

Take time out during the upcoming holidays to remember those who
are less fortunate than we whether it be a gift of your time as a
volunteer, a monetary contribution, or simply a few words of
encouragement to someone who needs them, please be generous. The
folks in Engine land are well known for their big hearts open yours
with warmth this Christmas!

Happy holidays, and peace be with you ’til we meet again
next year!

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