Back in March, we reported a complaint from a reader who thought
there were too many tractor stories in the magazine, and we invited
other opinions. Well, we didn’t hear from a lot of you on this
issue, but most of those who did write told us to keep doing what
we’re doing, as they collect both tractors and engines. We
really appreciate the feedback, and encourage you to let us know
how you feel about GEM whenever the mood strikes you we want to
know what you think!
We were happy to see that this month, the first in some time,
there is no ‘In Memoriam’ column.
Last spring, we sponsored a popular tour to England which
included the Tatton Park Rally, one of Britain’s largest gas
engine shows. Gail Knauer, our associate editor, went along on this
trip and has reported on it in this issue. We’ve added more
color pages than usual, to help convey this story. We are expecting
that Mr. Wendel will be leading another European tour for our
readers in 1995, this time on ‘The Continent ‘let us know
if you wish to be on the mailing list for this trip.